Comment 4
1. Who We Are and What We Do, Page 4
The Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) is a semi-autonomous body of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN) consisting of root server operators, root zone managers, [SW4] [and community members] who provide advice and information to the ICANN Board and community on topics that are broadly related to the Internet's root server system. The RSSAC is chartered as advisory Committee (AC) under the ICANN By-Laws, Article XI, Section 2.3. The RSSAC is one of several ICANN ACs, which together with the several Supporting Organizations (SOs) represent the stakeholders in ICANN's multi-stakeholder model of operation.
[SW4] Do we plan to seek “membership” including recognition by the Board beyond the RSOs and the RZM partners?