EURALO 21.12.2010 Summary Minutes
Participants: Wolf Ludwig, Sandra Hoferichter, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Christopher Wilkinson, Lutz Donnerhacke, Rudi Vansnick, Manuel Schneider, Yrjo Lansipuro
Apologies: Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Sebastien Bachollet
Staff: Matthias Langenegger
CW: Congratulations to Olivier to his election as the ALAC Chair. We will have another BCEC call early next year to review the Board selection process.
Wolf: In my view, the Cartagena meeting was one of the most succesful meetings we had so far.
Review of action items
AI: Wolf will draft a response to Evan's email on the new gTLD guidebook and send it to Yrjo for review.
AI: Staff will send a reminder to the candidate-community forum page to the EURALO list.
AI: Staff will create a wiki page for RALO comments on the strategic planning process.
AI: Wolf, Olivier and Matthias will suggest a specific procedure to poll the EURALO members on the preferred candidate, in accordance with the selection timeline set out by the BCEC and ABSC.
AI: Agenda items 7, 8 and 9 will be carried over to the next EURALO teleconference.
DONE - the Bylaw modifications will be discussed after Cartagena
Wolf: one open action items is the review of our bylaws.
Open Public Consultations
Wolf: There will be a special meeting to find agreement on open new gTLD issues in February. The location is to be determined.
Review of ICANN Cartagena Meeting
Update on ALAC Officer and Liaison Positions
Wolf: I am happy and proud that Olivier has been selected as the new ALAC Chair. Congratulations again to Olivier!
Wolf: As Sebastien was elected to the ICANN Board he was replaced in the ALAC by Jean-Jacques Subrenat who was selected by the Nominating Committee.
Update on ALAC Policy Discussions
Olivier: There are not a lot of policy discussions at the moment. We will resume policy work in early January. We will however have an introduction call for new ALAC members and will send out an email to the AC/SO leaders to introduce the new At-Large team.
Update on ICANN developments and important Board decisions
Wolf: The Board made a decision on .xxx. To my knowledge, the ISP community is not happy with the decision.
Wolf: We were asked to finalize the EURAO traveler list for San Francisco and since Olivier is now covered by the ALAC, we have an additional slot. We would like to offer this slot to Rudi Vansick.
Rudi: Thanks for this. As I am no longer the ccNSO liaison, I am happy to help Olivier with the Secretariat work.
It was formally decided by the EURALO to attribute the remaining EURALO travel slot for San Francisco to Rudi Vansnick.
Discuss possible Bylaw Modifications
Wolf: I propose to postpone the Bylaw discussion to January as some of our key members are not currently present. The modified bylaws should be ready for approval one month prior to the next EURALO GA in Belgrade.
Wolf: In my view, the current bylaws are too long and cumbersome and should be simplified. We will identify the most pressing issues first and leave less important for later.
Oliver: We should send the links to the proposed modifications and comments to the EURALO list so that we can make this a key item on our next call. We will ask them to participate to teh call and give feedback on the changes suggestes so far.
AI: Staff will send the links to the proposed bylaw modifications and comments to the EURALO list and ask the EURALO members to read the documents prior to the call and give feedback on the currently proposed changes.
Update on Outreach Recommendations from At-Large Improvements WT-B liaison
Sandra Hoferichter outlined her proposed ICANN beginner course. These beginner courses would be for fellows and new At-Large members and held in conjunction with ICANN meetings. Ideally the courses would be held before the ICANN conference and last between one to three days.
Wolf: I suggest that we provide different modules which we could then modify and expand. Ideally, we could start in San Francisco.
Staff: The newcomer program should be included in the next buget. It is suggested that we aim for the 2011 AGM
Olivier: There are two big projects in advance of SF. One is led by Evan and consists of rewriting parts of the guidebook to respond to the demands of the ACs and SOs. Secondly, we need to look on the positive and negative effects of new gTLDs on users. I would like to encourage you to make the consumer view known on these issues.
The call was then adjourned.