Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Statements Workspace
All AFRALO/AfrICANN Statements from Brussels to present
36. ICANN 81, Istanbul, November 2024.
- Statement: 'Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Enhancing Multilingualism in the African Internet Space: An ICANN initiative"
- Déclaration:
- Letter "
35. ICANN 80, Kigali, June 2024.
- Statement :“Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Africa through Multilingual Internet Infrastructure”
- Déclaration:
- "Letter from Sally Costerton. Sr Advisor to the President and SVP, Global Stakeholder Engagement & Interim President and CEO to Hadia Elminiawi, AFRALO Chair.
34. ICANN 79, San Juan, March 2024.
- Statement : ”Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-powered tools in the service of DNS Management in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges, and Impacts”
- Déclaration: " Intelligence artificielle (IA) et outils alimentés par l’IA au service de la gestion du DNS en Afrique : opportunités, défis et impacts"
- Letter from Tripti Sinha, Chair, ICANN board of Directors to the ICANN statement" Artificial Intelligence (IA) & AI-powered tools in the service of DNS management in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges and impacts"
33. ICANN 78, Hamburg, October 2023
- Statement : Internet Resource Management and Governance in Africa
Déclaration: Gestion et gouvernance des ressources Internet en Afrique
- Letter from Sally Costerton to Hadia Elminiawi in response to the ICANN 78 "Internet Resource Management and Governance in Africa"
32. ICANN 77, Washington DC, June 2023
- Statement :Improvement of African Participation in ICANN
- Déclaration:Renforcement de la participation de l’Afrique à l’ICANN
- Arabic version.
- Letter from Tripti Sinha, Chair, ICANN Board of Directors in response to the Statement "Improvement of African Participation in ICANN".
31. ICANN76, Cancun, Mexico, March 2023
- Statement: Best practices for DNS operations in Africa
- Déclaration: Meilleures pratiques pour les opérations du DNS en Afrique
- Letter from Sally Costerton to Seun Ojedeji in response to the ICANN 76 Statement Best Practices for DNS Operations in Africa
30. ICANN 75, Kuala Lumpur, September 2022
- Statement "Universal Acceptance as a means of accessing the Internet in local languages"
- Déclaration:
- Letter from Theresa Swinehart regarding the ICANN AFRALO-AFRICANN Statement "Universal Acceptance as a means of accessing the Internet in local languages"
29. ICANN 74, The Hague virtual online meeting, June 2022.
- Statement "The role of the AFRALO community in mitigating DNS Abuse"
- Déclaration:
28. ICANN 73 San Juan , Virtual online meeting, March 2022
- Statement: " DNS Abuse: Capacity Development for End Users"
- Déclaration: Abus DNS : Développement des capacités pour les utilisateurs finaux
- Letter from ICANN Chair Maarten Botterman to AFRALO Chair Seun Ojedeji in response to the ICANN 73 AFRALO-AFRICANN statement.
27. ICANN 72 Seattle, Virtual online Annual General Assembly, October 2021.
- Statement : "Data Security"
- Déclaration: "Securite des Donnees"
- Board reply from Marteen Botterman, ICANN Board Chair to Seun Ojedeji, AFRALO Chair.
26. ICANN 71 The Hague, Virtual online meeting, June 2021
- Statement " DNS Abuse Mitigation Strategies"
- Déclaration " Stratégies d'atténuation des abus DNS"
25. ICANN 70 Cancun, Virtual online meeting, March 2021
- Statement " ICANN multi-stakeholder model (MSM) and the increase in national legislation and regulations"
- Déclaration " Modèle multipartite de l’ICANN et augmentation des législations et règlementations nationales"
24. ICANN 69 Hamburg, Virtual online meeting, October 2020
- Statement " Status, Impact and Recommendations for Universal Acceptance (UA) in Africa"- EN version
- Déclaration "Statut, impact et recommandations pour l’acceptation universelle (UA) en Afrique" - version FR
- Reply from Global Stakeholder Engagement, Sally Costerton.
- Reply from Dr. Ajay Data, Chair UASG.
- Reply from Theresa Swinehart SVP, Global Domains & Strategy "Subject: Status, Impact and Recommendations for Universal Acceptance (UA) in Africa"
23. ICANN 68 Kuala Lumpur, Virtual online meeting Enhancing the resilience of the ICANN community in the face of calamities, June 2020
- Statement " Enhancing the resilience of the ICANN community in the face of calamities"- EN version
- Déclaration "Renforcement de la résilience de la communauté de l’ICANN en cas de catastrophes" - version FR
22. ICANN 67 Cancun, Virtual online meeting, March 2020
- Statement “Call on the ICANN Org and Community to intensify their efforts in curbing DNS Abuse” - EN version
- Déclaration "Demander à l’organisation et à la communauté de l’ICANN d’intensifier leurs efforts pour limiter l’utilisation malveillante du DNS" - version FR
- Letter from David Conrad, CTO ICANN response to ICANN 67 statement "Call on the ICANN org and Community to intensify their efforts in curbing DNS Abuse"
21. ICANN 65 Marrakech, Morocco, June 2019
- Statement "Evolving the ICANN Multi-stakeholder Model (MSM)" - EN version
- Déclaration "Faire évoluer le modèle multipartite (MSM) de l’ICANN" - version FR
20. ICANN 64 Kobe, Japan, March 2019
- New gTLD Subsequent Procedure: Proposal of Neustar regarding the upcoming round of New gTLDs - EN version
- Letter from Cherine Chalaby Chair, ICANN Board of Directors in response to the Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN ICANN64
19. ICANN 63 Barcelona, November 2018
18. ICANN 62 Panama, June 2018
- The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - EN version
- Le règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) - FR version
17. ICANN 60 Abu Dhabi, November 2017
- The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - EN version
- Règlement général sur la protection des données - FR version
16. ICANN 58 Copenhagen, March 2017
- "At-Large Review: an African perspective"- EN version
- "L' examen global: une perspective africaine"- FR version
Response: Letter from Ms. Theresa Swinehart, Senior VP- Multistakeholder Strategy & Strategic Initiatives at ICANN.
15. ICANN 57 Hyderabad, November 2016
- "IANA Stewardship Transition and ICANN Accountability: the African Perspective" - EN version
- "Transition de l'intendance de responsabilisation IANA et l'ICANN: la perspective africaine - FR version
14. ICANN 56 Helsinki, June 2016
- IANA transition and ICANN Accountability- Africa Perspective - EN
- IANA transition and ICANN Accountability- Africa Perspective - FR
13. ICANN 55 Marrakesh, March 2016
12. ICANN 54 Dublin, October 2015
11. ICANN 53 Buenos Aires, June 2015
- African views on the Proposal of the Governance of Internet unique identifiers - EN
- African views on the Proposal of the Governance of Internet unique identifiers - FR
10. ICANN 52 Singapore, February 2015
9. ICANN 51 Los Angeles, October 2014
8. ICANN 46 Beijing, April 2013
7. ICANN 44 Prague, June 2012
6. ICANN 43 San Jose, March 2012
5. ICANN 42 Dakar, October 2011
4. ICANN 41 Singapore, June 2011
3. ICANN 40 San Francisco, March 2011
2. ICANN 39 Cartagena de Indias, December 2010
- Support for New gTLD Applicants - Cartagena Statement Final
- Statement on African Participation - Final
1. ICANN 38 Brussels, June 2010