LACRALO Statement for Brazil Meeting 2014
The Latin American and Caribbean Regional At-Large Organsation (LACRALO) is hereby voicing its concern over the meeting to be held next year on 23 and 24 April in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil organised based on the Snowden revelations, the declaration of Montevideo, IGF Bali and the ICANN Buenos Aires meeting and the further ongoing developments.
The internet community is confused; and it must be made clear to all participants of the multi-stakeholder community the purpose and meaning of "1net". If the primary objective is to defend the multi-stakeholder model, then how can 1net achieve this objective to become a movement to improve the model of multiple stakeholders after the declaration of Montevideo, rather than just a mailing list where people and organisations converge?
Press releases in Brazil report that there will be a meeting of multiple stakeholders, and we endorse this decision. The community must clearly understand before the Brazil meeting what will be the impact, the desired result and the benefits for the whole community. To ensure this we must have clear roles and prior coordination. Given the lack global community engagement and clarity, we advance the following key terms:
- LACRALO and the community At-large, need to know specifically what is 1net (its definition, understanding and purpose), the mechanism that ICANN participates and contributes (financially and otherwise) in 1net, why ICANN supports 1net, and how ICANN fits within or works alongside 1net.
- LACRALO considers it expedient that ICANN organise the participatory structure and ensure participation of internet users and civil society. This should be coordinated through the ICANN’s regional leaders and by constituency. If users and civil society participation is not legitimately and clearly provided within the Brazil meeting, this would be detrimental to the multi-stakeholder model and ICANN’s participation would be seen inconsistent with its By Laws which promotes ICANN as an organisation of equal participation and fairness.
- LACRALO believes that before the Brazil meeting ICANN must organise briefings (such as webinars, meetings, etc.), share a full report of these activities at the Singapore meeting in March 2014 through another session on the ICANN Community Preparation for the Multi-stakeholder Meeting in Brazil.
- LACRALO considers that other subsequent meetings, should not take place in the same country or under a single organisation, but there should be the mechanism to rotate location and have other organisations lead in the 1net meeting planning and space. To be clear such initiatives should not focus on a single country, therefore alternative hosts should be identified.
- LACRALO supports the ICANN initiative and wants to help in the challenge of managing engagement of users and civil society in preparation of the Brazil meeting. We are composed of 42 organizations in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean are willing to assist in any transitional processes (either by broadcast, outreach or collaboration) in preparation for the meeting and beyond. We stress the need for active participation of all stakeholders not just in preparation but in all the processes during and following the meeting.
Finally, LACRALO believes it is timely and opportune to hold the Brazil meeting, since it adds legitimacy and prevalence to other meetings with multi-stakeholder format. This reaffirms that the engagement of all stakeholders is necessary in the Internet governance space and we support the opening of more opportunities to fine-tune, test and re-affirm the model.