At-Large Policy Review Committee Workspace
At-Large Policy Review Committee Workspace
The specific responsibilities of the PRC should include advising the ALAC as early as possible of:
- ALAC comments needed in response to upcoming Policy Comment periods;
- At-Large community briefings, documentation or translations needed for upcoming Policy Comment periods;
- The degree of interest that the RALOs and ALSes have in the ALAC’s submitting comments during Policy Comment periods; and
Policy issues (and other concerns) relevant to end users that are not on the PCS but that the RALOs and ALSes are interested in bringing to ICANN’s attention.
In order to perform its function, the PRC should be comprised of: - The Chair and Secretariat of each RALO;
- At least two additional representatives from each RALO;
- The ALAC Rapporteur; and
The ALAC liaisons to the various ACs, SOs and cross-constituency WGs.