WebEx Chat: 2018-05-31 Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Statement Drafting Team Call

WebEx Chat: 2018-05-31 Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Statement Drafting Team Call

05/31/2018    16:04:29 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Welcome to the Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Statement Drafting Team Call on Thursday, 31 May 2018 at 14:00 UTC.

05/31/2018    16:05:03 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Q6w8Bg

05/31/2018    16:55:07 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Hi all

05/31/2018    16:55:27 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Welcome all!

05/31/2018    16:55:29 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Bonjour, bonsoir et bon apres midi a tous

05/31/2018    16:56:21 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Bonjour a tous

05/31/2018    16:56:26 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Hi Everyone

05/31/2018    16:56:34 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            can someone speak?

05/31/2018    16:56:44 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Trying to see if my sound is working

05/31/2018    16:56:58 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Thanks Gisella, good to e-see you

05/31/2018    16:57:04 PM    from Hadia Elminiawi to All Participants:

            did anyone try speaking

05/31/2018    16:57:39 PM    from Hadia Elminiawi to All Participants:

            i am not sure that my sound is working either, i can't hear anything

05/31/2018    16:58:09 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            it is silent for the time being

05/31/2018    16:58:59 PM    from Hadia Elminiawi to All Participants:

            my sound is working

05/31/2018    17:00:58 PM    from mutegekicliff to All Participants:

            This is mutegeki cliff

05/31/2018    17:03:04 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Hi , i would like to use Webex

05/31/2018    17:03:04 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            but the sound keeps disappearing

05/31/2018    17:03:57 PM    from Hadia Elminiawi to All Participants:

            i can hear you sarah

05/31/2018    17:04:07 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            i can hear as well

05/31/2018    17:05:08 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Please call me i will use the phone

05/31/2018    17:08:01 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            I dropped again

05/31/2018    17:08:09 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            but i can follow on Webex

05/31/2018    17:11:04 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            you need to mute one of your lines Barrack

05/31/2018    17:11:19 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Yes we hear you now

05/31/2018    17:11:35 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Yes I can hear well Barack

05/31/2018    17:15:24 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            The statement presented in Abu Dhabi is linked to today's agenda as well

05/31/2018    17:17:05 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:


05/31/2018    17:17:15 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            do we have a pen holder?

05/31/2018    17:17:44 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Do we have a pen holder?

05/31/2018    17:18:29 PM    from Daniel Nanghaka to All Participants:

            The GDPR affects everyone

05/31/2018    17:18:40 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:


05/31/2018    17:19:32 PM    from Daniel Nanghaka to All Participants:

            In this case the GDPR statement affects Africa and its impacting almost everyone because there is an inter relation with Europe

05/31/2018    17:20:03 PM    from Daniel Nanghaka to All Participants:

            We did an assessment which is also highlighted in the Hot Topics report and the GDPR compliance at that time was very limited

05/31/2018    17:21:01 PM    from Daniel Nanghaka to All Participants:

            My call has droppped

05/31/2018    17:21:38 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Noted Hadia, i propose that you also add your comments to the google document

05/31/2018    17:21:46 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            it will help when we are editing the document

05/31/2018    17:21:48 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Redialing you Daniel

05/31/2018    17:22:36 PM    from Daniel Nanghaka to All Participants:

            Thanks - I am back into the call

05/31/2018    17:24:17 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            I agree with Tijani since Abu Dhabi, a lot of water has passed under the bridge

05/31/2018    17:24:35 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            We need to revise the document to ensure it addresses our current concerns

05/31/2018    17:25:41 PM    from Daniel Nanghaka to All Participants:

            I agree, probably rethink of a new document

05/31/2018    17:26:44 PM    from Hadia Elminiawi to All Participants:

            +1 Tijani

05/31/2018    17:26:49 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            agree with Tijani

05/31/2018    17:27:18 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            @Hadia: Your hand is still up, is this a new hand?

05/31/2018    17:27:28 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Let us add our comments  the google document as well to make it easy for us to edit it. I can work with Hadia and Sarah  on revising the document

05/31/2018    17:30:50 PM    from Hadia Elminiawi to All Participants:

            +1 Barrack

05/31/2018    17:31:01 PM    from Tijani BEN JEMAA to All Participants:


05/31/2018    17:31:22 PM    from mutegekicliff to All Participants:

            I agree as well.

05/31/2018    17:32:00 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Please take into account that if the statement needs to be translated on time

05/31/2018    17:32:09 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            we will need to receive it the week of June 11

05/31/2018    17:32:55 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            Good move Barack

05/31/2018    17:33:13 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:


05/31/2018    17:33:35 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Can we have the final draft by 4th June Hadia?

05/31/2018    17:33:35 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            as well as the AGenda and speakers

05/31/2018    17:33:55 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            so we can post it on the wiki

05/31/2018    17:34:30 PM    from Hadia Elminiawi to All Participants:

            @Barrack yes

05/31/2018    17:34:58 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            I will note as AI, Barrack to send the draft  document by June 11 so it can be sent to translation services in a timely fashion

05/31/2018    17:35:00 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            We can consolidate the comments ater we receive the feedback

05/31/2018    17:35:19 PM    from mutegekicliff to All Participants:

            can you please add me to the Google doc.

05/31/2018    17:35:23 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            That is in order Sylvia

05/31/2018    17:35:34 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Sure Cliff we will do that

05/31/2018    17:35:35 PM    from mutegekicliff to All Participants:

            emaik address is cliff@isoc.ug

05/31/2018    17:37:01 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Good point Tijani

05/31/2018    17:38:48 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Hello everyone, I am sorry I'm late

05/31/2018    17:40:07 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Agenda for the AFRALO AFRICANN meeting

05/31/2018    17:41:05 PM    from Daniel Nanghaka to All Participants:

            Let there be suggestion rights on the google doc

05/31/2018    17:41:11 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            please add me as well

05/31/2018    17:41:13 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Barrack to confer with the AFRALO chair and others to set the AGENDA for the AFRALO-AFRICANN meeting and the Speakers

05/31/2018    17:41:26 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:


05/31/2018    17:41:42 PM    from Hadia Elminiawi to All Participants:

            thank you all bye

05/31/2018    17:41:45 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you Barrack and all !

05/31/2018    17:41:46 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Thank you

05/31/2018    17:41:47 PM    from Daniel Nanghaka to All Participants:

            Thank you bye

05/31/2018    17:41:48 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            ok thanks and bye