30 April 2012 Meeting

30 April 2012 Meeting

When: Monday, 30 APR, 2012. GMT Standard Time. 19:00 UTC / This is a 90 Minute Call.

12:00 PDT, 15:00 EDT,  20:00 London, 21:00 CET , 03:00 Beijing

Adobe Connect Link:  http://icann.adobeconnect.com/whoissdt/

Wiki page:


On page:  http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/#apr

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:



Cintra Sooknanan - ALAC

Susan Prosser - RrSG

Michael Young - Individual

Anne Naffziger - IPC

Steve Metalitz - IPC

Don Blumenthal - RySG

Avri Doria - NCSG

Wilson Abigaba - RrSG


Berry Cobb

Nathalie Peregrine

Apology: Wendy Seltzer - NCSG (connected at first then lost cell signal for rest of the call)


  1. Agenda Bashing (2 Min)
  2. Review Previous Week Action Items (20 Min)
    1. All Open Actions Reviewed & Closed
  3. Review WHOIS Requirements Survey version 9 (60 Min)
    1. Expected Outcome: Draft #10 of Survey Questionnaire ready for import to tool
    2. Webinar to SO/AC
    3. Independent Review
  4. New Business (5 Min)
  5. Review of Assigned Action Items (3 Min)

Open Action Items:

  1. Berry - 9 MAR - Schedule SO/AC WSWG Roadshow via Webinar (post Costa Rica) - PENDING
  2. Berry - 19 APR - Update Draft Survey v8.4 - COMPLETE
    1. Update yes/no/[indifferent]
    2. Update Definition of R10 - WHOWAS, reference to 4.6
  3. Berry - 19 APR - Send email to WSWG - Call for Volunteers Roundup - COMPLETE
  4. Berry - 20 APR - Send email to WSWG - Call for comments about R9 inclusion and possible questions - COMPLETE
  5. Micahel - 25 APR - Update Draft Survey v8.5 - COMPLETE
    1. Review length of survey, simplify technical language
    2. Highlight technical terms within Survey that will require the Hover Definition feature / Highlight & Comment for import in tool
    3. R3 - Divide question #1 in to two or more questions
    4. R8.1 - Divide question set using Past versus Future lens
  6. Michael/Berry - 30 APR - Use of "Question is Relevant " per section/question (review R-6a & R-6b as example) / Collaborate w/ Avri on Prioritization Requirement & [Indifferent]
  7. Michael - 30 APR - Identify Draft Survey Test Takers (possible candidates: Don B., Francisco A., Dave P.) - COMPLETE
  8. Michael - 30 APR - Create 1st draft communication to GNSO Council stating WG's intention of implementation regarding the "Independent Review" per the Charter - COMPLETE

Current Key Milestones:

• Load survey questions into tool – 7 MAY 2012
• Internal Survey Test Control Group – 14 MAY 2012
• Evangelize SO & ACs, Webinar – MAY 2012, Post Costa Rica
• Submit Draft Survey – 14 MAY 2012
• Public comment period – 14 MAY 2012 (42 days min)
• Rework draft – MAY/JUNE 2012
• Independent review – JUNE 2012
• Submit to GNSO & release survey for 30 days – 30 JUNE 2012
• Review Survey results – JUL/AUG 2012
• Release Survey results – 31 AUG 2012
• Publish Final Report – 31 OCT 2012

Adobe Connect Chat:

Berry Cobb: Welcome to the 30 APR WSWG Call.

Cintra Sooknanan: Hi Everyone

Don Blumenthal: have to call back in on another line to fix echo

Nathalie  Peregrine: Wendy Seltzer has joined the call

Berry Cobb: Michele Neylon - michele@blacknightsolutions.ieBob Brasich - Bob_Brasich@mpaa.orgDan Seymour - dseymour@theesa.comDon Blumenthal - dblumenthal@pir.orgJim GalvinNicolas Adam - nickolas.adam@GMAIL.COMSteve Sheng - steve.sheng@icann.orgFrancisco Arias - francisco.arias@icann.orgDave Piscitello - dave.piscitello@icann.org

Cintra Sooknanan: Also I'd like to add Evan Leibovitch evan@telly.org

Cintra Sooknanan: and a couple others, I will get their information to you once they accept

avri: for me, i just forwarded on Berry's message asking if anyone was intersted.

Berry Cobb: Thank you Avri

Berry Cobb: Dear Council.Initially in the WSWG charter we described a step in our workflow that involved retaining a third party consulting resource to review the WSWG WHOIS (RDDS) requirements survey and provide comments on the structure on the questions in regards to general comprehension and structure.  Some time after the WSWG began executing the work items in its charter, the WG decided to add a "beta test" of a draft candidate of the survey as well as post the draft survey for public comment.  We believe that these new activities represent a more comprehensive form of feedback that we would garner from a single consulting resource, making the consulting resource review a redundant and unnecessary action.  We therefore, respectfully, plan to not pursue the consulting resource review, unless explicitly requested to do so by the Council. Thank you.

Michael Young: note the commas are missing

Michael Young: :-)

Nathalie  Peregrine: Wilson is showing as connected on the bridge

avri: i think R-2.2 may need some worksmithing.

avri: wordsmithing

Michael Young: can you send suggested edits?

avri: i thinkl we are either sking about benefits or affect, but having both in the sentence confuses me.

Cintra Sooknanan: The question is in the positive

Cintra Sooknanan: so it is referring to benefits Only

Susan Prosser: also R-2.1 is first introduction to RDDS terms, may need definition

Cintra Sooknanan: should it be neutral  or should we have a separate question for negatives

Cintra Sooknanan: ???

Cintra Sooknanan: okie :) thanks

Cintra Sooknanan: Yes

Cintra Sooknanan: Do you expect someone to do the survey in one sitting

Cintra Sooknanan: ?

Don Blumenthal: What about the ability to start online, quit, and resume later?

Don Blumenthal: Great, especially given the length

Steve Metalitz: As previously advised, I will have to drop off in a couple of minutes.  Apologies.

Michael Young: thanks steve

Cintra Sooknanan: Just one comment with the last section 7a, we should ask the person to specify their optional time period

Michael Young: ah yes

Michael Young: good idea

Cintra Sooknanan: Sorry

Cintra Sooknanan: don't mean to regress

Cintra Sooknanan: Please specify, give reason

Cintra Sooknanan: Thanks Michael

Cintra Sooknanan: Lucky version 10 :)

Cintra Sooknanan: yes time is short to book a meeting

Cintra Sooknanan: Michael can you state the next steps when we can anticipate v 10 will be ready for the testers (beta)?

Michael Young: sure

Michael Young: we have some flexibility

Cintra Sooknanan: Can't hear very soft

Susan Prosser: Cintra: was asking about consistency in format

Susan Prosser: yes, no, indifferent, vs no, & capitalization

Susan Prosser: thanks Michael

Cintra Sooknanan: Good call, thanks and Bye

Cintra Sooknanan: lol