AFRALO 07.12.11 Summary Minutes EN
Follow up on Dakar meeting:
Secretary of AFRALO put together efforts in harmony
No quick decisions now, look at discussions, common decisions together
1. ALAC meetings are open to everybody. Those who would like to participate can participate.
Individual membership
Current situation, in AFRALO we need individual membership.
Fatimata: Concerning membership, we can have an ALS
We have to be careful because some people can come to disturb ICANN
When we have a new member they shall not cause a lot of problems
We can have our own structures, how to put in place the community
ALS that we will join is AFRALO ALS
Criteria of AFRALO
Half of ALS come from one country. No problem with that
Each ALS needs to vote
Geographic regions. It is important to have a plan
How to deal with ALSes vis a vis vote
AI : Yaovi will do a proposal on the issue
Open Public consultations
Review of the upcoming deadlines
Hotel Almadies
Official reaction from AFRALO
AFRALO has suffered from that letter
We need to talk about that subject
It was mentioned that Fatimata had nothing to do with the report
AI: For AFRALO to ask the ALAC formally to send a follow up letter to explain that Fatimata had no involvement with the report.