APRALO Summary Minutes 28 September 2010
Discussion Notes 28 September
Participants: Hong Xue, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Fouad Bajwa, Holly Raiche, Charles Mok, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Edmon Chung, Pavan Budhrani
Apologies: Rajnesh Singh,
Staff: Heidi Ullrich
Review of AI:
AI: Pavan will change the action item on the NomCom email from the previous call.
AI: Pavan will write a one page summary of the results of the ALS survey for the next call and make suggestions on outreach and in-reach activities
Update: Pavan will send by the end of this week.
AI: Charles will work with Cheryl and Raj on a workplan to structure the regional policy work. The workplan will be presented at the next meeting.
Update: Thank you to Hong for setting up the WG. We will set up the WG. Cheryl, Fouad and Hong to join. Pavan to send out invitation to APRALO list for others to join. This WG should try to assign a particular ALS to be responsible for this WG. We can find out which ALSes are interested in which issues. We will try to try to set up a position paper to try to
AI: Cheryl and Charles will get in contact with Carlton to ensure that APRALO will receive automatic updates on upcoming public consultation.
3. Regional Policy Work (Hong, Charles) (10 minutes)
Fouad: How do we engage the ALSes? Does the current model work?
Hong: Thanks to the two vice-chairs. I can see why the two vice-chairs should work together on this.
Would it be useful to have executive summary.
AI: The two versions of the PPT for outreach should be ready by the next meeting.
Hong: This is inreach, outreach and policy-making.
Fouad: Requested review of agenda items.
Holly Raiche: Agree with agenda items
Hong: we will move the candidate discussion to item 4 and the inreach/outreach item to 6.
Hong: Charles suggested that we recruit one ALS before recruiting another.
Edmon: I volunteered because I asked ...single character TLDs...We can start the discussion and participate in the ongoing discussion. We can discuss now and be able to contribute to additional reports.
Charles: I agree. I am also wondering if any other ALSes are interested.
5. Discuss ALS application from the Information Policy Analytical Center (IPAC) (Hong, Fouad)(5 minutes)
Hong: We should make a decision today since we are quorum.
Fouad: Should convince IPAC to get their website up.
Holly: If people are happy with their structure, then I am ok.
Hong: Page 3 - Inviduals are in control. They also have government officals who are individual members.
CLO: Regional information has to be based on regional information. Staff do due diligence. You can also ask the ALAC.
Heidi: All ALSes will be able to create their own wiki page on Confluence.
Fouad: I think we still need to have some formal web presence to see which organizations they bring with us.
Cheryl: That issue will be solved by the Confluence wiki. Staff and CLO have already discussed updating the list of ALSes. This will allow compliance with the bylaws.
Fouad: I suggest we ignore question 5 in the application. We can move toward approving the application.
Holly: Don't want to ignore any question.
CLO: Keep in mind that it is the ALAC that approves the application. The ALAC will vote on whether to approve or not the regional advice.
Fouad: The website should be explored.
Hong: The procedure is clear. APRALO will make a recommendation to ALAC.
6.APRALO Elections and announcements (Hong) (25 minutes)
-An update on 2010 APRALO ALAC Representative Election
- Presentations by the two Candidates
Siva: presentation by Siva
Edmon: presentation by Edmon
Hong: Election starts on Wednesday. Lasts through the 8 Ocotober. I encourage every ALS to vote to choose the best candidate. Thanks to the two candidates.
APRALO members upcoming activities and events
Any meetings?
7. Others (Fouad, Cheryl, Vivek, James)(25 minutes)
- Update on At-Large Board Selection process (see At-Large Director Candidate workspace)
CLO: to be clear, I'm the indepedent chair of the BCEC. Raj and Fouad are your APRALO representatives. The 22 completed SOIs have been put into a non-public wiki for the BCEC to evaluate. The SOIs have had personal information removed, but it is not a totally blind evaluation.
Fouad: I'd like to commend Cheryl for her insights and experience in pulling together the work of the BCEC. The process is almost updated. We are making the selections. I'm positive that we will have a slate soon. I'm hopeful that the right candidate will be identified.
Chair's report and updates from the ALAC members and liaisons
CLO: Deliberations within the BCEC. Also, resolutions that have come out from the Board retreat - esp. VI and Rec 6 (MAPO). She is pleased with the Cross-constituency WG. However, the Board's resolution is unsatisfactory and a matter of some concern. Also, very important is the FY11 Update on the SSR Plan - ALAC has requested a 15 day extension. I would like APRALO to have submit a regional report for the ALAC comments.
4. Update on Outreach & In-reach (Fouad, Raj, Pavan)(10 minutes)
Fouad: This issue will remain open for some time. This is an important area in which we would like to engage the ALSes in. Charles will also be involved.
The first step is to get the presentation ready which we all can use for our outreach presentation.
What would benchmarks be?
Heidi: This outreach work is cross-regional given the At-Large Improvements WT B which is working on increasing ALS engagement. Fouad is
ICANN outreach video: http://www.4shared.com/video/3FIEzl6W/ICANN_MAIN_English_h264_Small.html