At-Large Review Implementation Outline (AL.ALAC-ST.0909-1)
Draft%20At-Large%20Review%20Implementation%20Outline%20v2.1%20-%20EN.xls (updated version from 27 October incorporating the priorities identified during the ALAC & Regional Leadership Working Session from 25 October 2009 in Seoul)
Draft%20At-Large%20Review%20Implementation%20Outline%20v2.xls (updated version from 5 October 2009 incorporating comments received on v1)
Version Francais
Version Espanol
Status of this Document: Draft, open for At-Large Community Comments
Final Date for Comments: 30th September 2009
To leave a comment, please click the 'Comment' button above and don't forget to include your name before saving as otherwise your comment will be anonymous.
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Whilst all comments are important, respondents may wish to include responses which provide input with respect to the following questions:
> How important, on a scale of 1 (most important) to 3 (least important), is a given element of the outline?
> Do you believe that any of the proposed actions is not a correct response to a given recommendation? If so, which one(s) and why?
> Is an element of the Final Report missing from the Outline Plan? If so, which one?
The Final Report of the At-Large Review Working Group may be found in several language editions at
I would like to make the following comments and proposals:
1.1 / Notes: To take care of the possible new official liaisons
1.4 / comment: Extend the term of Office of the Chair to two years; what about the other officers?
3.1.1 Three tiers? In my view they are 4 “tiers” Individual members/ALS/RALO/ALAC
4.1.1 and 4.2.1 …”externally-focused”… / As we are talking about engaging ALSes, it must be an “internally-focused” Notes: ALAC and RALO
4.3.2 Task: Outreach messaging to the individual Internet user and organizations about ICANN’s activities
4.5.2 and 4.5.3 I am not sure about the word “sanctions”.
ALAC and RALO leaders
5.1 and 5.2 Notes to be added: RALO must be involved
9 Yes ICANN must have a global policy but At-Large can have its own objectives
13 Link with 1
There are mistakes about the numbering (the second 13.1.2 must be 13.1.3…)
Sébastien Bachollet
contributed by on 2009-09-04 06:45:13 GMT