Board Liaisons Election 2009 - Commitment of Board Liaison

Board Liaisons Election 2009 - Commitment of Board Liaison

Level of Commitment for Board Liaison

The following should be kept in mind by all candidates for the Board Liaison position:

1. You will be expected to commit to championing and promoting the activities, positions, and interests of the ALAC, within its current (post ALAC Review) structure of RALO's and ALSes to the ICANN Board.

2. You will need to commit to and assist with the development of the ALAC and At-Large to best meet their purpose within ICANN which has four key elements:

> 1. providing advice on policy;
> 2. providing input into ICANN operations and structure;
> 3. being part of ICANN’s accountability mechanisms; and;
> 4. being an organising mechanism for some of ICANN’s outreach.

3. You will need to commit to support and further the Key Points and Recommendations of the ALAC Review as endorsed by the ICANN Board. Amongst other things, this includes supporting the position that At-Large is the primary organisational home for individual Internet users and that the Board must clarify the relationship between ALAC and the User House currently being developed within the GNSO.

4. You will be required to commit a considerable amount of time without recompense (excepting for expenses of certain kinds as are ICANN Board members). In particular, you will be expected to live up to the time and work commitments of members of the ICANN Board (a description of these requirements may be found at (http://nomcom.icann.org/positions-2009.html) as well as maintaining interaction and involvement with the ALAC as an ex-officio member of the ALAC, and an ex-officio role in the work and meetings of the Chair, Vice Chairs etc. At the same time, the successful candidate will need to maintain a close and regular interaction with the Regions and the Regional leadership.

5. You will need to commit to actively represent to the Board the views and opinions of the ALAC and At-Large regardless of whether such opinion or advice is in keeping with your personal views or beliefs, and if giving a piece of advice or comment from a personal perspective you will need to ensure that is noted as such for the record.

6. You will need to ensure that you are aware of and routinely bring to the attention of the Board the policy work being done by the ALAC, RALOs, ALSes and wider At-Large Community so that the voice of Internet Users is clearly recognized as a critical and effective part of ICANN's multi-stakeholder bottom up policy development process.

7. You will need to be able to communicate comfortably in both written and spoken English about complex subjects and technical matters, as the Board of ICANN operates exclusively in English.

8. You will need to commit to abide by the ICANN Code of Conduct (pdf) and the ALAC Code of Conduct found in ALAC's Rules of Procedure (AL/2007/1/1.Rev10)