AFRALO FY20 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan

AFRALO FY20 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan

FY20 Outreach Strategy

Outreach Goals:

The FY20 AFRALO strategy for Outreach and Engagement aims at:

  • Reaching out to end-users across Africa to sensitize about the benefits of their involvement in ICANN's activities
  • Engaging African End Users to contribute to ICANN Policy Development Processes (PDPs)
  • Promoting ICANN's multi-stakeholder model and its bottom-up decision-making process
  • Explaining how an Internet organization / association can become an AFRALO At-Large Structure (ALS) and how an unaffiliated person can become a member of AFRALO, especially in unrepresented African countries;
  • Promoting Africa end-user’s leadership in ICANN activities


To reach the aims of the strategy, AFRALO shall:

  • Increase the number of AFRALO members who are deeply engaged in the ICANN PDP
  • Participate in events across Africa and especially in countries without ALSes to make the adequate outreach to bring into ICANN Arena:
    • African Internet organizations and make them interested in joining AFRALO as ALSes
    • Non-affiliated African individuals and make them interested in becoming AFRALO Individual members
  • Make presentations about topics under discussion in ICANN to highlight the African ICANN community effective participation in ICANN policy discussions
  • Exhibit ICANN structures’ information, activities and working methods
  • Organize local events, in partnership with local ALSes to enhance their engagement and broaden their radiance in their respective countries
  • Continue to identify university and academic institutions, organize discussions with students and teachers about Internet Governance and build young people’s interest in joining ICANN
  • Identify AFRALO role model leaders who will coach new members towards ICANN leadership positions

Expected Activities and Outcomes:

Outreach Events targeted  

The outreach will target forums within the Africa Region to enhance AFRALO participation. The following non-exhaustive list identifies some targeted events:

  1. AFRINIC-31 – Luanda, Angola (December 2019) 
  2. Africa Internet Summit 2020 – Location TBD (May/June 2020) 
  3. African regional and sub-regional IGFs

Other Details:

Date Submitted:
