08 April 2010 Summary Minutes

08 April 2010 Summary Minutes

08 April 2010 EURALO Showcase Working Group

Participants: Rudi, Yjrö, Olivier, Christopher, Patrick, Dessi
Staff: Matthias

Rudi: I approached the Belgian Minister for Telecommunications, Van Quickenborg to see whether he could speak at the showcase event. Before we can proceed, we need to fix a date and the time. We need to avoid Monday (opening ceremony) and Wednesday (Gala).

Olivier: I prefer Monday and Tuesday to Sunday and Wednesday

Discuss Draft Program and Speakers (ALS representatives and invited guests)

Yjrö: I have been in contact with Antti Peltomäki who noted that he would like to join the showcase event

AI: Rudi will get in contact with Antti and inform him about the EURALO showcase event in Brussels

Patrick: please note that we might encounter protocol issues if we invite speakers from the Belgian Government and the Commission

Olivier: the setting in Nairobi was very informal and facilitated interactions between the ALS representatives.

Rudi: if we have it in an open space, it would also allow more opportunities to display sponsor and ALS material.


Rudi: I am still interacting with EURid to see whether they are interested in sponsoring the shocase event

Olivier: we could pole our ALS on the list whether they know other potential sponsors. One organisation that come to mind is CORE. Also, we should reach

Christopher: the main target sponsors are city ccTLD proponents

Rudi: I also spoke to the director of CENTR

AI: Matthias will confirm with the meeting staff that it is possible to have external sponsors for the showcase event

Patrick: From my experience form organising the Luxembourg meeting, there is no problem with external sponsors

Matthias: The budget for the AFRALO showcase was only about USD 1000. Only drinks and snacks were covered by the budget.

Chrisopher: I suggest Rudi or Matthias look at the registration list (https://www.registration123.com/reports/saved.cfm?r=%24*%40T%24V%20%20%20%0A) to see what EU ALS have registered. In addition to that, we should check organisations based in Brussels that could have an interest. Consumer organisations such as BERC come to mind. We should go through their membership list.

Rudi: Open Software organisations are interesting as well

Yjrö: We need to define our target audience to make sure we send out the right invitations to the right people.

Olivier: Do you suggest sponsoring representatives from targeted ALSes to come to Brussels?

Rudi: I hope we can send out the survey on ALS ccTLD collaboration and ALS engagement in ICANN within

AI: Matthias will send out a template for the ALS factsheet to the WG list and ask for input

Christopher: ALS Flyers in 2-3 languages

Olivier: We do have the At-Large and EURALO flyers

Rudi: We could ask the ALSes to submit the information in English their native language

Dessi: how much money are we asking for from sponsors? If we only need drinks and snacks we don't need a big budget.

Rudi: We do not need budget for our speakers at the moment

AI: Matthias will get in contact with meeting staff and ask them to submit cost estimations for drinks and snacks for 50, 75 and 100 participants.

The next call will be on 22 April at 1700 UTC (1900 MET)