Meeting Summary 10 September 2007
10th September 2007 Secretariats Teleconference
Summary Minutes
Present: C Samuels, R Singh, J Hoffmann, D Kasole, D Thompson, N Ashton-Hart (staff)
Absent: E Chung, B Beirm, W Ludwig, B Fausett
Minutes Taken By: N Ashton-Hart
Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda was adopted without objection.
Process and Guidelines With Respect to ALS Applications
The staff introduced some of the main features of the new ALS Applications process as they pertain to administration for the Secretariats. It was noted that the new online system for managing the community will have the application form, and the due dilligence form and information, accessible via a web-based interface which will make administration simpler. It was noted that a key element of the new process was that regional advice was important as to whether or not to accredit an application. A discussion of what would constitute regional advice then proceeded, with the consensus being that the preponderance of views was what was looked for, on the understanding that the regions would need to be informed that it was important for some comments to be registered - even if those were simply that the applicant looked appropriate for approval - so that the Secretariats could inform ALAC that there was a view expressed. It was noted that the Secretariats would need to use some judgment to decide whether or not there was a question about whether the region was in general agreement, or otherwise, with the resulting view to be expressed by the Secretariat.
The Database-Driven Membership Management System (MMS)
A discussion of the new system proceeded. Those who had seen it in San Juan noted that it was easy to use. The Staff noted that there would be further training on the system for the Secretariats as a part of the Los Angeles meeting agenda. Of particular note was the ALS applications system being implemented as a part of the MMS, which as mentioned should make the administration of applications easier for everyone.
Secretariats' Meeting in Los Angeles at the ICANN Meeting
A discussion proceeded about the outcomes which should be expected. The Staff noted that ICANN's view was that the Secretariats and the ALAC had a golden opportunity to work together to create a vision for the medium and medium/long term for the community in many respects. There was general agreement that this was important. The Staff also noted that ICANN was asking each member of the Secretariat to produce a precis of their activities in Los Angeles, both for distribution to the community but hopefully also as materials which could be used by the Public Participation team as profile material for the ICANN magazine. This was not meant to be like a 'book report' in exchange for travel funding but was an opportunity for members of the wider community, especially newer ones, as well as those outside of the At-Large community, to see how the travel support provided to At-Large was producing positive benefits for the community's new leaders.
It was noted that a second programme of work was the proposed At-Large Summit in Paris in June 2008. This was also generally agreed.
A discussion proceeded about the level of activity in some regions versus that of others, the modalities of responding to requests for public comment, and why it seems that some members, particularly newer members, feel uncomfortable commenting on the regional lists but do approach the Secretariats individually to ask questions about what an issue means, what are the important elements of the issue and the like. The Staff pointed out that it was known that the information provided about ICANN's work was often not suitable for a novice to ICANN - or even sometimes to a more experience participant in ICANNs work, and that this was in the process of being remedied. The discussion then continued about how to provide easy options for expressing views for ALSes and how to attract new ALSes and make the work of ICANN seem relevant to non-traditional user communities, and that the Secretariats were struggling to fill these informational needs.
It was then proposed by the Staff that ICANN would welcome the opportunity to work with the Secretariats at Los Angeles in reviewing how the ICANN/public interaction worked in a holistic sense, from how basic information is presented and disseminated, how ICANN can supplement such efforts going on in grass roots ways (such as the LAC region's radio programme in South America), how the requests for public interaction can be redeveloped or fine-tuned to produce higher quality input, and of greater quantity at the same time. This suggestion was the subject of general agreement.
Next Steps
It was suggested that there could be one person from the Secretariats who was the focal point for each of the three work programmes for Los Angeles. Didier Kasole agreed to take on coordination of scheduling of sessions with the ALAC; Darlene Thompson took on coordination related to the proposed At-Large Summit, and Carlton Samuels took on being the focal point for matters related to the third programme of work.