ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach 2014-12-18 AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome all to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach meeting on Thursday, 18 December 2014 at 21:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Susie Johnson:Hi Terri
Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone!
Susie Johnson:Hola Leon
Leon Sanchez:Hola Susie!
Maureen Hilyard:Hi all.. now on Adobe and phone bridge.. its been a busy morning..
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
Leon Sanchez:Hi Maureen and Dev!
Maureen Hilyard:Hi there Leon
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all
Maureen Hilyard:And Cheryl.. nice to hear you .. seems like ages..
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Indeed it does Mureen and I owe you an email as well ;-)
Maureen Hilyard:Yes :)
Leon Sanchez:I muted my line to avoid background noise
Leon Sanchez:kids are all over the place :P
Jana Juginovic:hi joe!
Joe Catapano:Hello!
Terri Agnew:Welcome Murray McKercher
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Murray!
Terri Agnew:Current At-Large and RALO Trifolds:
Murray McKercher:Hello
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Very text heavy
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yup ++++ to the image based approach...
Murray McKercher:+1
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and cultural issues still need to be Mx'd but still easier that TEXT
Murray McKercher:I very much agree with this point...I always tweet with images and short messages
Terri Agnew:@Heidi, we are unable to hear you
Jana Juginovic:if anyone has any questions happy to answer them
Murray McKercher:@ Jana, IMHO digital images are so much easier to share than paper
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Agree @Murray
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Also re the "size" of Paper materials I always klike ti have a business card size tool that has either a Q code or linkl to relevent *meaningful* engageing Online Materals
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and yes then you can update the onlie source page without contenty reprinting the BCard
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and YES ANDING page from any 1st engagement is SO important we win or loose the new 'viewer in those 1st moments --- then llow peope to 'drll down' to more ans they so desire
Terri Agnew:Welcome Glenn McKnight
Terri Agnew:Welcome Pascal Bekono
Terri Agnew:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:has to be snappy effective engageing , meaningful and NOT too long YES
Heidi Ullrich:@Jana, would you like us to show the video?
Glenn McKnight:The importance of storytelling
Glenn McKnight:What is the compelling message
Pascal Bekono:Good evening dear All
Pascal Bekono:Thank you Terri
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:visual no audio
Jana Juginovic:Content should have a call to action, why am i watching, reading or listening to this.
Glenn McKnight:Another example is youtube s campaign
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:This is the DoGooder awards
Maureen Hilyard:@ Murray.. short visual presentations - no talking heads - more graphics - tend to capture passers by
Glenn McKnight:You can also embed video using AR into the images
Glenn McKnight:Augmented Reality tools
Jana Juginovic:agree with earlier comments that even with printed materials, which should be short, it should always point people back to a digital space to learn more
Glenn McKnight:Perhaps add QR codes to the print materials
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:YES please to QR Codes!!
Maureen Hilyard:QR codes?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and please consider the Business card size option (as well as something OUR smartphones can have that others can link to and download or follow to relevent materials ( which is why I like QR codes so mush ;-)
Maureen Hilyard:Ah ha.. now I know..
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:the think on my personal Bcard that takes people to My choosen about me (or anythong else) page
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:sorry about the typos BTW :-)
Glenn McKnight:The QR code can go to anylocation ie. image, individual page etc
Glenn McKnight:The qr has extra value since you can get analytics on the people using the cards.
Glenn McKnight:Importance to have metrics on the money spent and value to end users.
Glenn McKnight:Mining of the QR codes of where and when and quality is possible
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Wonder if this is too tech :
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:paper USB cards
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Excellent points on anaylisis @Glenn
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Joe Catapano:Saw the "Internet Strong" cards @Glenn referred to at IETF in Toronto. Nice touch, good messaging.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:multiple approach is fine as long as it all points to GOOD material
Glenn McKnight:Some of the NARALO strategy for CROPP and Outreach is to return to large and important events ie ARIN which is our RIR in North American which has soldified the MOU with NARALO and ARIN and the second visit is to NTEN which is the largest IT professionals for Non profits. Thiese two build on the successes of last year
Glenn McKnight:NARALO was not approved for CES and Evan resubmitted another one
Glenn McKnight:North American has tons of stuff to go to and short distances
Glenn McKnight:Problem isn't the number of events to attend
Glenn McKnight:Also LeMaria and Judith two new members are taking advantage of CROPP. LeMarie is building on the IEEE Meetings which Louis Houle used last year and he was on the privacy panel
Glenn McKnight:I typed my opinions
Glenn McKnight:corrections observations
Maureen Hilyard:@Cheryl +1
Murray McKercher:+1
Glenn McKnight:Simplicity and elegance is required
Glenn McKnight:Speaking of calendars. This meeting was in my calendar. when I wen t to my google calendar to join, it was gone. Then it took 14 minutes to get into Adobe .
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yep Glenn tis ises happen all too often
Glenn McKnight:What a pain
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:that get a 'Hell Yes from m @ Dev
Leon Sanchez:Maybe this is not subject matter for this call/group but I realize we don't have an "ICANN for Kids" and I firmly believe that our outreach and engagement should begin with them
Leon Sanchez:at a very basic level, of course, but there's where we want to catch their attention
Heidi Ullrich:@Leon, there is the NextGen program at ICANN for university students
Leon Sanchez:I know @Heidi, I mean kids
Heidi Ullrich:@CLO/Dev, would this SC like to request more visible outreach tables?
Leon Sanchez:like Veronica Cretu's kids, Siranush kids, my kids and so forth
Pascal Bekono:I agree with you Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich:Fatimata is involved with schoolage children programs
Leon Sanchez:I'll reach out to her, thanks for the tip!
Heidi Ullrich:@CLO, we can try to get some chocolates, etc!
Heidi Ullrich:@Leon, Fatimata is on the bridge. You may wish to state your comment
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Some sort of "reason to stp" has to exit...
Pascal Bekono:@Leon, you can also contact Sandra Hoferichter in capacity building -Europe,
Glenn McKnight:IEEE has a high school program called EPICS
Leon Sanchez:Thanks @Pascal, will do so too :-)
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:This is an interesting model to community outreach
Glenn McKnight:On children the Girl Guides have a Technology Badge they are involved with our Maker Faire
Glenn McKnight:EPIC's is good model to duplicate
Glenn McKnight:@ Leon get in touch with on IEEE EPICS funding is available through IEEE
Leon Sanchez:Thanks Glenn will do!
Leon Sanchez:thanks everyone!
Glenn McKnight:bye all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Tanks Dev Thanls All Seasons Greetings!
Leon Sanchez:happy holidays!
Maureen Hilyard:Sorry all for being distracted.. but have a great holiday.. if you can :)
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye