7 August 2013 Meeting

7 August 2013 Meeting

When: Wednesday, 7 August 2013. 16:00 UTC / This is a 120 Minute Session.

Adobe Connect Link:  http://icann.adobeconnect.com/r1onj8cflqp/


On page: http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/#aug

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:

Jim Bikoff – IPC/IOC
Elizabeth Finberg - RySG
Chuck Gomes – RySG
Alan Greenberg – ALAC
Catherine Gribbin – Red Cross Red Crescent
Stephane Hankins – Red Cross Red Crescent
David Heasley – IPC/IOC
Berly Lelievre - Acosta – WIPO
Wolfgang Kleinwächter – NCSG
David Maher – RySG
Kiran Malancharuvil - IPC
Judd Lauter – IOC/IOC
Christopher Rassi - Red Cross Red Crescent
Thomas Rickert – NCA –Working group chair
Megan Rogers - OECD
Greg Shatan – IPC
Mason Cole – GNSO Council chair - RrSG

Avri Doria – NCSG

ICANN Staff:
Berry Cobb
Mary Wong
Julia Charvolen

Proposed Agenda – IGO-INGO WG Meeting – 7 AUGUST 2013 @ 16:00 UTC (120 Min):

  1. Review Agenda & Changes to SOI’s
  2. Review of Public Comment on Initial Report (Closes 7 August 2013)
  3. TMCH Use for Possible Recommendation of 2nd-Level Protection
  4. Discussion Topics for eventual Consensus Call:
    1. General Framework of Protections
    2. Exception Procedures
    3. Protections, if any, for existing TLDs
  5. Confirm next meeting, 14 August 2013 @ 16:00 UTC


Adobe Chat Transcript 07 August 2013:

Berry Cobb:Welcome to the 7 Aug 2013 IGO-INGO Conference call.

  Judd Lauter:Jim Bikoff, David Heasley, Judd Lauter, and Griffin Barnett are on the call

  Julia Charvolen:Thank you Judd, I will note that

  Julia Charvolen:tephane Hankins joined the call

  Julia Charvolen:Stephane

  Julia Charvolen:Greg Shatan joined the call

  Julia Charvolen:Kiran Malancharuvil joined the meeting

  Alan Greenberg:Chuck, with regard to whether the ALAC commented on their position with respect to IGOs. We did not include an IGO statement in our bulleted summary at the top (To restate positions previously taken), but many of our answers to specific questions addressed our positions on IGOs.

  Chuck Gomes:@ Alan:  Thanks

  Chuck Gomes:@ staff: I think it would be a good idea to include the ALAC IGO position in the summary.

  Berry Cobb:will do.  Thanks Chuck

  Thomas Rickert:going through security...

  Chuck Gomes:Note that consensus call may be iterative.

  Chuck Gomes:Another way of saying that is that we may have several consensus calls that progressively guide our work.

  Thomas Rickert:i was just disconnected

  Alan Greenberg:I will not be on the next meeting

  Berry Cobb:Bring your friends and family for next weeks call.

  Julia Charvolen:Thank you everyone