24 June 2008 Sec Summary Minutes

24 June 2008 Sec Summary Minutes

Secretariat members: E Leibovitch, D Thompson, W Ludwig, D Kasole, P Budhrani, C Samuels
Absent: J Hoffmann, B Bilal, E Chung
Observers: L Donnerhacke, S Riccardi
Staff: N Asthon-Hart, F Teboul, K McCarthy, M Langenegger, P Wrenn

N Ashton-Hart was designated Chair for this meeting.

1. ALS Application Process: what is the Secretariat's role in the Regional Advice?

There was a discussion on the ALS Application process.

It was discussed if Staff should create new mailing list for private ALSes.

E Leibovitch asked Staff to approach each RALO individually to define a regional process for the regional Advice on the ALS process.

2. ICANN Materials for Disseminating to Users - Status Update

C Samuels asked Staff (P Wrenn) to write a standard ICANN description which could be put as an introduction on each public ICANN document.

K McCarthy gave a short presentation on ICANN’s public information program. It is now possible to subscribe to a series of ICANN newsletters. He advised the discussants about the possibility of having regional At-Large news.

C Samuels noted that there is a risk of creating misunderstandings if the regional statements getting broad dissemination in a public newsletters

Radio Transmission

C Samuels noted that there was a lot of opportunity to broadcast Internet-related content in the Caribbean. Schools often depend on radio and are looking for content.

W Ludwig suggested approaching the Swiss English-speaking radio station to find out if there was interest for such a program.

The Staff (K Mc Carthy) suggested going forward with one single radio program as a test case but advised the discussants that the funding of this initiative will be difficult.

The Staff will explore the opportunity of broadcasting some ICANN’s briefing material over public radio.

The discussion on public broadcast via radio will be carried over to the next Secretariat meeting.

E Leibovitch asked Staff if there was a possibility to get funding for regional outreach events.

The Staff noted that it has been included in the budget request and that the community had to wait until the Budget for FY 08/09 becomes approved.

The meeting was then adjourned.