Tuesday 8 June 2021
15:00-17:00 UTC: Flash Pitch Tour of ICANN and At Large (by EURALO)
It will be a fast-paced tour of the ICANN Community – in Preparation for ICANN 71 and a mobilization of the At-Large Structures (ALSes) based in Europe.
Our goal is for members of ALSes to come to discover or enhance their knowledge of ICANN and At-Large in a new “flash-pitch” format.
It will be open to all the ICANN stakeholders.
ICANN71 Week
Wednesday 16 June 2021
12:30-14:00 UTC: EURALO Policy Session: New gTLDs: Protection of Geographical Names in Europe
The session will explore and report on the needs and interests of users for geographical identify, the existing scope and opportunities for legal protection, intellectual property aspects including AOC, and alpha3 codes ini. ISO3166 and ISO4217, including for example, EUR.
The session will include a case study of a country that practices legal protection of geo names.
14:00-15:30 UTC: EURALO Social Event
Draft agenda coming soon!