Agenda for Outreach and Engagement

Agenda for Outreach and Engagement



TimeActivityPerson In-charge
Not KnownArrival of students from Rabat and registration 
0800Students from Marrakech can arrive at the venue and obtain their badges 
1030 - 1100Coffee Break 
1100Briefing of students 
1400Students briefing and breakout into the different meeting room 
 Attending of public forum 
 Setting off for AFRALO Showcase 


Based on the fact that the arrival time of the students is not certain, there is a likelihood that the students will miss the opening ceremony. Furthermore there will be meetings preceding the Showcase to immerse the students. 

On arrival the students will be briefed immediately after registering and obtaining the name badges. 



TimeActivityPerson in Charge
0800hrs - 1330hrsStudents attend ICANN Meeting in the morning 
 Brief on Next GenJanice Douma Lange
1345Setting off to UniversityAziz, Tijani, Daniel
1410Welcome Remarks and briefingUniversity
1700hrsStudent set off 


Based on the second day, the University visit will take place in the afternoon and have students addressed and a Q&A session to the panelists.