summary minutes 03 June 2010
3 June June Discussion Notes EURALO Showcase Call
Participants: Rudi, Wolf, Olivier, Yrjö,
Staff: Heidi, Gisella
Olivier will keep WG updated on Affilias sponsorship and will ask for 1,500 euro. Due to date/time change Oliver will follow-up with Affilias regarding a second request for sponsorship.
Rudi is in favor of Wednesday slot.
Wolf stated that there is a need to be pragmatic as much as possible and the date / time should accommodate the best speakers.
Heidi informed the group that Jean-Jacques has a time conflict. Other options include Harald and Vanda.
Sebastien will invite Jean-Jacques and will follow-up with him asap.
Rudi noted that the 23rd June agenda shows that there is a review of the ccNSO?
Rudi - will be able to confirm speaking role for CEO of (TBA).
Wolf will serve as Master of Ceremonies.
AGREED: There are approx 75 EURALO brochures should be enough for distribution at showcase.
- Update on Potential Speakers and Speaking Notes (10 mins) (Rudi)
Rod Beckstrom, CEO, ICANN (opening and welcome) - 3 minutes (confirmed)
Annti Peltomaki, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, European Commission (Keynote speaker) - 15 minutes (invited)
Dennis Jennings, Vice Chair, ICANN Board of Directors, (How At-Large is integrated into ICANN) - 5 minutes (invited)
Jean-Jacques Subrenat, (How At-Large involvement in ICANN has improved ICANN's role internationally) - 5 minutes (invited)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chair of ALAC (At-Large background and achievements) - 5 minutes (confirmed)
EURALO ALSes (Each to say a few welcoming words in their local language, then speak in EN) - 2 minutes each
ISOC Wallonia
ISOC Finland
ISOC Belgium
ISOC France
French ALS
Wolf suggested that he use his time slot at the end of the presentations to give a summary of the structure of the composition on the EURALO ALSes.
Rudi has confirmed that his colleague will be able to provide high quality video.
Yrjö will invite Antti, but if he can't attend, we will have a gap. Yrjö will confirm the participation of his guest speaker and will try to confirm their attendance asap.
Rudi suggested an MEP as alternative.
Sebastien could invite Catherine Trautmann
Rudi proposed using video to fill up any open time.
Sebastien noted that he has additional materials (footage) from ICANN meeting in Paris that could be used for the showcase.
b. Next Steps in the Development of Speaking Notes and ALS Presentations
Olivier will work with Heidi or speakers to draft speaking noted and assist with ALS presentations. Oliver will need a list of confirmed speakers to move forward.
6. Update on Recent Sponsorship Activities and Next Steps (10 mins) (Rudi, Staff)
Rudi will meet with potential sponsor - ISOC Belgium to discuss sponsorship and is positive that they will be able to provide support.
b. Sponsorship Letter and Next Steps (Rudi)
No letter needed now
7. Update on Catering (5 mins) (Rudi)
Coffee, tea and cookies/biscuits will be served.
8. Promotional Activities for the Showcase Event during Brussels Meeting (10 mins) (Rudi)
- a. Update on drafting of single-sided flyer to advertise the event - See draft EURALO flyer: Draft Flyer EURALO showcase (2).doc
b. ICANN Booth
It is possible to have a EURALO representative at the general ICANN booth throughout the ICANN Meeting to promote the showcase event and EURALO.
Rudi announced that the outreach template is now also available in French and asked whether translation services are available. Heidi has confirmed translation services are available.
Olivier asked if the template is based on information submitted by the ALSes.
Rudi stated that there are two elements:
- 1) the templates that the ALSes filled in
- 2) those that did not
10. Designing the EURALO Showcase page on the At-Large Website (10 mins) - See the Nairobi Showcase page as an example.
What information would the EURALO Showcase WG like to place on their page?
Olivier has a preference for the Nairobi site: draft program, outreach material, EURALO brochure, European ALSes.
11. Update on the Timetable for the Showcase Event (5 minutes) (Rudi/Staff)
Rudi: should questions be asked?
Yrjö and Wolf both agreed that questions should be asked.
Olivier - Do we want the questions to be asked at the end or after each speaker?
Wolf suggested that questions should be asked at the end of all of the speakers.
Next Call: Wednesday, 9 June at 16:00 UTC.
Meeting adjourned.