AFRALO 09.05.12 Summary Minutes EN
Review of the Public consultations
1.Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT) - Draft Report 15 April 14 May
2.Fake Renewal Notices Report 20 April 11 May
3. com Registry Agreement Renewal 26 April 17 May
4. Second Annual IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process Review 30 April 21 May Agreement Amendment 09 April 29 May
6. ICANN Draft FY13 Operating Plan and Budget 24 May 15 June
7. IDN Variant TLD Program - Revised Program Plan 25 May 15 June
Tijani ennumerated the consultations.
Comment: Yaovi made a call to everyone, for participation. He asked all to read the Public consultations to go to the WIKI and read the materials posted there, he encouraged everyone to go to the ICANN website.
3. Reports
Recent and upcoming Activities of ALAC (Titi, Yaovi, Tijani) 5’
Recent and upcoming Activities of AFRALO members (all) 5’
Upcoming Activities regarding the ALAC
Yaovi : Asked Tijani to help. New gtld WG. Review work of the ALAC and the WG. ALAC members. On going work on the responsibilities of the Working Group.
He asked Tijani to complete what he has mentioned.
We made a comment on consumer trust and in IDN Variants.
We are preparing the ALAC meeting for Prague and the activities regarding interaction with Stakeholders, we are also working on the criteria and the Rules of Procedure for ALAC and the new gTLD.
We are asking to do an SOI for each member, we are doing all that work, there has been a lot of work made on the website of At Large.
There are two reports made by Yaovi and Tijani.
Recent and upcoming Activities of AFRALO members (all) 5’
Fatimata: International day of Internet in Senegal. I participated in the meeting. Very interesting because it promotes the communication of everyone, it was very interesting. Tomorrow we will participate in the prep meeting of the meeting of Internet Governance.
Regarding Fatimata ALS, participated in the IGF In Geneva, there were many African ALs participating.
There is a meeting of the African Commission taking place in Rabat and there is a posibility to organize a meeting in Africa.
ALS reviewed the scope of their activities.
4. Item for Information
IGF in Baku, Azerbaijan; We asked ICANN to help us organize the workshop in Baku.
The budget has been published and we noted that they have taken our project into account and the project will be under public comment. So final decision will be made in Prague.
Call for membership for the gTLD ALAC objection Review Group (Fatimata) 4’
Each Ralo was asked to present a candidate, so we have 1 member from each Ralo as well as 1 volunteer. There was an email with all the names of the candidates submitted for each RALO.
AFRALO has two candidates: Fatimata and Aziz.
I would like to say that we all vote for the candidates. I would like to know who is agaisnt the candidacy.
Tijani: The vacancy is not for RALOs, ALAC will chose someone from the regions. It is not necessary to be a member of the ALAC.
FSS: We should now discuss participation at the ICANN Meeting in Prague.
FSS: We should seek to replace Titi with another female participant.
FSS: Regarding the recent ALS Applicantion from Chad, I ask Aziz Hilali to speak on this application.
AH: We could not determine the relationship with this applicant and the internet in Chad. Also, when we look at the website and the information on ISOC's website, the information does not match. Additionally, they state on their application that there is a board but there is no board. Moreover, we have met with all of the ISOC Chapters of Africa except for this member. In conclusion, this application should not be endorsed by AFRALO. As such, we ask that ICANN Staff follow up with this applicant and inform them of our reasons for not supporting this application.
TBJ: We should write to the association and inform their of our decision and request more information from them. We should make our final decision based on their reply.
There was a group decision to write to the association and inform their of our decision and request more information from them.
TBJ: We should compile this information and send it to ALS.
TBJ: I volunteer to draft this email.
YA: If we propose subjects that we would like to be discuss, we have to refine these subjects to discuss them.
Janvier: French speaking ALSes were privileged at the ALAC level.
OCL: We need to be sure to coordinate and work together due to the amount of work taking place.
FSS: How are the ALAC members and AFRALO officers selected? The questionof langauges has been solved, but we need participation here.