ARIWG Prioritization and Dependencies - Issue #11
NOTE: text in cells below shown in colour is DRAFT only for demonstration purposes and discussion within the AIRWG
Issue #11 | While broadly popular, Global ATLAS meetings every 5 years have been difficult to organize and short on effective results. More frequent regional meetings would be more effective in encouraging both policy input and outreach while familiarizing more of At Large with workings of ICANN. |
Final Proposal as approved by the Board | The ALAC will proceed with its plans as approved by the Board, pending appropriate funding. As with all At-Large activities, there will be an increased focus on tracking and metrics. |
Prioritization | 3.3.1. (High resource needs; High risk; #1 priority) |
ARIWG comments | (MH) ATLASIII, ICANN66 Montreal, Canada in November 2019 will be dependent on the outcomes of this implementation plan. The Metrics Issue #16 also relates to this task. (ED) Maureen: Do you mean outcomes of this item #11 when you say "outcome of this implementation plan? (—ED) (Satish) I have the following submissions about ATLAS and Regional Meetings:
Status of improvement effort / staff lead | (ED) Lead team for ATLAS III already created. Currently planning the event. Continuous improvement to continue / HU & EE (---ED) |
Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation | (ED) Dependent on Item #16 - Metrics. These are necesarry to define who participates or not in these meetings (ATLAS or General Assemblies). In addition, Metrics are used to determine how sucesfull/un-sucessfull the event was. (—ED) (HR) Tie metrics to review aims - policy participation, comms metrics. Maybe develop metrics for regional participation in ICANN (Policy, technical, outreach) with merics for GAs as well as ATLAS meetings |
Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other? | (ED) ALAC/At-Large Leadership in conjunction with ICANN Staff (---ED) |
Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools) | (ED) landing page, wiki |
Expected budget implications | (ED) Additional budget for General Assemblies and ATLAS (every 5 years) are needed. A multi year budget allocation should be prepared and included in ICANN budget core. (—ED) (HR) agree - GAs will have own themes but may be commonalities between GAs |
Proposed implementation steps: | (ED) 1. Revise past ATLAS and General Assemblies results. 2. Verify recomendations and lesson learned to improve next iterations 3. Assemble a Working Group to manage the coordination of these events 4. Determine timelines, budget requirements, outcome expectations and metrics for each event (—ED)(HR - agree) |
Continuous Improvement(s) | (ED) 1. Continue to revise metrics to align expectations fro each event 2. Use leasson learned from previous events to continue improving outcomes 3. Continue to outreach to new volunteer to work in the coordination/excution of these events to learn how things are done and to start collaborating with other ICANN departments. (---ED) |
Metrics | (ED) Metrics to be developed by team working in Item #16 (---ED) |