06 November 2008 Summary Minutes

06 November 2008 Summary Minutes

Participants: P Budhrani, K Taiuru, F Purcell, E Leibovitch, D Thompson, R Guerra, C Samuels, V Scartezini
Apologies: W Ludwig, R Vansnick
Absent: D Kasole, K Taiuru, P Budhrani
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger

The participants decided to discuss the Secretariats Proposal list (PDF) prepared for the Paris meeting.

V Scartezini noted that more use should be made of the regional Secretariats. In order to address the public comment period issued by the Department of Commerce (DOC) on the Joint Project Agreement (JPA), it was important to have a broad, ALS-based feedback. This can only be achieved with an outreach effort at a regional level.

E Leibovitch asked why it wasn’t possible for volunteers to get funding from ICANN to attend local meetings to do outreach.

Staff noted that the Summit budget complicated the allocation of additional funding during this budget period.

E Leibovitch asked about the current Status of the policy on volunteer travel.

Staff noted that the regional secretariats were covered for this year but encouraged them to get in their input for the 09/10 budgets early. He further noted that the

Chairman of the Board, Peter Dengate-Trush just announced that a Board Committee for participation would be formed and encouraged them to put forward some At-Large inputs.

V Scartezini said that a huge contribution to the NomCom review could be to provide them with some information about the ALAC and let them know what kind of people were involved in At-Large.

It was further discussed whether and how the fellowship program could be extended to At-Large and the ALAC. The Staff noted that this was one of the proposals outlined by
D Michels in her response to At-Large on the new travel framework for volunteers. C Samuels expressed the opinion that some constituencies did not believe that it was important to have non-commercial.

F Purcell noted that she was part of the fellowship program and noted that ICANN and the Internet was very important to her country, which is a small pacific island. C Samuels added that development had an increasingly important role even in the ITU-world and pointed out that the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Hamadoun Toure, has already been in the Carribean twice this year.

The Staff encouraged the participants to ensure that the Summit participants be briefed extensively on the current ICANN issues in order to be able to participate in the policy process. He expressed his hopes that the Summit will be an opportunity to do outreach to other constituencies within ICANN.

It was asked whether it was possible for the Secretariats to submit information on events on the At-Large calendar. The Staff noted that any info for the ICANN newsletters and the calendar could be sent to staff@atlarge.icann.org

R Guerra noted that there was a great presentation given on registrant protection. The Staff will organize a public briefing for the At-Large community later this year.
With regards to the website migration, the Staff noted that somebody would be hired to help with the migration from the Wiki to the new Drupal environment.

The meeting was then concluded.