LACRALO ALS Participants - LACRALO General Assembly Statement 2023
- ***Note, VOTE will be sent to the attendees of LACRALO GA, not the entire membership (as you know some members did not attend personally or remotely).
- Note that the LACRALO rules required weighted votes (country co-efficient ) for all votes.
- Quorum for virtual voting: All virtual votes require a quorum of at least 50% of active ALS.
- The quorum is calculated by dividing the number of validity cast votes, including abstentions if there are any, by the number of ALS active in the region.
Note, staff will take the number of ALS GA 2023 attendees not the entire membership to calculate quorum.
- The LACRALO held its General Assembly on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14, March 2023 at the ICANN 76 Meeting in Cancun.
- The statement entitled " “Re-connect, Re-evolve and Re-impulse” was discussed in sessions on Monday 13 " LACRALO Session 2 - RE-EVOLVE: LACRALO GA Statement Discussion", Tuesday 14th Session 6 "Re-evolve Presentation of the LACRALO Statement.
- The statement was sent to LACRALO GA participants requesting any further feedback from Monday 20th March - Friday 24th March.
- After the above discussions and review process, we kindly ask you to vote the statement.
- See the Statement in the 4 LACRALO languages here:
• LACRALO celebró su Asamblea General el lunes 13 y martes 14 de marzo de 2023 en la Reunión ICANN 76 en Cancún.
- La declaración titulada “Re-conectar, Re-evolucionar y Re-impulsar” fue discutida en las sesiones del lunes 13 " LACRALO Sesión 2 - RE-EVOLUCIONAR: Discusión Declaración LACRALO GA", Martes 14 Sesión 6 "Re-evolucionar Presentación de la Declaración de LACRALO.
- La declaración se envió a los participantes de LACRALO GA solicitando más comentarios del lunes 20 de marzo al viernes 24 de marzo.
- Después de las discusiones anteriores y el proceso de revisión, le pedimos amablemente que vote sobre la declaración.
- Ver la Declaracion en los 4 idiomas LACRALO aquí:
Question: Pregunta
Do you approve the statement ? / Usted aprueba la Declaracion?
1) Yes 1) SI
2) No/no
3) Abstain / Abstencion
March 2023: 44 ALSes in LACRALO General Assembly (Hybrid) / Marzo 2023: 44 ALSes in LACRALO GA
Primary / Voting Rep | Country / Vote Weight | ALS | Country |
Adrian Carballo | 0.40% | South School of Internet Governance | Argentina |
Alberto Soto | Instituto Iberoamericano de Investigacion para la Socieded de la Informacion | Argentina | |
Alfredo Lopez | Red Internacional de Diseno | Colombia | |
Antonio Medina Gomez | Asociacion Colombiana de Usarios de Internet | Colombia | |
Bartlett Morgan | Barbados Information & Communications Technology Professionals Association | Barbados | |
Carlos Raul Gutierrez | ISOC Costa Rica Chapter | Costa Rica | |
Carlton Samuels | The University of West Indies | Jamaica | |
Cristian Casas | CETIC AJB | Argentina | |
Diego Acosta Bastidas | The Ecuadorian Association for Free Software | Ecuador | |
Gilberto Lara | Associacion Conexion al Desarrollo El Salvador | El Salvador | |
? | |||
Humberto Carrasco | Asociacion de Derecho e Informatica de Chile | Chile | |
Jan Alexander Melgar Alvarado | Red de Desarrollo Sostenible - Honduras | Honduras | |
Javier Chandia Rojas | Internauta Chile | Chile | |
Jose Arce | Asociacion para las mejoras de las tecnologias de la infomacion y comunicacion | Argentina | |
Jose Luis Barzallo | Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Derecho Informatico y Telecomunicaciones | Ecuador | |
Lia Hernandez | Instituto Panameno de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologias | Panama | |
Luis Sergio Valle | Fundacion Para El Desarrollo de Las Tecnologias de Informacion y Comunicacion en Bolivia | Bolivia | |
Isaura Mariel Aranda | Internet Society Paraguay Chapter | Paraguay | |
Natalia Enciso | The Paraguayan Association of Computer Law and Technology | Paraguay | |
Niran Beharry | Internet Society Trinidad and Tobago Chapter | Trinidad and Tobago | |
Osvaldo Larancuent | Internet Society Dominican Republic Chapter | Dominican Republic | |
Rafael Buchelli | Association of Notary Public Professionals of Uruguay | Uruguay | |
Sergio Salinas Porto | Internauta Argentina, Asociación Argentina de Usuarios de Internet | Argentina | |
Sylvia Herlein Leite | Internauta Brasil - Assoiciation of internet users of the Federative Republic of Brazil | Brazil | |
Waldimir Dávalos | Junior Chamber International Ecuador | Ecuador | |
Yoselin Vos | Asociacion Panamena de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías | Panama | |
Carlos Aguirre | Ageia Densi Argentina | Argentina | |
Vanda Scartezini | ICT Executive Women Organisation | Brazil | |
Lito Ibarra | ISOC El Salvado | El Salvador | |
Lilian Ivette De Luque | MINKA DIGITAL Cap. Colombia (Minka Digital Colombia) | Columbia | |
Olga Cavalli | Internet Society Argentina Chapter | Argentina | |
Gerry George | ICT Association of Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia | |
Dev Anand Teelucksingh | Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society | Trinidad and Tobago | |
Christelle Vaval | Internet Society Chapitre Haiti | Haiti | |
Alejandro Martinez Varela | ISOC Mexico | Mexico |
Reference : LACRALO Rules of Procedure - Reglas de Procedimiento de LACRALO
According to Section 17 of LACRALO Rules of Procedure : All voting is subject to the principle of country-weighted voting (see Title VI).
Title VI, Section VI, 22 defines the weighted vote.
LACRALO adopts the Weighted Voting Principle by applying a vote percentage obtained from a mathematical formula where the number of countries is divided by 100. This is the Maximum Percentage allocated to each country. The sum of all ALSes in a country shall never exceed this Maximum Percentage.
LACRALO Rules of Procedure This Maximum Percentage shall be the denominator number by which all the ALSes in a country are divided, which shall result in the “incidence weight” that the ALS will have at the time of voting. The ALS of Individual Users shall be considered in this mathematical formula.
Section 13: requires ….."In case of a virtual vote, voting shall be carried out in a manner that ensures transparency throughout the whole election process. Specifically:
ICANN staff will share before each election the spreadsheet that calculates weighted voting. The list of ALS that voted will be made public.
There will always be an option to vote anonymous"
Section 16 Calculations of majorities: A plurality of the validity cast weighted votes determines the winner. A plurality is when a candidate or proposition gets more weighted votes than any other. Abstentions will not count in the calculation of the plurality. However, the LACRALO Secretary will report the number of abstentions when reporting the election results.