LACRALO Monthly Teleconference 2015-03-16 Action Items EN

LACRALO Monthly Teleconference 2015-03-16 Action Items EN

  • 1.  ramon.soto will gather participants for the At Large Working Group


- Alejandro Pisanty

- Aida Noblia

-Antonio Medina

-Dev Anand Teelucksingh



3. ramon.soto  and  humberto.carrasco  to post Showcase updates into the Showcase WIKI page


4.  ramon.soto to post  the DRAFT MOU in the wiki page for this purpose  -  WG to be formed with Objectives, participants, resources, origins, etc.


Alberto Soto

Alejandro Pisanty

Antonio Medina


humberto.carrasco will send an email to LACRALO list to form the WG.