Alejandro Pisanty Biography
"Alejandro Pisanty es profesor de carrera de la Facultad de Química de la UNAM, de la que es egresado en licenciatura y posgrado. Ha sido Director General de Servicios de Cómputo y Coordinador de Universidad Abierta y a Distancia de la UNAM; Presidente de la Sociedad Internet de México (1998-2017); miembro de los Consejos Directivos de ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) y de ISOC (Internet Society). Premio Trayectoria de LACNIC 2016 por sus contribuciones al desarrollo de Internet en América Latina y el Caribe. Su actividad académica se centra en la gobernanza de Internet, ciberseguridad, educación a distancia, y estrategias digitales nacionales y regionales. En diciembre de 2021 recibió la distinción de ingresar al Salón de la Fama de Internet o "Internet Hall of Fame". Su libro más reciente es "Tecnologías de Información y Derecho a Saber", INAI, México, 2022.
ENGLISH: Alejandro Pisanty is a full professor at Facultad de Quimica (School of Chemistry) at UNAM, the National University of Mexico, of which he is a BSc, MSc and PhD graduate. He has served as Director General of Academic Computing Services and as Coordinator of Open and Distance University at UNAM; Chair of Internet Society Mexico; member of the Board of Directors of ICANN and the Board of Trustees of ISOC (Internet Society.) 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award by LACNIC for his contributions to the development of the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean. His academic activity is centered around Internet governance, cybesrsecurity, distance education, and national and regional digital strategies. In 2021 he was inducted to the Internet Hall of Fame. His most recent book is "Tecnologias de Informacion y Derecho a Saber" ("Information Technologies and the Right to Know), INAI, Mexico, 2022.
Picture is attached, credit photographer Pascual Borzelli.