Candidate Reference Form
Confidential Candidate Reference Form
For At-Large Director Selection Committee Process - 2010
Name of Candidate Being Considered:
Name of Reference Provider:
Reference Provider’s Email Address:
Reference Provider’s Telephone:
The ABSC relies heavily on the information provided in Candidate References. Please give us your candid and thoughtful comments on all of the following matters:
> 1) How do you know the Candidate?
> 2) Please comment on the Candidate’s qualities and performance which you consider relevant to the position of Director.
> 3) To the best of your knowledge does the Candidate’s Statement of Interest reflect accurately the Candidate’s qualifications and experience?
> 4) How has the Candidate demonstrated the capability and commitment to put the public interest ahead of any particular interests?
> 5) What are the Candidate’s greatest strengths in terms of meeting the criteria set forth for these roles?
> 6) Do you personally have high confidence in the Candidate’s integrity and objectivity? What is the basis for your confidence?
> 7) Is the Candidate able to work and communicate well in written and spoken English?
> 8) Do you have any reservations about supporting this Candidate for any of the positions of Director?
> 9) How would you assess your own familiarity with ICANN’s Mission and activities?______ High _____Medium _____Low
> (See for more information about ICANN.)
We appreciate very much your contribution to the ABSC process. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at the address noted in the message preceding this Form.
Please send your response as soon as possible, and no later than XXXX, to XXXX. A prompt reply would be appreciated.
There are no questions regarding familiarity with At-Large (either assessing the candidate or of the person completing the form. Do we want any?
contributed by on 2010-03-19 02:00:46 GMT