WebEx Chat: 2018-05-23 LACRALO Activities in Panama Call

WebEx Chat: 2018-05-23 LACRALO Activities in Panama Call

from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
Welcome Ricardo!
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Hola a todos, hello everyone!!
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
ok so you will need a call for membership
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
perhaps at LACRALO monthly call
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
you can ask for Volunteers
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
so options Tuesday or Wed : 18:30-19:30
from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
Apologies - event would be at 18:30-19:00
from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
NOT at 18:00 as that is the time of the Cross Community session
from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
There is NO overlap with GEMS
from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
GEMS will NOT start before 20:00/20:30 ...
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Sorry, lo siento!!
from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
@ Ricardo - correct
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
But Humberto needs to rehearse on Gems evening
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
la idea de sumar a alguiende Panama, era si TALVEZ querian aumentar una musica o algo asi
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
@Ricardo, De acuerdo, estas propuesto como el ALAC Member para hablar!!
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
de acuerdo Humberto
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
2,700$ available
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
No habloporque Ricardo me reta....
from Ricardo Holmquist to host (privately):
jajajaja, levanta la mano en el sistema!
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
$2k for the outreach/networking
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Sí Maritza, sería bueo
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Si, elmiercoles
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
Tambien necesitaremos una descripcion del Open HOUSE para este Viernes
from Ricardo Holmquist to host (privately):
creo que el dia es igual
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
Wednesday agreed
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
I can open awiki for the AGENDA so you can post
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
18:30-19:30 Event on Wed
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Good Heidi
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
VIP speeches to include Goran, Cherine, Rodrigo, Leon
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
700= for Open House lunch
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
so we have 2,000 left
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Also the Panamanian VIP
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
mano levantada
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Ricardo, do you know of local entertainment options?
from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
I have not yet looked into entertainment - no support from the ICANN Meetings Team. We would need to look at a local level.
from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
Suggestions from a local ALS would be very much appreciated.
from Ricardo Holmquist to host (privately):
@Heidi: the Panamanian VIP is the head of the National Innovation Authority
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
No alas dos juntas
from Ricardo Holmquist to host (privately):
No contacts for entertainment. Lia Hernandez is better contact for this. She has supported LACNIC and LACIGF before
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Would be good to get people involved in the entertainment - dance lessons?
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
Maritza a coordinar el entretenimiento
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Re gifts, I would not suggest that at this time
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
mano levantada
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Given the need to fund the Summit, the optics should be a bit low key
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
This is the Policy Forum, so a low key event would be better in my view.
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Do you agree to give this the event of LACRALO Networking Open House?
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
I agreeHeidi
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Gracias, Alberto
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Lia has contacts for it
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
We also need a description of the event
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
@Ricardo puede hablar
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
@All, could we please have a brief description of the LACRALO Networking Open House?
from Gisella Gruber to all participants:
This description will be posted on the main ICANN Website
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
The LACRALO Networking Open House will be an opportunity for both current members and interested members of At-Large/LACRALO to learn more about LACRALO activities.
from Ricardo Holmquist to host (privately):
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Gracias a todos, thanks everyone!! Bye bye
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Activities include speeches by senior LACRALO and ICANN organization people, local entertainment and light refreshments
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
from Silvia Vivanco to All Panelists:
Thank you !