Comments 21-22
5. RSSAC Meetings, Page 25
The RSSAC hosts both private and public meetings. Private meetings are used to conduct the work of the RSSAC while public meetings are used both to present the work of the RSSAC and to engage the community.
There are three types of private meetings: [SW21] [Administrative Committee] meetings, RSSAC closed meetings (both at ICANN meetings, other venues, and via teleconference), and Work Party meetings. The [SW22][Administrative Committee] meets several times per month to manage the work of the RSSAC. Work Parties, which are comprised of a subset of the RSSAC membership, meet as needed to progress a document on behalf of the full committee. The RSSACmeets to review work products and discuss its proposed, planned, and in-progress activities. Unless a meeting is held at an ICANN meeting or at an RSSAC Workshop, except in the case of the Administrative Committee, all meetings are held via teleconference. In-person meetings also generally have teleconference access.