19 December 2011 Meeting
When: Monday, December 19, 2011 8:00 PM-9:00 PM. GMT Standard Time. 2000 UTC
12:00 PDT, 15:00 EDT, 20:00 London, 21:00 CEST , 03:00 Beijing
Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/whoissdt/
Wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WSDT/Home
- Agenda Bashing (2 Min)
- Review Previous Week Action Items (15 Min)
- Review response to GNSO Council for WHOIS Access Recommendation from RAP (15 Min)
- Expected Outcome: Approved Final Response Letter
- Updates from WG co-chairs of work to date (20 Min)
- Review of tools from Survey Tool sub-team
- New Business (5 Min)
- Review of Assigned Action Items (3 Min)
New Action Items:
- Berry - 21 DEC - Send out R# Survey Question Assignments - COMPLETE
- WSWG - 04 JAN - R# Survey Question Assignments to team, submit draft questions to Berry
- Berry - 22 DEC - Send out 9 JAN Doodle poll for WSWG time slot - COMPLETE
- Berry - 08 JAN - Compile draft R3 Survey Questions from WSWG assignments
R# Assignments:
R1 - Steven van Egmond
R2 - Michael Young
R3 - Cintra Sooknanan
R4 - Cintra Sooknanan
R5 - Susan Prosser
R6a - Avri Doria
R6b - Avri Doria
R7 - Steven Metalitz
R8.1 - Steven van Egmond, Cintra Sooknanan
R8.2 - Michael Young, Cintra Sooknanan
R8.3 - Wendy Seltzer
R9 - Paul Brigner, Don Blumenthal
R10 - Paul Brigner, Don Blumenthal / Liz Gasster to followup with Steve
R11 - Steven Metalitz
a1 - Michael Young
a2 - Michael Young, Steven Metalitz
a3 - Michael Young
Previous Action Items:
- Berry/Michael - 13 DEC - Complete 2nd draft of RAP WHOIS Access Recommendation response to GNSO Council - COMPLETE
- Michael/Berry - 13 DEC - Meet with Rafik to brief him on sub-team#1 kick-off and meeting logistics - CANCELLED
- WSWG - 19 DEC - Review SAC051 WHOIS Taxonomy for use in WSWG Survey - NOT REVIEWED
- Sub-Team Chairs - 19 DEC - Review sub-team resource pool and assess against work product demands to provide status at next meeting - NOT REVIEWED
- Liz - 19 DEC - Assess ICANN Staff resource availability for initial draft of survey - CANCELLED
- Survey Tool Sub-Team - 19 DEC - Size survey tool requirements for estimating cost & funding request to GNSO Council & compare against Google Docs/Alternative survey tool (Wilson) - COMPLETE
- Berry - 19 DEC - Produce 2012 Draft Meeting schedule - COMPLETE
Adobe Connect Chat:
Berry Cobb: Welcome to the 19 DEC 2011 WSWG Meeting.
Berry Cobb: Hi Wilson. I'm working with Gisella to get that dial out to the lan number you provided. Talk to you at top of the hour.
Wilson Abigaba: cool, thank you!
Berry Cobb: Don Blumenthal just sent his apologies.
Berry Cobb: Hi Paul. Welcome to the WSWG. We'll get started shortly.
Gisella Gruber-White: Avri doria and Paul Brigner have joined the call
Gisella Gruber-White: Wendy Seltzer has joined
Wendy Seltzer: Sorry to get here late.
Wilson Abigaba: When adjusting the time, please consinder my timezone too. Right now its 11:15PM here
Michael Young: right
Michael Young: thanks
Gisella Gruber-White: Cintra Sooknanan has joined the call
Cintra Sooknanan: Hello everyone, thanks Gisella
Cintra Sooknanan: sounds great
Wendy Seltzer: there was no budget for an r-10, apparently
Liz Gasster: As a reminder, there were demographic questions suggested on earlier WG calls
Liz Gasster: @ Wendy, hah, the redacted requirement (joke), no idea...
Cintra Sooknanan: I volunteer for R3 and R4
Berry Cobb: thank you Cintra
Wendy Seltzer: maybe R10 was removed for privacy reasons
Liz Gasster: :-)
Susan Prosser: iguess we couldn't afford a 7 either?
Cintra Sooknanan: lol @ Avri
Cintra Sooknanan: could staff please post the url of that report here?
Wilson Abigaba: http://gnso.icann.org/issues/whois/whois-service-requirements-final-report-29jul10-en.pdf
Cintra Sooknanan: thanks alot
Cintra Sooknanan: Berry I will happily support you on 8.1 and 8.2
Anne Naffziger: Unfortunately, I had scheduled today's call for an hour and have a client call I need to jump off for. I will review minutes to catch up.
Wendy Seltzer: I apologize in advance that I won't be able to join on Jan. 9
Gisella Gruber-White: Wilson is back on with a better line
Michael Young: thanks Anne
Michael Young: I hope its because you are on vacation Wendy
Michael Young: :-)
Wendy Seltzer: Michael: yes, I plan to be checking out the WHOIS response of the Vail back bowls
Michael Young: haha
Michael Young: I plan to spend some good time this winter on my board
Michael Young: hoping for a good snow year
Wendy Seltzer: hope so!
Cintra Sooknanan: Have you looked at free survey tools? eg. http://www.kwiksurveys.com/
Wilson Abigaba: I have only looked at surveymonkey, surveygizmo and googledocs
Wilson Abigaba: i prefered GoogleDocs because the former were largely commercial andthe free versions only had limited features
Cintra Sooknanan: ok
Wendy Seltzer: Thanks WIlson, looks good.
Steve Metalitz: Thanks Wilson!
Cintra Sooknanan: bye everyone
Cintra Sooknanan: enjoy the holidays!