22 April 2010 Summary Minutes

22 April 2010 Summary Minutes

22 April 2010 Discussion Notes

Participants: Yjro Lanispuro, Rudi Vansnick, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Sebastien Bachollet, Dessi Greve
Staff: Matthias Langenegger

The Agenda was adopted

Action Items

Rudi: contacted Annti's secretariat and received a positive response

4. Update on Potential Speakers

Rudi: due to the Belgium Government crisis it will not be possible to have the minister attend

Yro: I will attend the meeting

Olivier: I suggest that we send an email to all ALSes and ask them to inform us whether they plan to participate

AI: Staff will send an email to all ALSes to identify those attending the Brussels meeting

Rudi: I suggest Patrick as one of the speakers. He could cover security issues.

Patrick: I will be there

Olivier: I suggest that we wait another week or two until after EUROdig and the IGF consultation. This would give us an opportunity to identify hot topics and speakers. Many ALSes will be in Geneva.

AI: Olivier will talk to ALS representatives at the EUROdig and the IGF consultation to identify topics for the showcase event and recruit speakers.

AI: Staff will ask Rod Beckstrom whether he would be available to attend the showcase event and say a few words.

AI: The agenda item on the draft program will be carried over to the next meeting

Rudi: we could produce a simple flyer (monocromed photocopied sheet of paper) that could be handed out during the opening ceremony

Olivier: I suggest that we put the flyer in the goody bag

Yruo: I agree

AI: Staff to find out whether it is possible to add a flyer to the goody bag and if so, what is the deadline for documents for the goody bags?

Update on Sponsorship Activities:

Rudi: I am still in contact with some Belgian organisations

Patrick: I suggest that we contact insert name, a French registrar who is also in contact with ISOC France

AI: Rudi will contact MailClub (http://mailclub.fr/) Contact point: Frédéric Guillemaut (COO of Mailclub) and Member of the board of ISOC France (ALS)

Rudi: I think we need to allow sponsors to present themselves during the event

Everybody agreed to this

Rudi: I suggest that we ask all ALSes to prepare a document presenting themselves

Yjro: I think we need to provide information about our current members and their activities

Patrick: If we want to have the info ready by the Brussels meeting, we will need to ask them immediately. We need to give them a template to save time.

AI: Yjro will contact Nokia and .mobi to see whether they would be interested in sponsoring our event

Rudi: Should we ask some our members to target specific

Yjro: this is a good idea that we should explore further

Dessi: What about the website and the sponsorship letter? We should have text for the introduction and also a participant list

AI: The working group members will work on the AFRALO draft program and reach out to other members in EURALO

The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 6th at 1700 UTC.