RSSAC Workspace
RSSAC is comprised of representatives from the root server operators as voting members as well as liaisons and non-voting members.
The password-protected RSSAC mailing list archive is available for review by RSSAC members and alternates.
This page serves as a resource for RSSAC members about notes, minutes, resolutions, and action items from its meetings.
The Membership Committee reviews Caucus membership applications and makes recommendations to the RSSAC.
This page will serve as a resource for Caucus members that includes tools for collaboration on work parties and to share information.
This page serves as a resource for RSSAC members about policies and procedures that determine how RSSAC operates and functions.
This page serves a resource for RSSAC members to review RSSAC's published documents, correspondence, and statements.
This page serves as a resource for RSSAC members about the group's annual work plan and overview of activities.
This page has Work Shop Teleconference notes in regards to planning the RSSAC Work Shop for 2015
Work Shop Participants Work Party
This page has Work Shop Participant Teleconference notes in regards to the follow up of the RSSAC Work Shop 2015 Discussions