06 May 2010 Action Items
Participants: Rudi Vansnick (RV), Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond (OCL), Yrjö Lansipuro (YL), Christopher Wilkinson (CW)
Staff: H. Ullrich (HU), G. Gruber-White (GGW)
Update on Sponsors
AI: RV to draft sponsorship letter. He will post on list to finalize.
AI: RV to confirm with Wolf and Sebastien that their e-mail addresses can be used on the sponsorship letter.
AI: At-Large staff to consult with Meeting staff regarding sponsorship
Update on Potential Speakers
AI: OCL to prepare speaking notes for the presenters with the assistance of At-Large staff and CW.
Food for Event:
AI: RV to look into issue of catering.
Promotional Activities for the Showcase Event during Brussels Meeting
AI: Flyer needs to be drafted by 3 June.
AI: Staff to send e-mail to ALS reps going to Brussel to sign-up for covering the Information booth during coffee breaks and lunch breaks (1 day per person) to promote the EURALO showcase event and EURALO in general.
AI: Rudi and Staff to work on sending out ALS factsheets to EURALO ALSes to ensure they are completed
Development of Schedule and Task Responsibilities
AI: Staff to work with Rudi on developing a schedule of tasks, responsibilities and deadlines. Will post to members of the EURALO Showcase event.