Comment 5

Comment 5

1.   Who We Are and What We Do, Page 4

[SW5][The RSSAC produces Reports, Advisories, and Comments in direct response to requests from the ICANN Board or at their own initiative.  Reports are often longer, substantive documents, which usually take a few or several months to develop. Advisories are shorter documents produced more quickly to provide timely advice to the Board or the ICANN community.  Comments are responses to reports or other documents prepared by others, i.e. ICANN staff, SOs, other ACs, or, perhaps, by other groups outside of ICANN.]

[SW5] This entire structure is modeled on SSAC, which is much larger than RSSAC and has a much wider ranger of possible subjects. Do we really need this much structure? If so, do we also need to specify that sometimes the relevant output will be internet-drafts?