ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement 2015-09-28 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement on Monday 28 September 2015 at 16:00 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Draft Agenda:
Jacqueline Morris:Hi everryone
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:One call already today
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:Just working on other stuff
Glenn McKnight:Muted
Jacqueline Morris:Hi
Glenn McKnight:The Capacity Building Video was streamed by Joly
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:We did a ISOC Canada event on Wednesday with one of the sessions on the IANA Transition. Video pending uploaded
Bartlett Morgan:Hi all
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Maureen Hilyard:Hi keyboard issues - finally here but chat will be limited
Gisella Gruber:Wolf and Beran have joined the call
Beran Gillen:hello everyone
Gisella Gruber:Vanda has joined the call
vanda:soory be late we were finish another call
Glenn McKnight:We created an extensive calendar events for the GSE for NA
Glenn McKnight:Sent to staff I think it's due today?
Gisella Gruber:Harold Arcos has joined the call
Gisella Gruber:@ Harold - if you wish to join Spanish channel, please send me your contact number
Glenn McKnight:We need to harmonize wth our RIR in our regions ie. ARIN on the Road etc
Glenn McKnight:Dev provide a link
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Maureen Hilyard 2:so Dev are you looking at trying to identify potential ALS candidates - individual as well as groups?
Maureen Hilyard 2:@ Wolf - APRALO would have a similar problem
Maureen Hilyard 2:with regards to dealing with individual countries
Siranush Vardanyan:+1Wolf
vanda:We are also trying to having individuos as accresdited members for LACRALo, so + 1 Wolf
vanda:+ 1 GLENN IGF is key
Maureen Hilyard 2:+1 IGF important networking base
Glenn McKnight:Caution on list of countries becomes a checkmark. Communities of Interest vs Geography
vanda:@Glenn - agree
Bartlett Morgan:I support the thrust of Dev's current approach for LACRALO; To my mind it make sense to find individuals who are involved/engaged/interested and use those persons as a springboard to determine what is happening 'on the ground' in those countries. To my mind communities of interest presumes that these communities exist;
Bartlett Morgan:we need to find out from local persons what the lay of the land is first before trying to organise by things like community of interest
Janice Lange:I don't see this strategy on the wiki
Glenn McKnight:What is the expectations for new ALSs?
Janice Lange:I did send a note to Pierre with Daniel in copy, gave him the link to the AFRALO strategy - asking for immediate response - will do the same with Jean Jacques once the EURALO plan is on wiki
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks janice
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: LACRALO Outreach Calendar - we have to work to get more events identified and put in
Siranush Vardanyan:Maureen, if i missed anything, please add
Maureen Hilyard 2:Your report was perfect Siranush
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks, dear
Ariel Liang:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:ATLAS II rec for O & E :
Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa ):Gisele a kindly call back I'm available now
Janice Lange:Jeff would be happy to meet with you in Dublin
Glenn McKnight:I agree on meeting the next gen attendees
Janice Lange:will have to check on the schedule
Glenn McKnight:Judith and I are meeting with Jeff Dunn
Glenn McKnight:We are being proactive for ICANN PR next year for NextGen since NARALO doesn't have any fellows
Janice Lange:I would just want to make sure, with everyone's busy schedules, that the meetings aren't having individual sessions
Janice Lange:so Heidi - I guess you are facilitating the overall sessions to make sure everything under a certain theme is handled in a single session as much as possible
Silvia Vivanco:@ Glenn: the EUROPEAN Networking event will be at the end of the GA, please see wiki with details:
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Silvia Vivanco:There will be a cocktail at the end in the FOYER area
Glenn McKnight:My request is have table top with our RALO literature
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Sorry for joining the meeting behind schedule
Glenn McKnight:Did I hear a rooste?
Glenn McKnight:rooster?
Maureen Hilyard 2:Sorry that's from outside my window, Glenn
Maureen Hilyard 2:Is that an action item for the co-chairs to get together?
Silvia Vivanco:Its tomorrow
Silvia Vivanco:rther to the Doodle poll, the RALO Secretariats teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 18:00 UTC.
Silvia Vivanco:See draft Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:@Dev and cochairs can we arrange call together
Glenn McKnight:We should have a joint statement
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Jacqueline Morris:Stepping away for a sec.
Ariel Liang 2:
Heidi Ullrich:The focus of the Beginner's Guide is now broader than just ALSes
Heidi Ullrich:so it is now called Beginner's Guide to the At-Large community - as it includes individuals as well
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Ariel, is there any specific reason for highlighting the structure as part of the corrections?
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Ariel, some of the graphics are a little behind and do we have plans to updating them too. They should tell the current status of the ALS
Glenn McKnight:@ariel we discussed this guide to be converted to EBOOK.
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Ariel, you tried. Can I get response to my second question.
Glenn McKnight:I needed the glossary for our IANA talk with Alan last week
Heidi Ullrich:Most of the graphics and photos will be updated.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yeah!! FINALLY got into the room
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Ariel, the current status here means or refers to the fact that some of the graphics like the countries or regions were reflected in some of the graphics hence my question.
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Ariel, I also think we should have this draft in google doc than PDF format.
Ariel Liang 2:@Remmy - that can be more accurately reflected on the new At-Large Website ALS map
Glenn McKnight:@heidi not sure why it's cost prohibitive
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Ariel Thanks for answering.
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Heidi too
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, there is a budget of $5k for the e-captioning project. This would not cover an ebook of 24 pages from what I understand.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Beran Gillen:@Glen i think that is a great idea
Silvia Vivanco:Regarding second bullet: Do RALOs have a list of engaged ALSes, staff can provide call attendance records, that is one element to measure engagement
Beran Gillen:sometimes the ALSs feel shy to ask certain questions and might not want to sound stupid during webinars
Beran Gillen:and these are genuine questions they may have and need clarification on
Beran Gillen:so this is a wonderful idea that perhaps the other RALOs should take up
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Silvia, I think that list will help and encouragement could also be articulated for those active
Beran Gillen:i would definitely suggest it to AFRALO
Silvia Vivanco:@ Remmy, we can provide attendance records, we need an official request from AFRALO leaders (Aziz or Barrack)
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Beran what do you intend suggesting to AFRALO?
vanda:believe it is good to have more time for this point
Glenn McKnight:Dublin
Beran Gillen:@Remmy to have webinars that are not necessarily fixed for any topic per se but an open webinar that will allow ALSes to ask any question
Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa ):Next week will be fine
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Beran ok
Maureen Hilyard 2:Dublin
Maureen Hilyard 2:we can prepare better for that meeting
Beran Gillen:Dublin
Siranush Vardanyan:agree, Maureen
vanda:ok. nice time to all.. good call!
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):@Dev, I can't get audio, but my take is that we should have a round next week before Dublin since not everyone will be there
Jacqueline Morris:Bye all
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks Dev and all -- Bye
Beran Gillen:bye everyone thanks
Ali AlMeshal:bye all
Silvia Vivanco:Bye all
Siranush Vardanyan:bye all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hi Remmy, lets' comment on the wiki page
Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa ):bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all
Remmy Nweke (@ITRealms):ok bye