Webex Chat: 2018-05-28 LACRALO Monthly Teleconference
05/28/2018 23:53:08 PM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
Welcome to the LACRALO Monthly Call on Monday, 28 May 2018 at 23:00 UTC.
05/28/2018 23:53:30 PM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/r8SKBg
05/29/2018 00:25:10 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
Si, Tu presentaicón va a ser colocada
05/29/2018 00:25:14 AM from Vanda Scartezini to All Attendees:
hoy hable sobre GDPR apra fundaciones
05/29/2018 00:25:14 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
por favor
05/29/2018 00:25:38 AM from Carlos Gutierrez to All Attendees:
nlo lo veo en webex....
05/29/2018 00:25:47 AM from Vanda Scartezini to All Attendees:
noe sta en el webex
05/29/2018 00:26:04 AM from Carlos Gutierrez to All Attendees:
mi webex esta congelado
05/29/2018 00:26:08 AM from Carlos Gutierrez to All Attendees:
el problema es mio
05/29/2018 00:26:35 AM from Vanda Scartezini to All Attendees:
entonces es mio tambien
05/29/2018 00:26:43 AM from Carlos Gutierrez to All Attendees:
05/29/2018 00:26:44 AM from Vanda Scartezini to All Attendees:
pero el anterio seguia muy bien
05/29/2018 00:26:54 AM from Gisella Gruber to Ricardo Holmquist (privately):
Ricardo - do you see this?
05/29/2018 00:26:57 AM from Carlos Gutierrez to All Attendees:
si, la lista de Ricardo si se vio y fue bajando
05/29/2018 00:27:02 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
staff pondra el PPT pronto
05/29/2018 00:27:07 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
disculpen la demora
05/29/2018 00:27:07 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
ICANN Staff is uploagind your ppt Claudio!
05/29/2018 00:27:24 AM from Harold Arcos to All Participants:
No me e
s posible ver la presentación en la laptop de hoy,,¿Es posible acceder desde Confluence?
05/29/2018 00:28:09 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
HArold: Staff lo está colocando
05/29/2018 00:28:11 AM from lilian deluque to All Participants:
el PPT de claudio
05/29/2018 00:28:12 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
05/29/2018 00:28:15 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
tienen problemas
05/29/2018 00:28:19 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
05/29/2018 00:30:02 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
Hola a todos, hello everyone!! Lamento entrartarde
05/29/2018 00:30:38 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
Bienvenido Alberto
05/29/2018 00:31:34 AM from Humberto to All Participants:
05/29/2018 00:36:53 AM from Raitme Citterio to All Participants:
Pregunta: La ley de GDPR puede ser un modelo para la legislación en América?
05/29/2018 00:37:41 AM from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:
Espero que no!
05/29/2018 00:38:34 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
+ @Ricardo!
05/29/2018 00:41:16 AM from Alberto Soto to All Participants:
Muchas gracias Claudio, obrigado!!!
05/29/2018 00:41:35 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
ok @Vanda
05/29/2018 00:42:02 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
Thank you Claudio
05/29/2018 00:44:08 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
@Claudio: cómo se demuestra el cumpkimiento de esta norma?
05/29/2018 00:44:21 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
* cumplimiento
05/29/2018 00:46:29 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
Muy claro! excelente @Claudio!
05/29/2018 00:51:00 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
Si esta presentacion sera publicada en la pagina wiki de la llamada de hoy y esta llamad esta grabada
05/29/2018 00:54:09 AM from Claudio Lucena to All Participants:
Les agradezco yo la oportunidad
05/29/2018 00:54:21 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
Gracias Claudio!
05/29/2018 00:54:27 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
Muchisimas gracias por esta exposicion Claudio
05/29/2018 00:55:10 AM from Claudio Lucena to All Participants:
A usted por la noticia interesante Sílvia. Gracias
05/29/2018 00:58:50 AM from Claudio Lucena to All Participants:
Gracias a todos por la oportunidad y por la atención. Un poco tarde ya en este lado y tengo que dejarles
05/29/2018 00:59:37 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
no hay manos levantadas
05/29/2018 01:00:11 AM from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:
Gracias Carlos Raul
05/29/2018 01:03:22 AM from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Participants:
Re: this motion mentioned on the list, what is the proposed motion in EN ? Because reading the machine translation, it is not clear what the motion is saying or proposing
05/29/2018 01:05:04 AM from sylvia HERLEIN to All Participants:
buenas noches!! perdón por la demora
05/29/2018 01:05:20 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
el orden es: vanda y luego Sergio
05/29/2018 01:05:21 AM from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:
Hola Sylvia
05/29/2018 01:05:24 AM from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:
yo levante la mano
05/29/2018 01:05:26 AM from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Participants:
Also re: ISO 3166 Alpha2 and Alpha 3, there have been changes to the ISO list from the LAC region
05/29/2018 01:05:39 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
incluso esta Ricardo
05/29/2018 01:05:44 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
y Alejadro
05/29/2018 01:06:28 AM from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Participants:
BQ, CW and SX were added to the ISO 3166 -1 alpha 2 standard in late 2010
05/29/2018 01:07:10 AM from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:
ty Dev for the update
05/29/2018 01:08:01 AM from Maritza Aguero to All Participants:
05/29/2018 01:08:18 AM from Humberto to All Participants:
05/29/2018 01:10:12 AM from lilian deluque to All Participants:
Regresé, tuve problemas técnicos
05/29/2018 01:16:11 AM from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Participants:
The ALAC Letter to the ICANN Board to recent letters regarding At-Large Review : http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/alac/attachments/20180525/6a4c7d32/At-Large_Review-Board_Response-20180525-Final-0001.pdf
05/29/2018 01:16:31 AM from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Participants:
No need to speak, thanks
05/29/2018 01:20:22 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
Sergio is on the line and unmuted
05/29/2018 01:20:45 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
Sergio all good now
05/29/2018 01:24:28 AM from lilian deluque to All Participants:
felicitaciones a trabajar oior la region
05/29/2018 01:24:56 AM from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:
I have unmuted Alejandro
05/29/2018 01:24:57 AM from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Participants:
congratulations to the candidates
05/29/2018 01:25:09 AM from Aida Noblia to All Participants:
Muchas Gracias. Saludos a todos
05/29/2018 01:25:10 AM from Lito Ibara to All Participants:
05/29/2018 01:25:20 AM from Raitme Citterio to All Participants:
bye saludos
05/29/2018 01:25:23 AM from lilian deluque to All Participants:
hasta luego
05/29/2018 01:25:30 AM from Ricardo Holmquist to All Participants:
gracias a todos, saludos
05/29/2018 01:25:30 AM from Harold Arcos to All Participants:
Saludos y gracias a todos,,,gracias al Staff e