04 February 2010 Action Items

04 February 2010 Action Items

AI: Matthias to ask Scott to join the Secretariats meeting in Nairobi remotely and to send a short email with updates on the Secretariats Improvements Plan (items 1,2)

AI: add a new item 7b to the Improvements plan

AI: Andres to send text for item 7b to Staff

AI: scratch off items 3,4 and 11 from Improvemetns plan

AI: Add a new item to the Improvements Plan on improving the RALO microsites and the FR and ES language sections of atlarge.icann.org

AI: Matthias to ask Nick whether he could take on item number 5 of the Secretariat Improvements plan and give an update on part c (PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS ENHANCEMENT).

AI: Heidi to give update during Secretariats meeting on point 6 of Improvements plan

AI: Matthias and Wolf to ask Wolfgang whether he could join the Secretariats meeting in Nairobi to talk about his outreach activities and the ICANN Studienkreis

AI: Matthias to send out an email to Secretariat list to encourage suggestions for Board Lunch table topics