5 December 2011 Meeting
Action Items:
- Berry/Michael - 13 DEC - Complete 2nd draft of RAP WHOIS Access Recommendation response to GNSO Council
- Michael/Berry - 13 DEC - Meet with Rafik to brief him on sub-team#1 kick-off and meeting logistics
- WSWG - 19 DEC - Review SAC051 WHOIS Taxonomy for use in WSWG Survey
- Sub-Team Chairs - 19 DEC - Review sub-team resource pool and assess against work product demands to provide status at next meeting
- Liz - 19 DEC - Assess ICANN Staff resource availability for initial draft of survey
- Survey Tool Sub-Team - 19 DEC - Size survey tool requirements for estimating cost & funding request to GNSO Council & compare against Google Docs/Alternative survey tool (Wilson)
- Berry - 19 DEC - Produce 2012 Draft Meeting schedule
WHOIS Survey Drafting Team recording 10 November 2011 at 18:00 UTC
Please find the MP3 recording of the WHOIS Survey working group teleconference held on Monday 05 December 2011 at 2000 UTC at:
On page: http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/#dec
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:
Susan Prosser - RrSG
Elisa Cooper - BC
Wilson Abigaba - .ug ccTLD registrar
Michael Young - Individual
Don Blumenthal – Ry
Steve Metalitz - IPC
Wendy Seltzer - ALAC
Taki Skiadas for Kevin Suh
Liz Gasster
Berry Cobb
Nathalie Peregrine
Anne Naffziger – IPC
Avri Doria - NCSG
Rafik Dammak - NCUC
Cintra Sooknanan - ALAC
Mailing list archives:
Wiki page:
Information on WHOIS can be found on page http://gnso.icann.org/issues/whois
Chat Transcript
Berry Cobb: Welcome to the 12/5 WSWG Call.
Taki For Kevin Suh: The email I recieved for this meeting did not have a dial-in number. Does anyone have it?
Nathalie Peregrine: Where are you based Taki, I'll get you the number?
Taki For Kevin Suh: The MPAA offices in Los Angeles
Berry Cobb: Can everyone see the agenda?
Nathalie Peregrine: Dial in number: 1-517-345-9004 pw; WHOIS
Taki For Kevin Suh: I am now on. Thank you.
Wendy Seltzer: motions are just about always delayed, lately...
Wilson Abigaba: I am sorry. I have just managed to Join the call via phone. cellphone issues
Wendy Seltzer: What about a "snowball" study? Start small and snowball out?
Berry Cobb: Hi Wilson, can you hear us on phone?
Wilson Abigaba: hey, my phone quality is a bit unclear
Wilson Abigaba: but am trying to listen in
Wilson Abigaba: I have read my sub group's requirement and will listen in to the call recording again.
Wilson Abigaba: I do not think we shall need to have a budget for the survey tool. Before 12/19 (the next meeting), I will send you a sample survey using Google docs and another alternative survey tool
Wilson Abigaba: both of these will be free, so we shall review and make a decision then
Wilson Abigaba: I am hopeful that we wont need a budget
Wilson Abigaba: Thanks everyone!