Comment 7
1. Who We Are and What We Do, Page 5
The RSSAC appoints a non-voting [SW7] [liaison] to the ICANN Board of Directors for a one-year term. The liaison attends Board meetings, participates fully in Board deliberations, and is bound by the same eligibility and confidentiality [SW8] [and fiduciary] responsibilities as voting Board members.
[SW7] It should say, here or elsewhere, that the liaison participates in meetings on the same footing as inbound liaisons currently do, i.e. as a non-voting member allowed to speak but not vote.
[SW8] No. ICANN legal have been adamant that non-voting members are not fiduciaries, although they owe a duty of care and other related duties under US and California law. The exact status has never been tested in a court of appropriate jurisdiction.