AC Chat: LACRALO Governance Working Group
Claudia Ruiz: (4/4/2019 14:36) Welcome to the LACRALO Governance Working Group Call on Thursday, 04 April 2019 at 23:00 UTC
Claudia Ruiz: (14:37)
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (15:50) buenas niches
sergio salinas porto: (15:52) Hola a todos!
Adrian Carballo ( Fund, Incluirme): (15:55) Hola a todos y todas
José Francisco Arce: (15:58) Hola a todos
Silvia Vivanco: (15:58) Hola a todos
Silvia Vivanco: (15:58) Welcome all
José Francisco Arce: (15:58) Hola Silvia
Silvia Vivanco: (15:58) Hola Francisco
Silvia Vivanco: (15:58) Jose !
sergio salinas porto: (15:58) hola José!!!!!
sergio salinas porto: (15:59) Hola cristian!
José Francisco Arce: (15:59) Hello Presi !!!
sergio salinas porto: (15:59) Hola cristian!
sergio salinas porto: (16:00) ja salio dos veces lo de cristian
sergio salinas porto: (16:00) hola Adrian
sergio salinas porto: (16:00) Bienvenida Laura
sergio salinas porto: (16:00) Ricardio un gusto verte!
Laura Margolis: (16:00) hola a todos! gracias!
sergio salinas porto: (16:00) Hi Dev!!!! a
Ricardo Holmquist: (16:01) gracias Sergio
sergio salinas porto: (16:01) Hi Haroun!
Ricardo Holmquist: (16:01) buenas noches a todos
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:01) hola Sergio y a todos
Laura Margolis: (16:01) feliz cumpleaños Adrian ð
José Francisco Arce: (16:02) Feliz cumple Adrian !!!
Alberto Soto: (16:02) Hola a todos, hello everyone!
sergio salinas porto: (16:02) hey otro ariano? Yo los cumplo el Lunes!!!!! Feliz cumple adrian
Laura Margolis: (16:02) hola!
sergio salinas porto: (16:02) Hola Alberto
Ricardo Holmquist: (16:02) Feliz cumpleaños Adrian
sergio salinas porto: (16:03) Hola Lilian!!!!!
Lilian Ivette De Luque: (16:03) Hola a todos
Lilian Ivette De Luque: (16:03) nuevamente un feliz cumpleaños adrian
Alberto Soto: (16:04) Alas 22 UTC tengo que ir a cocinar...
Harold Arcos: (16:04) Buenas tardes noches desde la fresca Caracas!!
Harold Arcos: (16:04) disculpen la conexión tardía,,,
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:05) feliz cumple Adrián
Harold Arcos: (16:05) Feliz Cumpleaños Adrian!! feliz vuelta al Sol
Adrian Carballo ( Fund, Incluirme): (16:05) Les agradezco los saludos!
Harold Arcos: (16:05) estoy conectando a través de AC mientras intentamos vía telefónica,,,
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:06) Cartlon is on the EN channel
Claudia Ruiz: (16:06) Welcome Carlton Samuels
Silvia Vivanco: (16:06) Welcome to Dev and Carlton
Silvia Vivanco: (16:08) The document Operating Principles is linked to today's agenda in 4 languages
Claudia Ruiz: (16:08) Welcome Humberto Carrasco
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:08) For the record, it was Lance who asked for it to be on the agenda
Silvia Vivanco: (16:08) El document Principios Operativos esta en la agenda de hoy en los 4 idiomas
Harold Arcos: (16:09) Versiones PT, FR aquí:
Silvia Vivanco: (16:10)
Harold Arcos: (16:10) FR: Principes opérationnels de la LACRALOPT: Princípios Operacionais da LACRALO
Silvia Vivanco: (16:11) si te escuchamos
Silvia Vivanco: (16:11) habla fuerte Humberto
José Francisco Arce: (16:11) Creo que hay que empezar con el borrador de las reglas nuevas lo antes posible. Los principios sin las reglas no significan nada
sergio salinas porto: (16:12) +1 jose
Harold Arcos: (16:14) +1 @Jose
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:14) Carlton wants to speak
José Francisco Arce: (16:14) @Dev, el tema es que las reglas siempre traen confusion. Es la oportunidad de traer claridad y certeza
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:15) @Jose - coming up with a temporary rules is worse
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:15) And there is nothing in the rules that blocks the implemention of the operating principles
José Francisco Arce: (16:16) @Dev, ok lets go to work on it ASAP
Harold Arcos: (16:16) I agreed with @Carlton, we don't have a Rules of Procedures.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:16) Otherwise we should not have approved the operating principles if we were not going to implement it
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:17) The Rules of Procedure are not invalid
sergio salinas porto: (16:18) +1 Humberto
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:18) What inconsistency do you see ?
José Francisco Arce: (16:18) Agreed Humberto
Alberto Soto: (16:18) +1 Humberto
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:18) That's not so Humberto
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:19) What clauses in the ROP affects the implementation of the new OP ?
Harold Arcos: (16:19) @Humberto, un texto como lo que acabas de decir?: Hasta que las nuevas Reglas de Procedimiento sean aprobadas por LACRALO seguirán vigentes las anteriores Reglas de Procedimientos.
Carlton Samuels: (16:19) The question is how do we have a constitutional election? We have new Operating Principles and old RoP. Any temporary RoP MUST undergo the same process to become constitutional; decision by the memebership to adopt.
Alberto Soto: (16:19) No tengo linea
sergio salinas porto: (16:20) ya te van a llamra alberto
Harold Arcos: (16:20) Humberto, a text like what you just said?: Until the new Rules of Procedure are approved by LACRALO, the previous Operating Principles and Rules of Procedures will remain in force.
Humberto Carrasco: (16:22) espera sergio
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:22) exactly have the election under our OP with our RoP
José Francisco Arce: (16:22) @Carlton It is not about whether it is constitutional or not. But it is a question of value, a new vision. Be consistent with the vision
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:22) which is the chair, chair elect
José Francisco Arce: (16:22) What can go wrong?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:23) @Jose - we are setting aside the new OP because someone doesn't like it
Alberto Soto: (16:23) Estoy con mi celular, pyueden darme la palabra?
sergio salinas porto: (16:23) Hasta que las nuevas Reglas de Procedimiento sean aprobadas por LACRALO seguirán vigentes los anteriores Principios Operativos y Reglas de Procedimientos.
José Francisco Arce: (16:24) @Dev, I can not see the point
José Francisco Arce: (16:24) can you clarify me
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:24) una norma de transición lo veo muy bien Sergio
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:24) Essentially, we are saying don't use the OP because we don't want to
Harold Arcos: (16:24) yo primero,,
Harold Arcos: (16:24) dale Alberto!!
José Francisco Arce: (16:25) @Dev, no, does not the point, please.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:25) But that what Sergio is proposing
José Francisco Arce: (16:26) I see, but what Sergio said is only an alternative, but only with the consensus of LACRALO
José Francisco Arce: (16:26) Is just to try to overcame a gap
José Francisco Arce: (16:27) A gap of two vision
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:27) There is no gap
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:27) es perfecto una norma de transición
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:27) There is nothing in our RoP from conducting the election as specified in the OP calling for new positions and rotation
Humberto Carrasco: (16:28) yo tengo una idea. Podemos someter a votación dos propuestas a.- Aplicar solo las normas del artículo 12 y del artículo 20 de las actuales reglas de procedimiento a los nuevos principios operativos. La segunda opción podría ser utilizar los antiguos principios y antiguas reglas de procedimiento con la norma transtoria propuesta por Sergio.
Humberto Carrasco: (16:28) I have an idea. We can vote on two proposals a.- Apply only the rules of article 12 and article 20 of the current rules of procedure to the new operating principles. The second option could be to use the old principles and old rules of procedure with the transitory norm proposed by Sergio.
José Francisco Arce: (16:28) The current rules of procedure (current and valid) were not intended for these operational principles, that the gap that I see
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:29) con Humberto y Sergiocoincido
Carlton Samuels: (16:29) @Jose: Yes, that is correct!
Harold Arcos: (16:30) Nueva Mano
Alberto Soto: (16:30) No estoy de acuerdo con tu primera propuesta Humberto, si con la segunda
Harold Arcos: (16:30) No veo coherente esta nueva propuesta @Humberto
Harold Arcos: (16:32) Segunda Opción del Párrafo de @Humberto sí estoy de acuerdo. "The second option could be to use the old principles and old rules of procedure with the transitory norm proposed by Sergio."
Alberto Soto: (16:33) could have worked and approved the two together.
Carlton Samuels: (16:33) @Humberto: Fundamentally, the RoP now in place is is not totally incompatible with the new Operating Principles
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:33) @Alberto - that could take several years again
Alberto Soto: (16:34) Aún no habríamos aprobado nada. We would not have approved anything yet.
Carlton Samuels: (16:34) @Sergio, can I ask the old ROP pertaining to elections be read into the record?
Claudia Ruiz: (16:34) Welcome Bartlett Morgan
Alberto Soto: (16:36) No Dev, the time will be very short if you participate in the WG. Problems occur when you want to make changes after not having participated and everything is defined
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:36) @Alberto - We took two years with assistnace from ICANN directly involved
Alberto Soto: (16:37) Sorry my Enclish Dev... If all pariticipate... Sorry
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:37) se puede Sergio y trabajaremos con mahor tranquilidad sin pensar en las elecciones
Silvia Vivanco: (16:37) @ Carlton:
Silvia Vivanco: (16:37) ROPs link above
Harold Arcos: (16:37) Dear @Dev, We elaborated the Operating Principles during a process of historical Mediation for the Region. We are all moving towards a joint working Horizon. Laws, norms, MoUs are signed and then progress is made towards the ways to materialize them. I insist that we are not innovating, the transitory article always exists in every document that comes from an evolution of another previous document.
Carlton Samuels: (16:38) Thank you Silvia
José Francisco Arce: (16:38) +1 Carlton: Lets read the RoP
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:38) la norma transitoria habilitan el trabajl de reglas de procedimientos
sergio salinas porto: (16:41) baja la mano harold
Alberto Soto: (16:41) I in the wiki Sergio
Harold Arcos: (16:41) así es @Cristian,,,la norma habilita y da espacio para el trabajo siguiente..
Silvia Vivanco: (16:41) Carlton kindly clarify what needs to be read out
Silvia Vivanco: (16:41) and I will post the relevant rule and read it
Claudia Ruiz: (16:41) Welcome Lance Hinds
Harold Arcos: (16:42) Welcome @Lance
Humberto Carrasco: (16:42) @Carlton, I understand and I think that could be possible. However, My opinion is that LACRALO should approve it
Alberto Soto: (16:45) Alguien puede pedir que se apliquen otros acticulos del los antiguas Reglas de Procedimiento con los nuevos Principios Operativos.
Alberto Soto: (16:46) No se puede aplicar parcialmente...
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:47) y esoprimero fijamos los objetivos principios y después se reglamentsn
Alberto Soto: (16:47) dejamosmuchas cosas de reglamentación pedientes para que queden claros los Principios Operativos.
Harold Arcos: (16:47) El punto que plantéa @Alberto es muy importante,,,The Pov of @Alberto is key: guien puede pedir que se apliquen otros acticulos del los antiguas Reglas de Procedimiento con los nuevos Principios Operativos.
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:47) Coincido Sergio
Harold Arcos: (16:48) @Alberto comment: Someone may request that other articles of the old Rules of Procedure apply with the new Operating Principles.
Alberto Soto: (16:48) El artciulo transitorio deja en claro lo que se dijo desde el primer dia de la mediación en los Angeles. Primero los Principios Operativos para luego poder generar Las r
Alberto Soto: (16:48) reglas de Procedimiento
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:49) Again, Sergio - there is nothing preventing the implementaton of the new OP -
Harold Arcos: (16:49) @Alberto comment: The transitory article makes clear what was said from the first day of the mediation in Los Angeles. First the Operational Principles to be able to generate the Rules of Procedure.
Alberto Soto: (16:49) dev is a parcialaplication
Alberto Soto: (16:49) partial aplicattion
Lilian Ivette De Luque: (16:51) debo dejar la reunión tengo otro compromiso, exitos feliz noche
Alberto Soto: (16:51) Chau Oily!!
Alberto Soto: (16:51) Lily!!
Ricardo Holmquist 2: (16:51) igualmente, debo dejar la reunion
Ricardo Holmquist 2: (16:51) saludos a todos
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:52) I think we should hold the elections with the new principles -
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:52) and not attempt to subvert them
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:52) which I feel some in LACRALO want to do
Alberto Soto: (16:54) Whit consesus Dev, me too
Silvia Vivanco: (16:54) gracias Ricardo
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:54) buenas noches debo dejar la reunión
Silvia Vivanco: (16:54) Gracias Cristian
Humberto Carrasco: (16:54) I am sorry, I have to leave the meeting / Lo siento, tengo que dejar la reunión.
Humberto Carrasco: (16:55) buens noches
Silvia Vivanco: (16:55) gracias Humberto
Harold Arcos: (16:55) Gracias @Humberto por los importantes aportes,,
Harold Arcos: (16:55) Saludos
Cristian Casas Lacralo: (16:55) te y debemos continuar reflexionando y dialogandoes un temaapasionan
Alberto Soto: (16:55) Hasta el miercoles Sergio?
Silvia Vivanco: (16:56) We can schedule the call same day next Thursday 11 at 23 UTC
Alberto Soto: (16:56) Me tengo que ir a cocinar!!!
Carlton Samuels: (16:56) @Sergio: Can I ask for the temporary rule to be placed here?
Harold Arcos: (16:56) thanks @Silvia,,,Kindly I request a new doodle,,
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:57) Since there are no action items recorded
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:57) Lance wants to speak
Alberto Soto: (16:57) I have to go cook!
Harold Arcos: (16:57) @Alberto invita!
Harold Arcos: (16:57) Lance wants to speak
sergio salinas porto: (16:58) transitory article: Until the new Rules of Procedure are approved by LACRALO, the previous Operating Principles and Rules of Procedures will remain in force.
Harold Arcos: (16:58) Very important reminder @Lance!
Harold Arcos: (16:59) Proposed Transitory Article: Until the new Rules of Procedure are approved by LACRALO, the previous Operating Principles and Rules of Procedures will remain in force.
José Francisco Arce: (17:00) The question is whether or not it is consistent with the vision taken when approving the operating principles. If there is good faith in the process, the result of both must be the same.
Carlton Samuels: (17:00) @Sergio: SO the request is to suspend the new Operating Principles and do the election under the old RoP and Operating Principles?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:00) Bartlett
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:00) Bartlett wants to speak
José Francisco Arce: (17:02) The disagreement is for fear? What could happend?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:02) Well said Bartlett and Lance
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:03) fully concur
Carlton Samuels: (17:03) @Bartlett: +1
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:05) There is a solution - run the election with the new operating principles
Lance Hinds: (17:06) Correct Dev.
sergio salinas porto: (17:06) +1
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:07) There is no problem other than what some want to revert to the old operating principles for some reason
sergio salinas porto: (17:07) con Harold recordando lo dicho por alberto
Alberto Soto: (17:07) Debo dejar la reunion, I live the mteeting... Saludos!! Regards!!!
Carlton Samuels: (17:07) In the common law we have something called forebearance. The regulations can be suspecnded for the larger public interestgoal. If we agree on the principles we can run the elections based on the principles.
Silvia Vivanco: (17:08) the call invite will be sent for a call next week Thursday at 23 UTC
Carlton Samuels: (17:08) Thank yopu all! There is a way forward
Harold Arcos: (17:08) thank you very much for active participation,,,
Harold Arcos: (17:08) thanks our interpreters!!! thanks Staff Team,,,,
Adrian Carballo ( Fund, Incluirme): (17:08) Buenas noches
Harold Arcos: (17:09) Buenas noches
José Francisco Arce: (17:09) Saludos