13 March 2013 Meeting

13 March 2013 Meeting

When: Wednesday, 13 March 2013. GMT Standard Time. 19:00 UTC / This is a 120 Minute Call.

Adobe Connect Link:  http://icann.adobeconnect.com/r1onj8cflqp/


On page: http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/#mar

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:

Lanre Ajayi - NCA
Jim Bikoff – IPC/IOC
Mason Cole - GNSO Council vice chair - RrSG
Elizabeth Finberg – RySG
Chuck Gomes - RySG
Catherine Gribbin - Red Cross
Stephane Hankins - NCSG
David Heasley - IPC/IOC
Debra Hughes – Red Cross
David Maher - RySG
Kiran Malancharuvil - IPC/IOC
Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP
Christopher Rassi - Red Cross
Thomas Rickert – NCA –Working group chair
Greg Shatan - IPC
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit – ISO

Avri Doria – NCSG
Alan Greenberg - ALAC
Cintra Sooknanan - NPOC
Mary Wong - NCUC
Guilaine Fournet – IEC
Wolgang Kleinwaechter – NCSG
Evan Lebovitch – ALAC

ICANN Staff:
Brian Peck
Berry Cobb
Glen de saint Géry

Proposed Agenda – IGO-INGO WG Meeting – 13 MAR 2013 @ 19:00 UTC (120 Min):

1. Roll Call / SOI Update
2. Review General Council Research survey response
3. Review latest Qualification Criteria models (v0.6)
4. Review Protection Matrix – spreadsheet (v0.3)
5. Review IGO-INGO Work Plan (13 MAR 2013) – Discuss Format for face-to-face Beijing Meeting
6. Next steps & confirm next meeting (20 MAR 2013 @ 17:00 UTC (120 MIN))

Action Items
1. None


Adobe Chat Transcript:

Berry Cobb:Welcome to the 13 MAR 2013 IGO-INGO Teleconference.
IOC:Jim Bikofff, David Heasley and Kiran Malancharuvil here with the IOC. Thanks!
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):Very much agree with Chuck.
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):This is a policy issue.
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):thomas + 1
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):Have to sign out of chat.
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):Back
Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):Where these applications for consent directly from the applicant or the registrar?