ALAC At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG)

ALAC At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG)

The ICANN Board accepted the At-Large Review Implementation Final Report (ARI Final Report) on 10 September 2020, the resolution can be found here.

Scope and Purpose of the ARIWG.

The ICANN Board in their meeting on June 23rd 2018, within the Consent Agenda item (h) Organizational Review of the At-Large - Final Report and Recommendations, resolved that:-

(2018.06.23.13), the Board directs the ALAC to convene an At-Large review implementation working group that oversees the implementation process of the implementation proposals contained in the At-Large Review Implementation Overview Proposal, including through the development of a detailed implementation plan. The Board expects that the implementation plan will expand on the implementation steps detailed in the At-Large Review Implementation Overview Proposal, including through identification of metrics for each implementation, a concise overview of the current state for each of the ALAC's proposals, a clearly defined goal of the implementation objectives, and a methodology of how to measure implementation progress on an ongoing basis.

(2018.06.23.14), the Board directs the ALAC to work with ICANN organization to include expected budgetary implication for each of the implementation steps into its detailed implementation plan. The implementation plan shall incorporate a phased approach that allows for easy-to-implement and least costly improvements to be implemented first, with those items with more significant budget implications addressed via subsequent budget cycles. Any budgetary requests should be made in line with ICANN organization's budgeting processes. The detailed implementation plan shall be submitted to the Board as soon as possible, but no later than six (6) months after the adoption of this resolution.

(2018.06.23.15), the Board directs the At-Large review implementation working group to provide to the OEC semiannual written implementation reports on progress against the implementation plan, including, but not limited to, progress toward metrics detailed in the implementation plan and use of allocated budget.

Membership of the ARIWG

The ARIWG is intended to be a relatively small, yet regionally balanced working group convened by the ALAC in July/August 2018. Members will be appointed by the ALAC, but all lists, meetings and activities will be open to Observers from the ICANN Community and Participants from At-Large. 

Meetings of the ARIWG

All meeting records including Recordings, Minutes or Notes and Action Items, along with Chat transcript from main meeting rooms and Attendance Records (other than any held 'in camera' and these will be reported on in the manner of the ALAC) are public and will be published. Please note that photos, video and images may be taken during ARIWG meetings and activities and these may be Published or used in Social Media;  if you do not wish to be identified in these records, transcripts or have images taken, then you must inform At-Large Staff staff@atlarge.icann.org and the Chair.  ALAC and At-Large may also use meeting records, transcripts etc., in various forms of metrics and reporting associated with ALAC / At-Large or ARIWG work.

Next Meeting: 29 May 2019

Previous Meeting: 20 May 2019

Key Workspaces of the ARIWG

Key Documents of the ARIWG


Staff Support Leads: Heidi Ullrich and Evin Erdoğdu

Mailing list: ARIWG@icann.org 

To subscribe to the mailing list, please visit:  https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ariwg

To join the Working Group as an Observer or Participant, please email: staff@atlarge.icann.org 

Membership of the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group.

  1. Members of the At-Large Review Working Party (ARIWG) are appointed to provide stable Regional balance and equitable representation from the ALAC and At-Large in all Meetings and activities of the Working Group, these people will be called upon in the event of any Consensus Call or Vote being held by the WG NOTE the Chair has a final casting power to break any ties that occur in any Call, Vote or Poll held.  All Members are expected to be regular attendees, to review meeting records when unable to attend any meeting and to actively engage in any mailing list discussions and drafting activities. 
  2. Participants are volunteers from At-Large who may freely engage in the ARIWG activities and mailing list, but who will not be called upon in any Consensus Calls or Votes of the WG.
  3. Observers are people from the ICANN Community who are subscribed as READ ONLY to mailing list(s), who are welcome to attend any meetings held but who are not involved any Consensus Calls or Votes of the WG.

1. MEMBERS of the At-Large Review Working Party (ARIWG) are appointed to provide stable Regional balance and equitable representation from the ALAC and At-Large.




ALACMaureen HilyardChair
APCheryl Langdon-OrrExOfficio
NAAlan GreenbergExOfficio
ALAC-AFSeun OjedejiMember
AFRALOTijani Ben JemaaMember
AFRALODaniel NanghakaMember
ALAC-APHolly RaicheMember
APRALOSatish BabuMember
ALAC-EUBastiaan GoslingsMember
EURALOOlivier Crepin-LeblondMember
EURALOJoanna KuleszaMember
EURALOSebastien BacholletMember
EURALOYrjö LänsipuroMember
LACRALOAlberto SotoMember
LACRALORicardo HolmquistMember
LACRALODev Anand TeelucksinghMember
LACRALOSergio Salinas PortoMember
LACRALOHumberto CarrascoMember
ALAC-NAJohn LapriseMember
NARALOEduardo DiazMember
NARALOJonathan ZuckMember
NARALOJavier Rúa-JovetMember
NARALOGlenn McKnightMember
2. PARTICIPANTS:- people from At-Large freely engaged in the ARIWGs activities and mailing list(s), but who will not be called upon in any Consensus Calls or Votes of the WG.
AFRALOAbdeldjalil Bachar BongParticipant
AFRALOPeterking QuayeParticipant
AFRALOKris SeeburnParticipant
AFRALOJoan KatambiParticipant
APRALOLianna GalstyanParticipant
APRALOJustine ChewParticipant


APRALONadira Al-ArajParticipant
APRALOCherie LagakaliParticipant
APRALOJahangir HossainParticipant
APRALOPriyatosh JanaParticipant
LACRALOVrikson AcostaParticipant
NARALOAlfredo CalderonParticipant
NARALODavid MorarParticipant
3. OBSERVERS:- people from ICANN Community who are subscribed as READ ONLY to mailing list(s), who are welcome to attend any meetings held but who are not involved any Consensus Calls or Votes of the WG.

Gopal Tadepalli

NARALODavid MackeyObserver
N/AStephen DakyiObserver