ALAC 2012.07.24 Summary minutes EN

ALAC 2012.07.24 Summary minutes EN

  • Summary Notes and Action Items
  • Tuesday 24 July 2012
  • Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL), Cheryl Langdon-Orr CLO), Ron Sherwood (RS), Yaovi Atohoun (YA), Eduardo Diaz (ED), Sebastien Bachollet (SB), Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS), Maureen Hilyard (MH), Alan Greenberg (AG), Julie Hammer (JH), Dev Anand Teelucksingh (DAT), Evan Leibovitch (EL), Carlton  Samuels (CS), Tijani Ben Jemaa (TBJ), Edmon Chung (EC)
  • ES: Fatima Cambronero (FC), Natalia Enciso (NE), Sandra Hoferichter (SH)
  • FR: none
  • Apologies: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Ganesh Kumar, Wolf Ludwig, Sergio Salinas Porto, Oksana Prykhodko, Jose Arce,
  • Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Matt Ashtiani (MA), Gisella Gruber (GG)

1.  Adoption of agenda; call for Any Other Business or other amendments – Olivier (2 min)

  • The agenda was adopted, nothing was added to Any Other Business

2.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 min)

  • The roll call was held.

3.  Review of the Action Items from the June 2012 Prague Meeting  - Olivier (10 min)

  • The AIs were reviewed and updated as appropriate. They are available on this page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/4ePuBQ 
  • TBJ: APRALO and AFRALO will be participating at the IGF in Baku. We need to work with Staff and determine how we can make ICANN more effective in this forum.
  • TBJ: It is necessary that our workshops are funded.
  • AI: The ALAC is to contact Finance and determine the specific details for APRALO and AFRALO Activities at the IGF Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • HU: Those particular request are not allocated to entertain line items, it is a global fund. We are already working on this topic internally and should have more detailed information in approximately one week. Once we have this information we will coordinate our activities and move forward.
  • TBJ: The AFRALO workshop was selected as the main theme of the meeting.
  • OCL: We need to know ASAP what is going on.
  • JJS: Regarding how much time is spent on policy; I believe this is truly up to the Chair. I think it would be best for all to be more flexible and for us all to trust the Chair and Co-Chairs to allow the discussions to move ahead as necessary.
  • AG: We nee to ensure that people have the necessary travel arrangements to attend the meetings. Given the focus of public interests, we should push the system.
  • OCL: I think we are all in agreement that we were all pushed for time. I have asked Staff to determine if we can have meetings on Friday and Staff are already working to determine if this is possible.

4.  Review of current ALS applications – Olivier, Staff (5 min)

  • ALS update - Matt reviewed the status of the ALSes.
  • The recertification of Aotearoa Maori Internet Organization was discussed.
  • CLO: One of the Vice Chairs, and later Chair, of APRALO was Karaitiana Tauru. He needed to focus his intentions away from ICANN for a period of time. His ALS is now ready to become more involved with the ALS process, whilst they have continued to remain highly involved unofficially. Karaitiana Tauru has recently asked to be recertified. As the public record has never been officially decertified, we simply need to change its status to complete this request.
  • OCL: The question for the ALAC on this application is simply, "Are there any objections to this recertification?" Are there any comments on this process?
  • No comments were made.
  • OCL: Are there any objections?
  • No objections were made.
  • The recertification of the Aotearoa Maori Internet Organization was carried by acclamation.
  • AI: Staff to update the Aotearoa Maori Internet Organization of its recertification.


5.  Reports – Olivier (2 min)

  • AG: Regarding Thick Whois, the issue report had so many issues mentioned in it, there was the potential of this not turning into a PDP on Thick Whois but rather a Whois PDP. As such, I think it will be crucial that the charter be narrow and focused. If anyone is inclined to participate, I encourage him or her. This is a narrowly focusing drafting team to draft the charter.
  • Carlton and Evan volunteered for the drafting team.
  • AG: They need to inform Glen de St. Géry by today.
  • CLO: Report from the Prague Meeting and a U-Tube video have been produced and will be on my ccNSO liaison page. There was also a meeting with two Board members. There were no minutes from this discussion. The next ccNSO meeting is the second week of the next month. So, watch the space of my ccNSO liaison page.
  • SSAC Liaison Report: Julie Hammer
  • JH: Very little has happened after Prague. In the recent July Meeting, Jim Galvin briefed us on this topic. The report had very specific questions within in that were posted to the community. There have not been any comments from anyone else on the SSAC Report. As such, I am not sure if there are any more comments to be made or if people simply have not had the time to get to it.
  • OCL: Please note that Julie's ability to comment on this specific report is limited as she was part of the drafting team. However, she will be able to communicate our comments.
  • OCL: Is there any confirmation as to the translation of this report?
  • EL: Regarding RG/IOC Reserved Names, I have been working to sync the NCSG View of the Situation with the ALAC's. This has been quite challenging but it is progressing.
  • EC: IDN VIP - Call for volunteers completed for next phase projects, we are waiting on the finalization of the list of volunteers. We are continuing progress made towards focusing on the direction towards the implementation of IDN Variant TLDs
  • EC: JIG - Starting work on final report on universal acceptance of IDN TLDs. Proposing to be re-formed as a standing working group with scope of supporting staff/board/other implementation on IDN TLDs related to issues of common interest.
  • EC: New gTLD Statement - Being finalized and circulated to ALAC. We reiterate the consensus position from Prague to prioritize IDN gTLD applications. With additional explanation and qualifications (including regarding IDN Variant TLDs)
  • EC: IDN WG Work - Starting to work on a general position statement from At-Large. Focused on long-term strategy on IDN for ICANN.


6.  Policy Advice Development Workspace -- Tijani, Olivier (20 min)

  • The Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups were discussed. They are available here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BQAeBg
  • Statements Being voted on
  • IDN Prioritization in the new gTLD Program Targeted at the ICANN Board - Comments requested. Vote starts 25 July.
  • Request for Community Input on SAC054 - Domain Name Registration Data Model - Comments requested through 31 July.
  • Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part C Policy Development Process Initial Report
  • Preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Protection of International Organization Names in New gTLDS
  • EL: There has been an issue raised
  • AG: No new protections are needed.
  • Question: Preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Protection of International Organization Names in New gTLDS
  • Motion: Olivier Crépin-Leblond
  • Seconded:
  • Y: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Evan Leibovitch, Edmon Chung, Eduardo Diaz, Carlton Samuels, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Natalia Enciso, Yaovi Atohoun, Sandra Hoferichter, Tijani Ben Jemaa
  • N: 0
  • A: 0
  • c. Current open policy forums:
  • WHOIS Technical Requirements Survey - DRAFT - No Statement is to be produced - PC Comment Period closes 20 June; Reply Period closes 16 July
  • Interisle Consulting Group's WHOIS Proxy/Privacy Reveal & Relay Feasibility Survey - No Statement is to be produced - PC Comment Period closes 25 June; Reply Period closes 16 July
  • ICANN's FY 13 Security, Stability and Resiliency Framework - No Statement is to be produced - PC Comment Period closes 2 July; Reply Period closes 3 August
  • Request for Community Input on Formulation of 2013-2016 Strategic Plan - PC Comment Period closes 4 July; Reply Period closes 30 July
  • CS: The timing of the development of the Strategic Plan and Budget seemed to be out of sync.
  • AI: CS to draft a paragraph on this PC and post it on the wiki
  • ICANN Board Conflicts of Interest Review - Independent Expert Report - PC Comment Period closes 6 July; Reply Period closes 28 July
  • OCL: The discussion we had at the time was that it would be redundant to draft a Statement on this PC.
  • It was agreed that there would be no Statement on this PC.
  • Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT) Final Report - PC Comment Period closes 30 July; Reply Period closes 29 August
  • JH: Based on the comments on the webpage, I am hoping that there are not any substantial changes that would warrant a comment. I will check the webpage tomorrow and determine if there is a need to comment.
  • OCL: Alejandro Pisanty
  • Proposed Modifications to GNSO Operating Procedures - PC Comment Period closes 30 July; Reply Period closes 20 August
  • The ALAC will not submit a comment on this PC.
  • .name Registry Agreement Renewal - PC Comment Period closes 2 August; Reply Period closes 23 August.
  • AG: If I find it is a Think or Thick Whois, then we need to submit a comment. We can have Staff put a formal placeholder in and then submit during the reply period.
  • CLO: Please ensure that, in the placeholder Statement, that it is a placeholder.
  • EL: I would like to note that the Statements which were made at the Public Forum, by Carlton and myself, has in fact been helpful. Perhaps, not in this call, we formally ratify those comments made at the Public Forum into an ALAC Statement.
  • OCL: Correct. I believe the last time we spoke we decided that we would follow the formal process.
  • AI: Staff to send Evan the transcription of the comments made and to work on the call for comments.


7. Replacement of EURALO Member of At-Large New gTLD Review Group - Olivier (15 min)

  • Motion: All those in favor of appointing Yrjö Länispuro as the EURALO Member of the New gTLD RG WG:
  • Seconded: Jean-Jacques Subrenat
  • Y: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Carlton Samuels, Eduardo Diaz, Evan Leibovitch, Edmon Chung, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Natalia Enciso, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Yaovi Atohoun, Sandra Hoferichter
  • N: 0
  • A: 0

8. Update from Selected At-Large Working Groups - WG Chairs (15 mins)


  • AD: The roll out work is getting started. I was also able to have a formal report completed. Cintra was appointed as the CMR. Those who are doing any role with the CMR cannot have any role in objections.
  • AD: This will take a bit of time, but we can hopefully begin soon so we can begin to make substantive comments.
  • YA: I would like to know when the list of names would be published?
  • AD: Once I have the list, I will make it a point to report back. I will see if Cintra or Karla has this information.
  • TBJ: I think there is a conflict of interest with Cintra. How are we to manage this fact?
  • AD: I need to find out that if Dev is elected chair of that group. If so, I would ask that he serve the reporting function.
  • DAT: I confirm that I have been elected Chair of the WG and that I would be happy to serve the reporting function.
  • AD: I will follow up accordingly.
  • ALAC RoPs/S Metrics
  • Work since the Prague meeting, where we had the breakout sessions, have met as a whole committee and decided on a mechanism/way forward. There were 4 different drafting teams. These drafting teams are open and I encourage people to participate.
  • JJS: Regarding a calendar where we can note our work, I think it would be useful for ALAC to organize its work according to lines of responsibility.
  • AG: I think there is a growing consensus that, in the rules, we should not define the divisions. In any group of people, people have different weaknesses and strengths. I think this is generally a good thing and something we should move forward on.
  • c. At-Large Academy WG - Sandra Hoferichter - Provided a general overview of the Status of the Academy.
  • SH: I need to now conduct the discussion on the mailing list to get our discussion back to content, procedure, how responsibilities will be defined.
  • SH: The work will start soon; I hope participation remains active during the summer months.
  • SH: I believe we worked out a pretty well thought out curriculum.


9. Compliance Issues - Next Steps - Olivier (10 mins)

  • OCL: This is regarding 3.7.8 of the RAA. The leads on this topic have been Evan and Cintra.
  • EL: I will leave this to Garth as he is in contact with many individuals. I think this issue will have to require a very clear Statement. I have also learned that the complaint form will be taken down at the end of the month, which is quite odd. I will defer this issue to Garth.
  • OCL: It seems no temporary replacement will be put up once the current system is taken down.
  • EL: Garth is trying to speak with Maguy on this issue. We are trying to engage and that is basically where we stand right now.
  • AG: We need to be sure our wording is correct when we submit this Statement.


10. Initial Discussion of Toronto ALAC Meeting Agendas - Olivier and Staff (15 minutes)

  • HU: A workspace has been created for the meeting agendas - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/5ejuBQ
  • HU: I have heard that there will be smoother transitions between meetings.
  • HU: I have heard that there will be fewer coffee breaks, but that they will be longer.
  • AI: Heidi to add ANgWG & RG meetings for Toronto.


11. At-Large Elections 2012 - Olivier (5 min)

  • OCL: We seem to always be rushed for time so the elections, selections, and appointments so we have started this process a bit earlier.
  • AG: The page uses elected in some cases where it should be selected, i.e. NARALO.
  • AG: To the extent possible, when these notices are sent to the RALOs on the NomCom, we need to ensure that people who will do a good job are selected. We need people who know about ICANN and understand the requirements.


12. Any Other Business – Olivier (5 min)

  • Alan to report on the .name issue.
  • AG: If you simply go to the registry you get thin information, but the thicker information can be obtained in other areas. For all intents and purposes it is Thick and we therefore do not need to make a Statement.