Interpreter: Okay good evening everybody on the English channel we have Wilson Abigaba, Adetokundo Abiola, Shaarawy Abd Elbaky, Mistura Aruna, Pastor Peters. On the French channel Tijani Ben Jemaa, Aziz Hilali, Hadja Ouattara, Michel Tchonang, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Yaovi Atohoun, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Baudoin Schombe, and Alioune Badara Traore. Apologies from Mohamed El Bashir, Etienne Tshishimbi, Hawa Diakite, from staff we have Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani. Tonight our interpreters are Claire and Camila.
And I would like to remind you to speak your name before speaking so the interpreters know who is speaking on which channel. And don’t forget please we have interprets translating so speak slowly. Tonight we have Adobe Connect the OJO is connected so you can speak. You have to ask for the floor and Tijani is going to give you the right to speak, thank you everybody.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Thank you Gisella. Okay we are going to begin with the second item on the agenda, action items of the 18 January meeting. Four items, the first one is the ALSs are going to give their opinion on the ISOC Cameroon application before January 24th. Some ALSs gave their opinion, others didn’t give their opinion. The second item Aziz is going to transmit to ALAC the AFRALO advice about ISOC Cameroon application after January 24th. That is done.
Third item Mohammed El Bashir is going to post on the mailing list the NomCom call for SOIs recommendations and Mohammed did post this call on the list. Last item, Tijani to call (trough the Afri-discuss and the AfrICANN lists) for theme proposal for the AFRALO-AfrICANN joint meeting in San José. We have received four proposals. We are going to speak about them later on. This is another item of our agenda. Are there any comments? Do you want to speak about any of the items I mentioned?
Unknown: Just one point Tijani. I would like Olivier to confirm the participation of the Cameroon application. ALAC is going to vote on this application. I want to know if ALAC already took its decision or not.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Well Olivier you can take the floor.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Okay thank you Tijani. As Tijani said ALAC is going to vote on that point so we are not going to take a decision before. But ALAC is going to take a decision on the RALO and vote and against or in favor of RALO decision and each member of ALAC is going to vote for itself so there are no decisions taken in the -
Unknown: Okay you answered my question, thank you.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Hello, Olivier. Hello Tijani. Here in Senegal it is difficult to - because of the [inaudible 00:04:53] of Dakar don’t tell us it's - you have a cold climate. No, no it's because of the politics, yes. The political climate we have a lot of problems in Dakar.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Here in Tunisia we are very cold, it's freezing here. In Tunisia it's very cold; there is a lot of snow. Okay you are going to lead the meeting, let me open the web page please.
Interpreter: Please give your name before speaking please. It's okay Tijani I know your voice that’s why I said Tijani is going to speak.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Tijani where were we?
The second issue is about is about the changes proposed for the WHOIS of .CAT, the deadline is 10 February. The third point, Interregistrar Transfer Policy, it is not all of the policy, it's just the Part B and Recommendation 9, Part 2 about the new provision to lock and unlock domain names, the deadline is 13 February. Fourth issue is about the framework for the Fiscal Year 2013. The deadline is 23 February, we are going to prepare the part of ALAC - I'm going to work on this but please, each ALS has to give its opinions and prepare the comments you want to make.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Tijani, I'm not ready. Give me time to connect to Adobe Connect please.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I'm on the Adobe Connect. I'm looking through the agenda. You are on the Item 4?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: The Item 3 is finished. Okay I am going to do the Applicant Support Program. Okay we will wait for Fatimata and in the meantime I'm going to speak about the New gTLD Applicant Support Program. The implementation of the program, there has been a call for applications by a panel for the - it is going to be evaluated by a panel the application part is going to be evaluated by a panel of ICANN and ALAC community and by other experts unrelated to ICANN. The application has been made and I hope that among you I'm going to send it myself but you have to send it also. I ask you to find good applicants because there are some conditions in the application, so applicants that can be chosen by that panel on the different issues that are going to be important for that selection. Fatimata now you have the floor.
Aziz Hilali: I took Cameroon application.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Okay thank you.
Aziz Hilali: On the last conference call of January we decided that we wanted to do an online consultation and as Tijani said all the ALS who expressed them had an agreement on that application, other ones didn’t express, didn’t react, but those who reacted agreed. We have a deadline of 24 January and we have a [inaudible 00:15:04] that we were - we agreed for that application - ALAC was agreeing for that application. You were asking if ALAC already had voted, so I didn’t understand. I'm finished. I said I am done, did you hear what I said?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Yes, we heard you. Fatimata is not online. Fatimata are you there? Okay we are calling Fatimata back, there is a technical problem.
Unknown: Tijani can you speak again? Fatimata is not connected, yes?
Gisella Gruber: No, she is not connected but she can't hear.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: The next item recent and past activities of ALAC, Titi, Yaovi and Tijani, Yaovi is going to take the floor. I know Titi is not here.
Gisella Gruber: I want to check if Yaovi is here and I know Titi is coming back home soon and she is going to join, Yaovi can speak.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: While we are waiting for Yaovi I'm going to do a small report, the main activity now is San José meeting preparation and organization, a lot of things are going to be done. We have an important agenda for San José. And in that agenda there are a lot of things we want to implement, another activity of ALAC is we are going to have the possibility to accept applications within ALAC. And we are preparing the procedure of acceptation to present it later to ICANN. If to do some objection to the applications that we don’t think are okay, no?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Thank you Tijani. Olivier speaking, ALAC Chair and the Chair of Finance and Budget Subcommittee too, we have received the request of all RALOs for the Fiscal Year 2013 and we have implemented a chart with the timing of each of these requests for next year and the other years in the future like 2014, 2015, 2016 because we want to have a roadmap of planning on a few years to show when we need to have a general assembly in the region and when we have the next At-Large summit.
I remind you that the last summit was some years ago and in the process of improving At-Large the At-Large Improvement [inaudible 00:21:13] asked for the system to ask to have a summit every six or seven year regions can have a general assembly and every five or six years they can have a general assembly. We made that roadmap. We sent it to ICANN Finance. ICANN Finance is working on this and in the next days we are going to have an answer, well not an answer on an agreement. Now are there questions? And dialog is going to be a taking place.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Thank you Olivier. Gisella can you mute the person speaking?
Gisella Gruber: Yes. If you are hearing the audio by phone, please can you mute your phone? The noise is disturbing. When Olivier was speaking I couldn’t hear him.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Okay thank you Olivier for your report. Now I want to remind you that we have presented our project in AFRALO, a project for capacity building online after the proposal we made in Dakar. And the second project to organization a workshop - I have noticed that another RALO proposed another workshop and it's about [inaudible 00:23:42] either [inaudible 00:23:44]. But I have explained during the last conference call that it is not about - well we don’t want to propose workshops like that. These are workshops that we propose.
Gisella Gruber: Yaovi is with us. Yaovi do you want to add something to what Tijani said?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Fatimata is connected?
Gisella Gruber: No. She is telling us that she cannot speak through her computer and the telephone -
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Okay the next item, recent and upcoming activities of AFRALO members. You have to tell us the recent and upcoming activities of your AFRALO please. I don’t see many candidates. Well I can tell you about the small activity we are going to implement in Morocco. We already organized a meeting in Morocco on the general subject, this is the internet future and we speak about the new gTLDs.
And we are trying to do now with the responsible Minister, to outreach to people. And we are trying to send a mail to the different [inaudible 00:27:07] and different associations and professional associations on the advantages of the new gTLDs. Is there another ALS who wants to speak? Yes, you have the floor, I'm sorry.
Michel Tchonang: I want to come back on the ALAC activities issues. There is something I want to add about the workshop, I'm asking myself if for the selection of the subjects can we have a workshop with all the regions participating and for the AFRALO I don’t know if everyone knows but - can we put on the agenda the workshop project? This was a proposal I wanted to do related to the ALAC activities and AFRALO activities. Regarding the recent and upcoming activities of AFRALO and of my ALS, I want to say that I tried to send an email 22 January to give an account of the activities we were going to organize from November to December.
But I think because I read as this report, about ALS activities I don’t want to speak about that subject again but I think that my ALS is working with the Cameroonese delegation on the global conference of radio communication in Geneva. And we are organizing and we are speaking about the question of migration to [inaudible 00:29:59] system and we are - I wanted to ask you because we are lagging in Africa because I want to ask you to speak about that problem and regarding the activities we want to organize in July an activity in Yandi. For Cameroon we have the responsibility to organize an IDS in the next days I'm going to be able to give you more information.
Interpreter: This is all, I have problem to hear, so I'm sorry for the translation but sometimes I can't hear.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Thank you Michel. Very good point about the workshops. You are preparing. As you know, the meeting is going to take place in [inaudible 00:31:29]. Yaovi are you speaking? We can't hear you Yaovi. Please mute your phone.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Do you hear me?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: So Fatimata you have to take the lead now.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Yes on the Item 5, please you have to say your name. I'm the only woman AFRALO member, the only woman?
Interpreter: Tijani is telling Fatimata that they are on the item about recent and upcoming activities of AFRALO.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: We are not finished with that item.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Michel spoke about an important issue about the organization of a workshop during the IGF. It's in Cameroon.
Yaovi Atohoun: It's a good idea but we can't count on ICANN financing, so we have five RALOs. Remember that AFRALO - I want to vote against that so because we have little funds. However I think we have to organize something but I don’t know how we are going to do it. I want to propose the workshop. I can organize it and prepare it, no problem but this can be an issue that we have to follow.
Interpreter: Who is speaking please?
Yaovi Atohoun: I am speaking.
Interpreter: Yaovi we can't hear you.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I've seen Olivier on Adobe Connect, that there are some funds for the ICANN communities and not only for At-Large. Okay -
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Don’t forget that we have five RALOs. This is what I wanted to say the $500,000 are for all ICANN’s community. If you want we can leave that item to follow it on the list on the mailing list and on the next conference call. This is for IGF 2013 - no 2012 Africa. It's going to be held - Yaovi?
Fatimata Seye Sylla: If we can't find funding from where - asking for funding for the IGF for two IGF for the same year is difficult, I don’t know.
Unknown: Well I advise you not to do it.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I don’t know if we have some possibilities with ICANN to have two fundings. There is one funding that was rejected for ICANN meeting on IGF level, so it's going to be a problem.
Michel Tchonang: Can I speak?
Michel Tchonang: For the IGF for all the regions, for the workshop, for all the regions for the IGF the question you mentioned, I agree with you and have [inaudible 00:37:13] about this with AFRALO. And we wanted to do a common workshop - if our workshops are accepted, then we see how we organize ourselves, okay?
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Thank you Michel.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Thank you Fatimata. I wanted to highlight something; IGF is the first time in Africa when I think it's going to be important for the future. I agree with Fatimata. If every single time - if everything is okay this won't take place in July. And there will be some consultation days before.
Interpreter: The communication is very bad, I am sorry.
Interpreter: I don’t know what, I can't hear her.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: But I think the consensus must be to highlight the work we made with Tijani. The report we are going to make to the Board regarding those tasks and I don’t know if SOPA and PIPA are important things for us in ICANN.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Proposal? Now I am asking all the participants we can't take all the items and we take one or two items and try to reflect on working group to prepare a statement project.
Michel Tchonang: I like to suggest an action after you’ve commented on a subject that is very interesting. The migration from IPV4 to IPV6 is very important for Africa. And there are a lot of concerns about that. The provisions about that involve everybody in a lot of countries, so this can interest all the countries. And I think we have to work on that if we can't chose that subject we are going to speak about a problem for a lot of people. We can speak about the information or knowledge. I think it's important for all of us, thank you very much.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Thank you Michel.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I have a question regarding the spread of African theme. I would like to know what we can do to better work on the spread of African continents about African continents. I think it's an important subject. All of our joint meetings, AFRALO joint meetings in ICANN and with a statement for that to be done. In that case, I would like you to tell me what we have to do to favor the spread of the importance of African continents.
Michel Tchonang: Tijani I think that we can't have a subject like [inaudible 00:47:02] without something already existing. We need to know what we have, what already exists and then we will build on that.
Interpreter: I can't hear. [Inaudible 00:47:49].
Aziz Hilali: Can I have the floor? Hello.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Yes we can hear you. I'm sorry Aziz it was just a lot, yes we can hear you and Yaovi you can have the floor as well. Yes Aziz go on.
Aziz Hilali: Okay I would like to discuss on the sense of what Tijani was saying about the AfrICANN AFRALO meeting in Dakar. And up to now those meetings have to do with statements and these meetings are a representation of African voices through AfrICANN and AFRALO. These statements do not address the ICANN itself but Africa rather. I think we should limit ourselves to the first idea which was the fact that these meetings had conclusions and recommendations or statements within the community, particularly for the ICANN.
The problems or rather slogans and they have a wish and if we issue a statement I don’t think it's something we should go on working on. What I think is that new gTLDs will be good and we just got a message on the chat from Yaovi and he says he proposes to support the new gTLDs, rather than [inaudible 00:51:02] beneath all these and I got [inaudible 00:51:11] of the new gTLDs, we have to go on working in AfrICANN to ask ICANN to support the JAS recommendations, particularly regarding [inaudible 00:51:32] new gTLD because they address the community, the continent and the ICANN. That’s what I wanted to say.
Interpreter: I'm sorry I can't - too much echo on the line and I can't -
Yaovi Atohoun: If we can work within our deadline then I think it would be good to do it. Otherwise at this time I don’t think we are able to do this. The new gTLD are a project I've been working on for two years already. And we are going to work particularly on this.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Okay so Yaovi you can go on.
Gisella Gruber: We cannot hear you. It's possible. No Yaovi we cannot hear you, please write down what you want to say. Yaovi we are going to mute your line because we cannot hear you at all.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Yes Michel?
Michel Tchonang: Okay moving on -
Gisella Gruber: Excuse me Michel this is Gisella, you have to speak louder because the interpreters cannot hear you.
Interpreter: And slower too please? Okay louder.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Okay thank you Michel. Do we have any other suggestions? Yes Yaovi has proposed to address new gTLDs and SOPA/PIPA. Yes he wrote this down in the chat. I think most of us agree on new gTLDs and the contents we should address during the workshop and I propose the same as [inaudible 00:57:13]. Where is says new gTLDs SOPA/PIPA we have agreed on new gTLDs. And Tijani I think has not issued any comment on this respect so with all this said on the new gTLDs, I think Aziz said yes on new gTLDs as well. So we are going to work on new gTLDs then with regards to support in developing countries as we discussed in Dakar. Agreed? Okay Tijani?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Yes we are going to hold a meeting on new gTLDs and I think this will be a way to support the ICANN and to implement these new programs because we've already set up a committee, an implementation committee. And during the next round we have a decrease in cost and we have $47,000 in order to implement the new gTLDs, because we have nothing but $2 million in the region. And so we have too all the work that has been done by the committee we will have to do with these funds.
With regards to how to implement the new gTLDs, we have a small number - it's a small group of people working on this. And so during our next meeting I would like to go over our working program and our implementation program as well. In order to check that with what we've all agreed on in Cameroon. I would also like to discuss the implementation on new gTLDs because we will have to determine which applicants will be able to present their candidacy’s coming from developing countries by 14 February.
Unknown: The last time we issued a statement I don’t know you remember Tijani and I was told that this statement coming from AFRALO and from two RALOs and to ALAC has been well received. I agree with what you're saying. I think that what we've all agreed on -
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Yes well the last time we wanted to force a working group and the report was not ready. We wanted to adopt African concerns and we want to include them in our report. That’s why it was taking us longer. And the working group has been addressing these issues so that we can implement it. [Inaudible 01:01:57] idea, when we met in Dakar we were preparing it. Is it still the same? I wanted to try to get this by the next ICANN meeting. The African government was working on this and I think they supported us. And you were working on African domains and you’ve been working on it for a long time and you were writing a report.
It was changed is that when we met in Nairobi we did not know ICANN reacted regarding the group’s actions. And it only regarded new gTLDs and now we know how they feel about this. And now we only have $30,000. So I think that the recovery - I think the cost recovery would work on all gTLD applicants. The cost of development was not one we had foreseen. And so we wanted to prove that by even decreasing the cost of recovery we would still have the same issues. Okay so we still have some things to work on for the -
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Yes there is no problem in doing this except for the fact that it's not that easy to get to the meeting having this report ready. We have to work on these issues and the dissemination of contents in order to be ready by the time we get there. In fact, I think it shouldn’t be AFRALO only who is working on this. Because it's a joint meeting of AFRALO and AfrICANN it will work because there are members who don’t come from AFRALO and we’re all working towards the same end. I don’t know how you feel about this. But they will ask for what they want.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Were you in the group?
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Yes I was a part of the group.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: You know Tijani I'm trying to avoid getting to the point where we've written a report and even though you're very kind you're also attacking somewhat the subject or you feel it easily attacked as well. At least for now try to check the list and see which subject we are going to address.
Hadja Ouattara: I propose that we work with Tijani on the contents. I propose myself to work with Tijani, I volunteer. Can you hear me?
Unknown: So Michel wants to work with him. [Inaudible 01:08:40].
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Okay so Tijani does not want to work on this so Hadja will work with someone else.
Unknown: No, Tijani did not say he did not want to work on this. But that he couldn’t -
Unknown: Well we can all work on this subject.
Aziz Hilali: Let me finish. Before the conference or debate or discussion, it's not a conference where someone comes and presents a subject. It's a discussion among the AfrICANN community in order to see which recommendations we have and which statement each of us wants to make in order to address it to the parties for the AfrICANN community to know what they decided within these discussions and retransmit it to governments and ICANN as well.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Okay we will have to move on. I suggest - we have two subjects right now. We have new gTLDs and what we would want is support from the JAS and we've already discussed this matter. And then on the other hand -
Interpreter: Fatimata we cannot hear you.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I want to change this. To make an entry of what we have up to now and then meet and see what we get to at AFRALO’s meeting. One of these two subjects should be addressed [inaudible 01:11:31] content. We need to work on it further. I think we should come to them and tell them to [inaudible 01:11:42], so according to people’s reactions we will decide what items we will include on the list and see who wants to work on those items. It’s also a way to commit more people to work on this right? I expected to get to choose these items today as well as deciding who wants to work on these subjects.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: But may I remind you that last time Tijani we had volunteers and in the end no one did anything. Yes Yaovi? How do you know he wants the floor?
Unknown: Because he has raised his hand on Adobe Connect.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I see him. Okay yes Yaovi can you hear us?
Unknown: Yes he says he can hear us but he cannot speak.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Well let him type. What do you want to say on the chat?
Gisella Gruber: Yaovi is not muted. We should be able to hear him. Yaovi we cannot hear you.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: I think we should ground this call and end in a minute now. Yaovi we cannot hear you, I'm sorry. Okay we cannot hear Yaovi we are going to have to finish without him. Tijani I think you can take care of this and lead and get to work on contents. Okay then we will do this updating of the item and say that AFRALO conference call had two main subjects and we are going to establish a deadline by which people should have voted on one of these two subjects.
Michel Tchonang: Okay can I interrupt you? Aziz says that he realized - okay - so I will [inaudible 01:18:23] this question to know whether or not we want [inaudible 01:18:26] have a chance to vote and to participate in general terms and that regards language.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Does anyone else have anything else to say about Item 6? Okay then we have miscellaneous and any other business as Item 7 on the agenda. We have a joint meeting with AFRALO and AfrICANN. It is not finished. The subject is not finished we know that [inaudible 01:19:55] but we have a program for 90 minutes only. I can't tell you why. In Dakar we had one hour and a half. Because the agenda was not updated, okay so as I have seen that on the ICANN page of Costa Rica so I wanted to mention it. Are there other items you want to comment on?
Okay it's 8 o’clock so I thank everybody and I - yes there is an item in any other business - the next AFRALO meeting. The next AFRALO meeting will be on day before the meeting, so personally I think if we were - we think it's necessary before going to Costa Rica but we didn’t want to organize an AFRALO meeting in Costa Rica but we need a meeting before for the joint meeting. The first Wednesday of March is Wednesday 7 of April, is speaking of April. Not [inaudible 01:22:07] here.
Okay sorry, 7 March another - I'm on the plane. Monday would be better then. Could be on Monday, do you want to do it on Monday, I think it's March 5. Okay if everybody is okay we can do on Monday 5 March.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: I'm - okay - 6:30 no I can't on Monday and I can't on Friday. But you can do it without me.
Interpreter: I don’t know who is speaking.
Unknown: No we can't do it without you.
Aziz Hilali: I can be with you until 6:30.
Tijani Ben Jemaa: Maybe it's very late for other continents. Can we put it forward a week [inaudible 01:23:44]. [Inaudible 01:23:45] a week -
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Okay February 29 - February 28th I'm sorry.
Unknown: It's okay.
Fatimata Seye Sylla: Everyone is okay for February 29th we agree on that date? I think it's the last item, so I thank you everybody for your participation in this meeting and I would like you all to help for the elections in Senegal because we are really afraid - thank you everybody. Thank you interpreters, bye-bye.
[End of Transcript]