ALAC Monthly Teleconference - 2013.10.29 - AC Chat
Leon Sanchez: hello everyone!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Hi
Heidi Ullrich: HI All
Heidi Ullrich: Welcome, Leon!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Please start Olivier.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I count 8 if Evan and Olivier are included
JJS: Agenda: 1. R3: 1.a. the last iteration was at ICANN-46. If there is no call for further action, we must envisage... 1.b. ...Official closure, followed by an announcement in ALAC and elsewhere. 2. Next FCWG work: 2.a. "The Internet as a space of freedom: the user perspective". 2.b. Proposed scope and calendar. 2.c. Call for volunteers able and willing to participate. 3. Transfer of Compliance-related activities to the new Regulatory Issues WG 4. AOB
Julia Charvolen: Heidi dropped, dialing back
Julia Charvolen: Heidi is back on
Heidi Ullrich: We have quorum!
Heidi Ullrich: Didn't realize JJS was on the call
Julia Charvolen: Carlton , you line has been muted , there is background noise on AC
Heidi Ullrich: Future Challenges Meeting on Monday in BA:
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Carlton, your volume is very high.
JJS: Carlton: who read it? JJS: (can't hear you clearly)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Vint Cerf, the chair of the strategy panel regarding future of ICANN in IG
JJS: oh, thanks. JJS: good. Rinalia Abdul Rahim: It's been cited in the ATRT2 Report
JJS: Thank you Olivier and All.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: that's great that the R3 paper is getting the attention it richly deserves
Heidi Ullrich: @Carlton, just to confirm, Vint read the R3 paper?
Carlton: Yes, the lisating of activities sent out by David
Carlton: @Heidi: Yes, so he indicated. I submitted it to the panel list and proposed that the issues outlined there as legitimate for furhter discussions . 3 persons indicated reading it, including Vint.
JJS: Thanks.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: The R3 paper was posted on the ICANN Weekly Newsletter ending 23 November 2012
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: have an implementation of the consolidated AIs to show you Olivier
Heidi Ullrich: @Carlton, could you please send Staff the agenda for the regulatory issue meeting?
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks for following up on my AI, Dev! I need all the help I can get!
Heidi Ullrich: Evan, I will prepare an article on the ALAC Letter to Fadi re the Brazil Summit
Carlton: @Heidi: We will soon as we get one out. Likely by Friday Rinalia Abdul Rahim: What was the AI that Alan was supposed to do regarding the report?
Heidi Ullrich: Current number of ALSes = 161!!
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Evan.
Heidi Ullrich: We will be sendign the agendas for translation on Friday, so good timing
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: @Heidi, What was the AI that Alan was supposed to do regarding the report? Nathalie Peregrine: @ Tijani, yes I will contact both ISOC Nigeria and ISOC Somalia regarding the survey
Heidi Ullrich: Cheryl, Adigo is saying you are NOT muted
Garth Bruen: @Tijani, I think the problem was in the presentaton of the survey email, it was lost on me too
Julia Charvolen: @ Cheryl, if we don't hear you, can we re dial out to you?
Garth Bruen: FYI, I have one brief item under AOB
Julia Charvolen: @ Cheryl we are dialing back to you
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I'll make a call for AoB at end of the call, Garth. Please shout out then
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I can't hear Julie too well -- voice is a bit muffled
Heidi Ullrich: @Alan, pleaes see your skype Carlton: Link?
Carlton: @Alan I mean: Link for Christine Willets intervention
JJS: Signing off now. See you in Buenos Aires.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: thank you JJS!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Did make a comment on the wiki earlier today regarding "At-Large Draft Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs Workspace"
Carlton: @Alan: Yes thanks Garth Bruen: gbp Heidi Ullrich: BCEC member selection page:
Heidi Ullrich: BMSPC member selection page:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: ALAC Rules of Procedure 19.3: The ALAC shall name a Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) to compile an initial slate of candidates for election to Seat 15. A new BCEC consisting of two delegates selected by each of the RALOs plus a chair selected by the ALAC will be convened for each Board seat selection process.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: ALAC Rules of Procedure 19.2: The ALAC shall name a Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC) which shall oversee the entire selection process including the election culminatingthe process but excluding those responsibilities specifically retained by the ALAC or given to the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee. The composition of the BMSPC will be regionally balanced and the committee will typically be populated with no fewer than two representatives of each region selected by both the ALAC and the RALOs. The ALAC shall either name a chair of the BMSPC or may instruct the BMSPC to select a chair from amongst its members.
Julia Charvolen: Cheryl is back on the call
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: finally ... sorry about that
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: thanks Julia. Cheryl - we'll revert back to you for ccNSO liaison report & an explnation of FoI PC after we conclude agenda item #7
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: if needs be sure OK
Matt Ashtiani: BCEC Member Selection 2014 -
Heidi Ullrich: Please refresh hte BCEC page.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: my call dropped ; listening to the AC audio
Julia Charvolen: we can dial out to you Dev, please confirm
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: actually please redial
Julia Charvolen: sure
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: thanks
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: I have JJS' proxy vote
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Who is doing construction in the background?
Julia Charvolen: Please mute your lines if you are not speaking, thank you
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: they are replacing my door
Julia Charvolen: Dev is back on the call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I've had 3 hours of this already including drilling
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: they've taken the whole doorframe out. Sorry for the background noise
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: And confirm the Chair for both groups.
Carlton: @OCL: Good thing you ahve good teeth! I have a workman here too. The termites are eating away my door frame!!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Both Roberto and Tijani will do an excellent job leading their respective committees.
Heidi Ullrich: Olivier has dropped. We are dilaing him again
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I am listening through Adobe
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I am back on
Heidi Ullrich: Trainin schedule in BA:
Heidi Ullrich: full capacity for the AC/SO training session
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Facilitation - 2nd part
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: no Carlton: @Alan: An essay?
Carlton: :-). Reminds me of the first form essay requirement "What I did in the summer holidays"!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Good suggestion and plan.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we allocated who (where known) in the survey who should be the sponsored traveller though Rinalia Abdul Rahim: What about additional sponsors?
Carlton: Please don't lose sight of the fact that the "one person" ALS is a manifestation of who shows up for work! So decide on what's important; the objective of the work or the numbers working it!
Carlton: Evan has his hand up!
Carlton: The 'psuedo ALS' issue is one that makes this "one person ALS" moot! Carlton: Um, not to make toooooo fine a point of it, the notion of "one person ALS" is counter-intuitive in context....
Alan Greenberg: COunter intuitive, but nonetheless existing!
Carlton: That's it indeed...squaring the circle
Matt Ashtiani: At-Large Buenos Aires AC/SO Leadership Meeting Questions Workspace -
Matt Ashtiani: At-Large Buenos Aires GAC Questions Workspace -
Matt Ashtiani: At-Large Buenos Aires ICANN Board Questions Workspace -
Matt Ashtiani: At-Large Buenos Aires Global Stakeholder Engagement Questions Workspace -
Matt Ashtiani: At-Large Buenos Aires Communications Department Questions Workspace -
Alan Greenberg: In the past, we have identified that absolute numbers have not equated to activity, but we neverthless need to talk about whether we should have some absolute minimum number, or if not, some alternative way of judging whether an ALS is "real". The alternative is to encourage the perception that we are giving votes on ALS matters (and occasionally on ALAC matters) to individuals.
Matt Ashtiani: At-Large Buenos Aires Topics for the Public Forum Workspace -
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I like the concept of liasions to the GAC and vice versa
Carlton: @Alan: True. But the perception is fact ..and moreso at RALO level. Very few read enough or listen enough not to be "guided" to a decision. Even if they shpow up time to time.
Julia Charvolen: @ Tijani - We are dialing back to you
Carlton: @Alan: Repeat the distincton please Heidi Ullrich: Discussion on ALAC/At-Large participation in PDPs (15:00-15:30) (Moderators: Alan Greenberg and Roberto Gaetano)
Heidi Ullrich: Added to Sunday session
Alan Greenberg: End user of ICANN are Internet users. End user of the gTLD Division are gTLD registrants.
Carlton: @Alan: Thanks. Just wanted it on this record
Heidi Ullrich: Correction: Discussion on ALAC/At-Large participation in PDPs with Alan Greenberg and Roberto Gaetano (15:00-15:30) (Moderator: Rinalia Abdul Rahim)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Thanks, Heidi.
Carlton: @Rinalia: Stakeholders reporting by group?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: By region.
Carlton: To what end?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: global stakeholder engagement VPs reporting.
Carlton: Aaaahhh...
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Some of them don't really have strategies and in some they have gaps in engagement
Alan Greenberg: Evan, I am not known as a blind supporter of ICANN, but in their defense, this concept of the Internet User being their end user is REALLY new and VERY novel based on past practices. So it is not surprising that they are not currently doing well on this. And quite appropriate that it be raised now.
Carlton: to say 'are the worth the chit they cash'....
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: yup and to get shot at :)
Heidi Ullrich: Chair/ALT member re-election/selection:
Carlton: Hmmmm, clever...clever.. Carlton: I intend to renominate OCL if he wishes to continue serving
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Referring to self as third party?
Heidi Ullrich: At-Large at the IGF:
Heidi Ullrich: Well done, At-Large!
Garth Bruen: Yeah Maureen! Carlton: ..a very British thing to do.... :-)
Alan Greenberg: Carlton. No nomination is required. And if he declines the automatic renewal, he would probably decline a new nomination.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: How can he decline an automatic renewal??
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: It is automatic! Rinalia Abdul Rahim: hahaha Heidi Ullrich: 2014 IGF will be in Turkey!
Carlton: @Alan: Aaaahhh... adoption of the new rule for 2-year terms nullified the requirement
Alan Greenberg: @Rinalia. The rule explicitly allows him to decline.
Carlton: My condolences to Gareth's family
Garth Graham: see:
Heidi Ullrich: Noted. Heidi Ullrich: The Board will also be recognizing Gareth's contribution to At-Large
Heidi Ullrich: and to ICANN Ron Sherwood: Bye all...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: bye all thanks safe travels
Carlton: Bya all. Thanks
Maureen Hilyard: thanks everyone. bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Take care all