Action Items: 2020-07-23 CBWG WG Webinar Team Call

Action Items: 2020-07-23 CBWG WG Webinar Team Call

  • abdulkarim.oloyedeĀ to narrow down topics on the Experts List to those of upcoming webinar topics and report back on next call.Ā 
  • Heidi UllrichĀ to contact Justine re use of her photo for the webinar promotion. JC to approve the use of the photo taken in Montreal. (NOT approved)
  • Heidi UllrichĀ to send the draft agenda to JK HeM and JC on Thursday, 23 July.Ā 
  • hadia.elminiawiĀ and CBWG Webinars team to review the Best Practice document to approve it during the next call - postponed to 13 August 2020
  • hadia.elminiawiĀ and CBWG Webinars team to create a table that includes the Action Items to be completed before each CB Webinar based on the Best Practice document - IN PROGRESS
  • Heidi UllrichĀ to add titles and leads of next several Webinars to the CB Webinar Upcoming table.Ā 
  • Yesim SaglamĀ to schedule CBWG next call next Thursday, 30 July.Ā 
  • Heidi UllrichĀ to add topics of Follow up on Sub Pro Prep (agenda, mail card and promotional items); AK to present an update on the Experts List; and Review of Best Practice list.Ā