Webex Chat: 2018-05-22 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

Webex Chat: 2018-05-22 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

05/22/2018    14:11:12 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Call on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 12:00 UTC.

05/22/2018    14:11:46 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/-PDvBQ

05/22/2018    14:48:59 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Hello everyone!

05/22/2018    14:51:07 PM    from Joan Katambi to All Participants:

            Hi Team

05/22/2018    14:59:01 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            hello all!

05/22/2018    15:01:23 PM    from Alberto Soto to All Participants:

            Hola a todos, hello everyone!!

05/22/2018    15:02:56 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Hi All

05/22/2018    15:04:10 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            hi everyone.

05/22/2018    15:05:47 PM    from Jonathan Zuck to All Participants:

            You have Olivier from Euralo but on teh phone in the car

05/22/2018    15:06:56 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Hi everyone

05/22/2018    15:07:58 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            John Laprise is an apology

05/22/2018    15:09:39 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            I don think I heard my name in roll call, but Im here!

05/22/2018    15:10:08 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            (excuse typo)

05/22/2018    15:11:25 PM    from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:

            she doesn't want to see you Javier!

05/22/2018    15:11:33 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Action Items from 24 April 2018: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/QvDvBQ

05/22/2018    15:15:18 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Noted Alan

05/22/2018    15:15:38 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            And volunteer penholder(s) always welcome from the At-Large Community

05/22/2018    15:15:45 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Hadia Elminiawi has joined us

05/22/2018    15:15:55 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Please email staff@atlarge.icann.org

05/22/2018    15:18:33 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            No exclamation marks on my list of attendees

05/22/2018    15:19:02 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            none on mine too

05/22/2018    15:21:54 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            Hand Up

05/22/2018    15:23:06 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            I have not exclamation points

05/22/2018    15:23:10 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            javier is hand up

05/22/2018    15:23:24 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Hand Up

05/22/2018    15:23:38 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:23:40 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            I can see no exclamation marks

05/22/2018    15:23:40 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:23:40 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:23:44 PM    from nadira alaraj to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:23:54 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            Somone has the mic open

05/22/2018    15:24:16 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            I will speak in AOB

05/22/2018    15:24:30 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:24:33 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            Yes you are alan

05/22/2018    15:24:38 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            yes you are

05/22/2018    15:24:38 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            I am here

05/22/2018    15:24:40 PM    from leah Symekher to All Participants:

            yes, Allan we hear you

05/22/2018    15:24:49 PM    from Satish Babu to All Participants:

            I can hear you Alan

05/22/2018    15:24:54 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Can you hear me?

05/22/2018    15:24:56 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:25:03 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            I am on ADIGO bridge which does not seem to be connected?

05/22/2018    15:25:03 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            still ecco

05/22/2018    15:25:20 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            the echo is load to me

05/22/2018    15:25:26 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            @alan, I think you can see them since you are a panelist and we are just attendees

05/22/2018    15:25:34 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            itis loud to me as well

05/22/2018    15:25:37 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            It is louder

05/22/2018    15:25:54 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            ecco still following you

05/22/2018    15:26:00 PM    from nadira alaraj to All Participants:

            not from your end

05/22/2018    15:26:05 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:26:07 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            it is louder for heidi and yesim but low for you

05/22/2018    15:26:07 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:26:14 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:26:32 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            it is loader when someone from staff starts talking

05/22/2018    15:26:33 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            It seems someone is on Adigo and webex with audio simultaneously.

05/22/2018    15:26:50 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            Adigo bridge is not muted

05/22/2018    15:26:58 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            Still echo

05/22/2018    15:27:22 PM    from Jonathan Zuck to All Participants:

            People shouldn't be taking this call from the bathroom!

05/22/2018    15:27:39 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            I am forcefully muted

05/22/2018    15:27:42 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:27:52 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            echo gone

05/22/2018    15:27:55 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:27:56 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            heidi is muted

05/22/2018    15:28:08 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            I'm here

05/22/2018    15:28:08 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            echo with G

05/22/2018    15:28:10 PM    from Jonathan Zuck to All Participants:

            as do I

05/22/2018    15:28:11 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            along with the echo

05/22/2018    15:28:11 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            With echo!

05/22/2018    15:28:19 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            plus the echo with Gisella

05/22/2018    15:28:33 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            we all hear gisella and the echo

05/22/2018    15:28:43 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            Cann't understand, too much echo!

05/22/2018    15:29:06 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:29:27 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            @alan perhaps try muting yourself

05/22/2018    15:29:52 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            no echo

05/22/2018    15:29:54 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            No echo

05/22/2018    15:29:56 PM    from Abdulkarim Oloyede to All Participants:

            lots of echo

05/22/2018    15:29:56 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Yes it was Alan

05/22/2018    15:29:56 PM    from nadira alaraj to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:29:58 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            yes no ecco

05/22/2018    15:30:00 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            sounds perfect

05/22/2018    15:30:06 PM    from leah Symekher to All Participants:

            no echo

05/22/2018    15:30:06 PM    from nadira alaraj to All Participants:

            no echo

05/22/2018    15:30:13 PM    from Satish Babu to All Participants:

            No echo....

05/22/2018    15:30:21 PM    from Abdulkarim Oloyede to All Participants:

            no more echo

05/22/2018    15:30:37 PM    from Alan Greenberg to All Participants:

            I will hang up and call via adigo.

05/22/2018    15:31:23 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:31:25 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:31:31 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:31:32 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            The echo was alan

05/22/2018    15:31:39 PM    from leah Symekher to All Participants:

            yes we hear you Heidi

05/22/2018    15:31:57 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            ICANN62 wiki space: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/b-LvBQ

05/22/2018    15:32:06 PM    from Alan Greenberg to All Participants:

            Back on, this time via Adigo instead of Webex.

05/22/2018    15:35:45 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            At-Large & NCSG Outreach Event

05/22/2018    15:36:36 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            09:00-10:15 = Part 1 is non conflicting with ALAC sessions

10:30-12:00 = Part 2 is conflicting with the ALAC and Regional Leaders working session

05/22/2018    15:43:59 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            Also there is a the Caribbean IGF that Carlton and Jackie are at now

05/22/2018    15:45:50 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Humberto and Jacqueline Morria

05/22/2018    15:45:59 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:46:32 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            At-Large Review Implementation Overview Proposal: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/zBHHBQ

05/22/2018    15:48:38 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            yes next week

05/22/2018    15:49:07 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            I do not see problem on this, but may be wrong

05/22/2018    15:49:43 PM    from Leon Sanchez to All Participants:

            hello everyone!

05/22/2018    15:49:57 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            hi leon. nice to see you around

05/22/2018    15:50:49 PM    from Leon Sanchez to All Participants:

            Obrigado Vanda!

05/22/2018    15:51:12 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            please mute

05/22/2018    15:52:00 PM    from ALAGIE CEESAY to All Participants:

            i lost my call please dial back

05/22/2018    15:52:15 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            we will dial back to you Alagie

05/22/2018    15:52:48 PM    from ALAGIE CEESAY to All Participants:

            thank you

05/22/2018    15:53:34 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:53:55 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            I have as a lacralo member reproted during the discussions during those years

05/22/2018    15:54:01 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            hello Peterking here from Liberia , Youth IGF -Ambassador

05/22/2018    15:54:12 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            AFRALO Member

05/22/2018    15:54:16 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Hello Peterking, welcome!

05/22/2018    15:54:43 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:54:48 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            yes. lacralo is debating the letter not the statement

05/22/2018    15:54:50 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:


05/22/2018    15:55:10 PM    from Alberto Soto to All Participants:

            Yes Vanda

05/22/2018    15:55:36 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            alberto please clarify

05/22/2018    15:55:58 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            i can not speak - in a noise environment

05/22/2018    15:58:07 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            I agree with you Tijani.  We need to be clear and evidence based

05/22/2018    15:58:41 PM    from Alberto Soto to All Participants:

            I agree Tijani

05/22/2018    16:00:09 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            In all action , a written document that is not clear can not be acted on , so as raise by Tijani , clarity and evidence will be right to set the ball rolling

05/22/2018    16:01:32 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Agree with Olivier

05/22/2018    16:06:00 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Interesting Alan had to do a translation for  Cheryl:)

05/22/2018    16:07:52 PM    from Alberto Soto to All Participants:

            It has just been published according to Leon

05/22/2018    16:09:51 PM    from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:

            The NCSG letter seems to be directed only to the Board and the President. it seems ALAC is not copied

05/22/2018    16:12:53 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            adobe connect - good news

05/22/2018    16:19:01 PM    from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:

            gracias Leon!

05/22/2018    16:19:10 PM    from Leon Sanchez to All Participants:

            De nada Ricardo!

05/22/2018    16:19:16 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            thank you Leon for this explanation

05/22/2018    16:19:28 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            Gracias Leon!

05/22/2018    16:20:29 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            @Leon, Gracias por el resumen.

05/22/2018    16:20:37 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            Thank you Leon

05/22/2018    16:21:13 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            thanks alot Leon

05/22/2018    16:22:11 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            yes relevant chanching even in the PDP concept

05/22/2018    16:22:54 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:

            Good to hear about adobe

05/22/2018    16:23:20 PM    from avri doria to All Participants:

            I do not beleive the old policy becomes operative again.

05/22/2018    16:24:16 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            yeah Avri

05/22/2018    16:26:25 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Note at  RIGHTSCON,  Avri was on one of the panels  GDPR and WHOIS.  unfortunately  the  RIGHTSCON people don't film these smaller sessions but they  have tons on staff on the opening and closing ceremonies

05/22/2018    16:27:05 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Session on IGF and IG Training was filmed and two Diplo sessions on last day

05/22/2018    16:34:43 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            Tomorrow, Wednesday, 23 May 2018 from 13:00-14:30 UTC (90 mins): 4th webinar of the new At-Large Capacity Building Program – 2018 on the Topic of "New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP, Geographic Names (WT 5)”.

05/22/2018    16:37:01 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            ok thanks Jonathan

05/22/2018    16:37:27 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            @Jonathan, thanks.  Will look at it.

05/22/2018    16:37:39 PM    from avri doria to All Participants:

            on the gnso closed session, what i understand is that they will be doing a trends exercise with mssi, not doing a TS discussion during the closed session.  cannot imagine them excluding liaisons.

05/22/2018    16:37:51 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            its the Manchurian Candidate brainwash beep

05/22/2018    16:38:43 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            yeah I am following  accredd - I also believe that GDPR allows collect what it does not allows is expose such data

05/22/2018    16:38:48 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            According to the GDPR if you have kegitimate purpose you can collect the data

05/22/2018    16:39:29 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            the purpose is defense of all uses for instance

05/22/2018    16:40:40 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            @Jonathan so we are talking of layers of data usage, but collecting suficient data to identify user?

05/22/2018    16:41:23 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            the purpose is what is needed and required for ICANN to fullfill its mission

05/22/2018    16:41:50 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            Someone has a n open mic...

05/22/2018    16:42:09 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            it sounds like Tijani is a cave

05/22/2018    16:43:57 PM    from Jonathan Zuck to All Participants:

            That's an Article 48 issue

05/22/2018    16:44:19 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            @Alberto, raises a good question. Where will the data reside to be able to police the user or meet complaints?

05/22/2018    16:45:14 PM    from Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to All Participants:

            Je suis pas d'accord du collecte de masse de nos données et le rendre public , il faut des donnees pour fonnctionner pas collecter pour collecter

05/22/2018    16:45:50 PM    from Jonathan Zuck to All Participants:

            Please read the draft comment

05/22/2018    16:45:52 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            I agree qith Hadia, yesterday we had a discussion here with European Union lawyers and for instance defense os internet users can be a valid purpose inside the mission of ICANN

05/22/2018    16:47:12 PM    from Alberto Soto to All Participants:

            @Alfredo Is that there are computer storage techniques that can provide an important safety margin for these data

05/22/2018    16:53:06 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            yeah Alan

05/22/2018    16:53:43 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            i beleive we need to repense all reviews concept

05/22/2018    16:55:01 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            yes for LACRALO

05/22/2018    16:55:33 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            yes for  NARALO

05/22/2018    16:56:08 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            We finish election on the 24th for NARALO

05/22/2018    16:56:36 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            nice session at rightcon , seeing ICANN on  GDPR and WHOIS.

05/22/2018    16:57:25 PM    from avri doria to All Participants:

            leavng for another meeting, was a pleasure.

05/22/2018    16:57:34 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            bye  Avri

05/22/2018    16:57:59 PM    from nadira alaraj to All Participants:

            there is election at APRALO for The Vice Chair

05/22/2018    16:58:18 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            @Alfredo ,storage are vital to PC and as such more techniques for safety margin and level for data is good

05/22/2018    16:58:25 PM    from Jonathan Zuck to All Participants:

            Vot early and often!

05/22/2018    16:58:30 PM    from judith hellerstein to All Participants:


05/22/2018    16:58:33 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:

            Tomorrow, Wednesday, 23 May 2018 from 13:00-14:30 UTC (90 mins): 4th webinar of the new At-Large Capacity Building Program – 2018 on the Topic of "New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP, Geographic Names (WT 5)”.

05/22/2018    16:59:11 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Gracias @Alberto, noted. Will send reminders to the electorate for the (4) LACRALO elections. Here is link to 2018 LACRALO Regional Selections: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/VPfvBQ

05/22/2018    16:59:16 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            thanks javier/ tijani. publishing in my lists

05/22/2018    16:59:36 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            Thank you Javier and all

05/22/2018    17:00:18 PM    from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:

            have a good day everyone

05/22/2018    17:00:20 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:


05/22/2018    17:00:23 PM    from Alberto Soto to All Participants:

            Thanks!!Bye bye!!

05/22/2018    17:00:24 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Please check your spam/junk folders for credentials from BigPulse. Thank you!

05/22/2018    17:00:29 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Thank you all

05/22/2018    17:00:30 PM    from Hadia El Miniawi to All Participants:

            Bye thank you all

05/22/2018    17:00:58 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:


05/22/2018    17:01:01 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:


05/22/2018    17:01:29 PM    from Jonathan Zuck to All Participants:

            Evin is petitioning for Paris, TX!

05/22/2018    17:01:55 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            Hope discussion will also capture - some of the probable biggest Challenges that New gTLDs will face

05/22/2018    17:02:07 PM    from Vanda Scartezini to All Participants:

            thank all I need to leave now. great meeting thnks to all, staff and interpreters have a nice day/evening/night

05/22/2018    17:02:28 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            it has been a great learning experience for me to also join today

05/22/2018    17:02:35 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Lol not me

05/22/2018    17:02:36 PM    from Javier Rúa-Jovet to All Participants:


05/22/2018    17:02:36 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:


05/22/2018    17:02:39 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:

            thanks for the level education

05/22/2018    17:02:43 PM    from Peterking Quaye to All Participants:


05/22/2018    17:02:55 PM    from Alfredo Calderon to All Participants:

            Great day to all!

05/22/2018    17:03:01 PM    from nadira alaraj to All Participants:


05/22/2018    17:03:02 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Thank you all!

05/22/2018    17:03:18 PM    from Aris Ignacio to All Participants:

            thanks everyone! :-)