Obligations and Requirements of ALAC Officers
The obligation and requirement of ALAC Officers are outlined in the ALAC Rules of Procedure and the ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure.
ALAC Rules of Procedures
- 3.1 All officers must be members of the ALAC.
- 3.2 A conflict of interest statement must be filed;
- 3.3 A person shall not serve, at the same time, in two different officer positions;
- 3.4 The Chair shall be ineligible to serve on ICANN's Nominating Committee in any year in which they serve on the ALAC;
- 3.5 All officers can be removed before the end of their term by a vote of recall according to rule 11.
- 3.6 All officers have a duty of performing their roles with diligence and loyalty to the Committee, and are bound to meet the minimum participation requirements set forth in rule 21. In case of failure to do so, the Chair shall call a vote of recall.
- 3.7 Only standing members of the At‐Large Advisory Committee are eligible to serve as Chair. If at any point in time the Chair leaves the membership of the ALAC for any reason, he / she shall immediately cease the function of Chair as well.
( click here to find Revision 10 of the ALAC Rules of Procedures in English, French and Spanish)
ALAC Internal Rules of Procedures
Rule 1: Officers
a. The officers of the At-Large Advisory Committee (“ALAC”) are:
- One Chair and one Vice-Chair;
- One GNSO Liaison, one ccNSO Liaison, one Board Liaison.
Their roles and requirements are set forth in the following sections of these rules.
b. It is forbidden for any person to serve at the same time in two different officer positions.
c. All officers are normally elected at an Annual General Meeting of ICANN, except for the Board Liaison, which is normally elected at the ICANN Meeting preceding the Annual General Meeting. All officers, including the Board Liaison, serve for a term of
one year starting from the closure of an Annual General Meeting and ending at the closure of the following Annual General Meeting.
d. All officers can be removed before the end of their term by a vote of recall according to section 6 of these rules.
e. All officers have a duty of performing their roles with diligence and loyalty to the Committee, and are bound to meet the minimum participation requirements set forth in section 10 of these rules. In case of failure to do so, the Chair shall call a vote of recall according to section 6 of these rules.
f. All officers have at least the same rights of access to information, mailing lists and
documents as the ordinary ALAC members.
g. Officers shall be freely chosen by the ALAC, according to the following criteria:
- They shall normally be persons who are current or former members of the ALAC, or are anyway familiar with the activities and functioning of ICANN and of the ALAC;
- They shall accept to serve on behalf of the ALAC by acting for the good of the entire Committee, working to bridge differences and build consensus, but also recognizing difference and enabling different opinions to be shared;
- They shall accept, while acting in their capacity as ALAC officer, to put the collective views of the Committee always in front of their own.
Rule 2: The Chair
a. The mission and responsibilities of the Chair of the ALAC are:
- Chairing the meetings of the Committee;
- Preparing and proposing the agenda for the meetings;
- Interacting with ICANN Staff for administrative and organizational matters;
- Representing the Committee in written communication, in the Public Forum and in meetings where there is no specific appointment;
- Calling for votes on different matters, and ensuring that the proper instruments are available for the vote;
- Ensuring that timelines and deadlines for the work of the Committee are set and met;
- Verifying the respect of minimum participation requirements, rules of procedure, Bylaws and other norms applicable to the Committee;
- Monitoring money expenditures and the budget situation.
b. Only standing members of the At-Large Advisory Committee are eligible to serve as Chair. If at any point in time the Chair leaves the membership of the ALAC for any reason, he / she shall immediately cease the function of Chair as well.
Rule 3: The Vice-Chair
a. The mission and responsibility of the Vice-Chair of the ALAC is to perform the
functions of the Chair, on request of the Chair, if the Chair is unable to perform them.
b. Only standing members of the At-Large Advisory Committee are eligible to serve as
Vice-Chair. If at any point in time the Vice-Chair leaves the membership of the ALAC
for any reason, he / she shall immediately cease the function of Vice-Chair as well.
(click here to download the full ALAC Internal Rules of Procedures (PDF))