ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach 2015-08-03 AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement taking place on Monday, 3rd August 2015 at 18:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Alfredo Calderon:I'll be here waiting. Thanks!
Carlton Samuels:Hiya all. Thanks Terri
Alfredo Calderon:Hi, Carlton.
Maureen Hilyard:Good morning all
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Hello
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Here in Uganda it is evening
Daniel K. Nanghaka:probably I can say Good morning and Good Evening
Alfredo Calderon:Yes
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Yes I can here
Maureen Hilyard:@Dev Loud and clear
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Can I request for a dialout
Terri Agnew:@Daniel, I have sent you a private AC chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome Dave Kissoondoyal and Roosevelt King
Dave Kissoondoyal:Thanks and hi to all
Daniel K. Nanghaka:great
Maureen Hilyard:I would second Dev's nomination too
Roosevelt King:Thanks
Terri Agnew:Welcome Diego Alfonso Acosta Bastidas
Diego Acosta Bastidas:Saludos a todos desde Ecuador, gracias por esta oportunidad.
Seun that not an over-kill, could be just 2 people from a region ;-)
Terri Agnew:Welcome Nkem Nweke
Dave Kissoondoyal:Grateful to you if you could speak a bit loder please
Daniel K. Nanghaka:I think it is great to have 2 people per region
Maureen Hilyard:I would accept a co-chair role
Maureen Hilyard:on behalf of APRALO
Terri Agnew:Welcome Glenn McKnight and Juan Manuel Rojas
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Daniel K. Nanghaka:We need to have a wider extension to maximise to reachout in various regions
Terri Agnew:Review of RALO Outreach Strategies for FY16 - APRALO, NARALO ; next steps for AFRALO, EURALO, LACRALO:
Diego Acosta Bastidas:Por favor Staff: no he recibido su llamada al canal español en la l{inea inicada en su oportunidad ; agradezco su reiteraci{on para contar con la traducción, posiblemente encuentren dificultades porque las operadoras móviles de Ecuador están migrando a la plataforma 4G LTE. Fraternal saludo
Seun Ojedeji:@Daniel actually i was saying regional co-chairs may not be necessary. Nevertheless i guess event has passed that already
Glenn McKnight:My understanding that a RALO can choose less trips to enable travelers to staff longer ie 4 trips but extra days
Juan Manuel Rojas:Hi everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Hola/Hello
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Heidi Ullrich:RALO Strateies:
Glenn McKnight:NARALO has posted their strategy with the Chair and Secretary imput
Terri Agnew:APRALO:
Terri Agnew:Welcome Siranush Vardanyan
Terri Agnew:@Diego, Le envió una charla privada AC
siranush vardanyan:i am trying to join through wifi connection, but it is veryyy slow
Glenn McKnight:Should RALO trips be in their own region?
Terri Agnew:Procedure for RALOs to apply for funding for outreach trips:
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Heidi, I had forgotten about that special condition regarding the IGF
Glenn McKnight: So it's not a Cropp funded trip?
siranush vardanyan:thanks, Heidi. it is in our strategy as well
siranush vardanyan:it is not, Glenn. for two people it is not
Heidi Ullrich:FY16 Special Requests Implementation -
Carlton Samuels:Hi Robb
Glenn McKnight:Unclear to me. If it has special funding then it's not CROPP so APRALO could do another trip, Correct?
Seun Ojedeji:Are we suggesting to implement the strategy across the RALOs?
Carlton Samuels:@Seun: That is the only way to do it.
Terri Agnew:Welcome Mwendwa Kivuva
Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya:Thank you Terri
Seun Ojedeji:Okay @Carlton cool, i just wanted to understand why we are looking at the APRALO strategy
Seun Ojedeji:makes our work easier.... templates are good thing ;-)
Daniel K. Nanghaka:I think the APRALO strategy can be replicated through so I suggest we create a general strategy for all regions
Terri Agnew:Welcome Jacqueline Morris
Glenn McKnight:I assume the other RALOs can pic and choose the approach done already by NARALO and APRALO
Jacqueline:HI everyone - sorry I'm late
Carlton Samuels:I think we cannot begin to pilot a decent program without a media strategy as part of that. Radio cannot be eliminated from this
Glenn McKnight:@Carelton we did radio interviews at NTEN.
Carlton Samuels:At least, IMHO, for APRALO, LACRALO and AFRALO
Glenn McKnight:NTEN is a very large Non Profit Technology conference
Jacqueline:I agree with Carlton - traditional media needs to be included, not just social media
Carlton Samuels:@Glenn: Yes, saw the report on the NARALO list. Good going, that!
Glenn McKnight:Most conferences have Social Media/Journalists who are posting Hashtags and they need to be approached
Glenn McKnight:We did this at IGF USA , Not a CROPP trip recently a few weeks ago. Lots of Tweets
Maureen Hilyard:Don't forget Asia Pacific covers from India to Japan to the NZ and Aust and the Pacific - a radio interview may reach out to a particular section of our region
Maureen Hilyard:So that perhaps a template is required for the strategic plans so that they cover what is required?
Carlton Samuels:@Maureen: Don't mean radio is exclusive, just that it cannot be left off. I should think that would even be more effective for PacIslands.
Alfredo Calderon:@Glen, Puerto Rico's Department of Education will sponsor with UNESCO a Global Virtual Educa meeting in the Island. Expected close to 7,000 participants from all over the World. COuld this be added as a NARALO possible activity - Trip.
Glenn McKnight:Nkem?
Terri Agnew:@Nkem, your jic isn't active, we are unable to hear you. Please let me know if you need assistance with mic.
Alfredo Calderon:@Glen, this will take place June, 2016
Glenn McKnight:@alfredo we need to chat about the PR event. It would be logical that the two ALS's in PR could handle this event.
Maureen Hilyard:@Carlton, less effective - we can get radio connection within our own national boundaries but not beyond. Very limited
Terri Agnew:@Nkem, I sent you a private AC chat.
Alfredo Calderon:@Glen, I'll talk to Eduardo about this. See how we can get HETS involved as an ALS.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Nkem, can you type your comment and question
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:sorry your comment and/or question
Alfredo Calderon:@Robb, even the increase in membershio of existing ALA's should be a goal for all.
Terri Agnew:Welcome Jason Hynds
Alfredo Calderon:Oppss ALS's.
Seun Ojedeji:I think some of our strategies may also require engaging some of the other working groups like the Social media working group for instance
Jacqueline:Maureen, possible to create a network of media throughout the region or sub regions and use the media in each individual territory?
Alfredo Calderon:Hello, Jason.
Daniel K. Nanghaka:@Seun you are right because Social media plays a great role in reaching out
Maureen Hilyard:@ Jacqueline - definitely, some media approaches would be better than others, we are also looking at about 500 different languages within the Pacific region
Seun Ojedeji:@Jacqueline by media i presume you refer to those that run on the internet as i think anything beyond that can be expensive
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Challenge is that even University Students do not have adequate knowledge about ICANN and its activities, I think it is great to do extensive reachout and engage the university
Jacqueline:Is that the only metric? ALSes signed up?
Jacqueline:No, Seun, I mean PR (free) in traditional media as well as social media
Glenn McKnight:@ Alan metrics is the elephant in the room
Alfredo Calderon:No
Jacqueline:No objection
Dave Kissoondoyal:i do support as well
Alan Greenberg:@Glenn, metrics ARE important, but we need to think carefully about what we are measuring.
Terri Agnew:NARALO:
Carlton Samuels:No objection to APRALO
siranush vardanyan:woho. thanks from APRALO TEAM
Jason Hynds:Hi all, sorry for the delayed greet. Thanks for the welcome Terri. ;-)
siranush vardanyan:our team also acknowledge all the comments provided, which we will consider durong the course of implementation of this strategy. Thanks agaij everyone
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Nkem Nweke, we have moved on in the agenda, but do post your comments in the AC room or on the mailing list
Alfredo Calderon:@Glen, here are some details -
Glenn McKnight:@alfredo Let chat about the event. sorry when is the event?
Terri Agnew:At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program Review Team (CROPP RT):
Alfredo Calderon:Yes
Carlton Samuels:Yes
Alfredo Calderon:@Glen, Virtual Educa will be 20 - 24 June, 2016. Using the same facilities for ICANN#57.
Alan Greenberg:TODAY is not necessarily a requirement. SOON is.
Terri Agnew:Proposed immediate work items/objectives for remainder of 2015:
Glenn McKnight:@Alfredo I wonder if this is in the next fiscal period?
Heidi Ullrich:Should that be an AI, Dev?
Glenn McKnight:@ all NARALO scheduled call next monday has the request for community endorsement of the NARALO strategy Item 3
Seun Ojedeji:I think how to get some ALes to attend their fellow ALes local events could also be something to look into
Seun Ojedeji:That way, ALSes will be strengthened at National level
Seun Ojedeji:ALes = ALSes
Alfredo Calderon:@Glen, please clarify what "ICANN Fiscal Year".is?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:FY16 - is from now to end of June 2016
Terri Agnew:At-Large New ICANN Meetings Strategy Workspace:
Heidi Ullrich:AT-Large WG on New Meeting Strategy:
Alfredo Calderon:@Glen, @Dev Thus the Virtual Educa June 2016 event is for this FY16.
Heidi Ullrich:Planned A, B, C meetings link:
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large Strawman:
Maureen Hilyard:Of course I am on both and can liaise
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes we can
Heidi Ullrich:Ebook proposal -
Carlton Samuels:@e-book. Do we think we would make them read some more? We already have a website that is mobile friendly, no?
Glenn McKnight:No exactly the same
Glenn McKnight:Ebook format is better confiiguration and off line
Glenn McKnight:Heidi posted the brief
Maureen Hilyard:RALOs can go through your list with our members and get back to you
Alfredo Calderon:@Carlton, in fact the possibility to link to multmedia resources to enhance the e-Book strategy could be an additional outcome.
Glenn McKnight:Also a voice reader
Carlton Samuels:@Glenn @Alfredo. Hmmm, maybe.
Alfredo Calderon:YES!
Glenn McKnight:@Carelton not a magic bullet
Glenn McKnight:Just another tool
Carlton Samuels:@Glenn: That positions the expectations for outcome. Good
Maureen Hilyard:Doodle?
Jacqueline:In advance, I doubt I can make a meeting next week.
Seun Ojedeji:none from my end
Seun Ojedeji:thanks for the call
Seun Ojedeji:bye for now
Carlton Samuels:The challenge is to get those who don't engage to engage...with sense. it means knowledge of....meaning, access information. It is a constant challenge.
Maureen Hilyard:thanks Dev and everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All
Dave Kissoondoyal:thanks Dev and all
Dave Kissoondoyal:Bye
Glenn McKnight:bye
Alfredo Calderon:Hope to be in next meeting.
Jacqueline:thanks, bye
Carlton Samuels:Thaks Dev. Tahnsk all
Jason Hynds:bye
Alfredo Calderon:Thanks all!
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Thanks everyone
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Bye
Silvia Vivanco:Bye all
Roosevelt King:Bye
Juan Manuel Rojas:thanks bye all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone, including Staff, Rob and Janice and the interpreters