Self Assessment & Process Components
Note from Holly Raiche
The next phase of our task as the working party (on the timelines, from November 2015 through February 2016) is to provide input on the self assessment and review component of the process. In particular, have a look at the 2008 ALAC Review. That report had many recommendations - summarized down to 13. So have a look - what has worked, what hasn’t, and what can be improved. We also have to think through who needs to be interviewed - individuals, yes, but also what positions - RALO Chairs? RALO reps on ALAC? ALS members - from all regions - how are they identified, interviewed? If you look at the GNSO review (and I recommend you do, just to see what sorts of things were asked/recommended), some of the interviews were using Skype - which will deal with distance issues, but how do we deal with language issues/time issues?